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Someone wants to get rid of David Miller badly!!

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
Mel ain't coming back, he actually does have a job, he is going back to Bad boy, the company he founded.

He was actually on CTV news today saying he can't believe what is going on in the city office and that most of the councellors, etc are all duds.

LOL it was kinda funny actually

GirlFriends Toronto

Established since 2002
Jan 24, 2003
North York
Sasha Jones said:
Mel ain't coming back, he actually does have a job, he is going back to Bad boy, the company he founded.

He was actually on CTV news today saying he can't believe what is going on in the city office and that most of the councellors, etc are all duds.

LOL it was kinda funny actually
all 5'5'' of him standing beside the reporter Lance Brown (I think).

as my grandma would say ... they looked like Mutt and Jeff (whoever they are I don't have a clue) all I know is one is tall the other is not so much.

And I agree it was funny especially him kissing babies and doggies and he doesn't even have to!!

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
We're doomed

I want to get rid of him real bad. But then he'd just be replaced by another municipal politician. You really can't win.

Municipal government is by far the most corrupt level of government and atracts the worst people.

On one side you have outright pawns of local business interests and professional public service skimmers.

On the other, you have delusinal lefties and political correctness maniacs who are put up by pressure groups.

Torontonians don't fight back - they leave town and go to the 905. Whats left of the normal people is too distracted by the pursuit of their yuppiness to get involved. They wake up on election day and are forced to choose from whatever is on the ballot.

Much of that recruiting and campaigning is left to a bunch of washed up Hippies and Luddites who still bunch their grey hair into ponytails and wear Navajo patterned overshirts. When they're not to busy smoking medical marijuana or lounging around cafes on Queen or College, they organize to oppose any rumor of progress or development and force their Utopian fantasies onto others.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Hard Idle said:
I want to get rid of him real bad. But then he'd just be replaced by another municipal politician. You really can't win.

Municipal government is by far the most corrupt level of government and atracts the worst people.

On one side you have outright pawns of local business interests and professional public service skimmers.

On the other, you have delusinal lefties and political correctness maniacs who are put up by pressure groups.

Torontonians don't fight back - they leave town and go to the 905. Whats left of the normal people is too distracted by the pursuit of their yuppiness to get involved. They wake up on election day and are forced to choose from whatever is on the ballot.

Much of that recruiting and campaigning is left to a bunch of washed up Hippies and Luddites who still bunch their grey hair into ponytails and wear Navajo patterned overshirts. When they're not to busy smoking medical marijuana or lounging around cafes on Queen or College, they organize to oppose any rumor of progress or development and force their Utopian fantasies onto others.
Oh brother.


Flies do doggy too
Sep 23, 2004
69 Hobby Road
LancsLad said:
The jewellry guy, Oliver that waves his arms around like a spazz, is that the one.
Add him to the list too................also add the guy from crazy joe warehouse drapery its going to take some time to find him but if we all work together we can get it done.........


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2001
Well if Miller isn't defeated in the next election, and he probably won't be, then Toronto is in deep shit. I say this as an outsider who USED to visit toronto regularly. Your city is in trouble in a bad way. Miller isn't doing a damn thing about the homeless problem, look to New York, you can get a handle on it, but not if you are some socialist who doesn't want to affend anyone. New York has a whole system set up where they actually know where the homeless are and keep track of them. Toronoto doesn't want to keep statistics, probably because then the public would see exactly how much money they are spending on the problem. Throwing more money at the situation won't help it one bit, as the problem in toronto is just getting worse. Then there is the garbage problem, Toronto used to be a clean city, now it is down right disgusting in the downtown core. Guess actually doing their job is too much for the union workers paid to clean up. But of course we can't out source jobs, can we socialists, that just might actually save the people of toronto some money on their taxes. The last point is the way city council treats the police. I really think this socialist majority council would rather take all the guns away from the police and let them do their job just trying to talk all the criminals out of committing crimes. Hopefully you can get a mayor that actually supports the police and lets them do their job. I used to come into Toronto 2-3 times per month, now i'm lucky to make it once every 3 or 4 months. And that will continue until you start to clean up your city, starting with city council. PS What the hell is so wrong with an airport downtown, you wouldn't actually want business travellers coming into your city now would you? Investment and money coming into the city is a bad thing isn't it socialists. Oh well enjoy your city, because you are the ones who will have to deal with all the problems, not me.:)

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Primetime21 said:
Well if Miller isn't defeated in the next election, and he probably won't be, then Toronto is in deep shit. I say this as an outsider who USED to visit toronto regularly. Your city is in trouble in a bad way. Miller isn't doing a damn thing about the homeless problem, look to New York, you can get a handle on it, but not if you are some socialist who doesn't want to affend anyone. New York has a whole system set up where they actually know where the homeless are and keep track of them. Toronoto doesn't want to keep statistics, probably because then the public would see exactly how much money they are spending on the problem. Throwing more money at the situation won't help it one bit, as the problem in toronto is just getting worse. Then there is the garbage problem, Toronto used to be a clean city, now it is down right disgusting in the downtown core. Guess actually doing their job is too much for the union workers paid to clean up. But of course we can't out source jobs, can we socialists, that just might actually save the people of toronto some money on their taxes. The last point is the way city council treats the police. I really think this socialist majority council would rather take all the guns away from the police and let them do their job just trying to talk all the criminals out of committing crimes. Hopefully you can get a mayor that actually supports the police and lets them do their job. I used to come into Toronto 2-3 times per month, now i'm lucky to make it once every 3 or 4 months. And that will continue until you start to clean up your city, starting with city council. PS What the hell is so wrong with an airport downtown, you wouldn't actually want business travellers coming into your city now would you? Investment and money coming into the city is a bad thing isn't it socialists. Oh well enjoy your city, because you are the ones who will have to deal with all the problems, not me.:)
1. The cops already have the second largest portion of the budget in the entire city of Toronto. It's 750 million dollars, an increase of 5% over last year. Twice that of inflation.

2. There are more cops in Toronto per capita than New York, or any other major North American city, including NY. They have also increased the size of the force by 200 in 2006.

It is arguable whether this will make one bit of difference in crime since cops typically don't prevent crime, they react to it.

3. What every police cheif has always failed to do is address corruption in the force.

4. Toronto is a sucessful city with a vibrant and alive inner city core. Real Estate values are some of the most expensive in the country and rising every year. What makes Toronto (and NYC) successful as a city is the fact that it has a thriving residential community within the inner city. You can turn off Yonge Street and you are into single family homes. That's unique.

An airport downtown is silly. There is no need for it whatsoever. Having an airport downtown does not make Toronto a better place for people to live. I would argue that it detracts from it in fact.

Pearson Airport is arguably one of the top 3 airports in the world. It's massive, it's brand new, it's under utilized, and it's 30 minutes from dowtown. You could close the Island Airport, raze it, turn the Island into a park, and everyone in the city would be better off for it.

5. If you don't like it, stay away.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
James: To use the statement that YYZ as arguably one of the top three airports in the world is to put it mildly F***ing Nuts. On what basis do you say that? LHR and Atlanta are mammoth and dwarf here in terms of volume. The new HK airport is amazing.
To say YYZ ranks is a nationalist pipedream.


Jan 18, 2004
james t kirk said:
1. The cops already have the second largest portion of the budget in the entire city of Toronto. It's 750 million dollars, an increase of 5% over last year. Twice that of inflation.

2. There are more cops in Toronto per capita than New York, or any other major North American city, including NY. They have also increased the size of the force by 200 in 2006.

It is arguable whether this will make one bit of difference in crime since cops typically don't prevent crime, they react to it..
Criminals have no reason to fear the cops, the justice system is just going to kick them loose anyway.

james t kirk said:
3. What every police chief has always failed to do is address corruption in the force.
Fantino tried starting with the police force and got cashiered for his efforts

james t kirk said:
4. Toronto is a sucessful city with a vibrant and alive inner city core. Real Estate values are some of the most expensive in the country and rising every year. What makes Toronto (and NYC) successful as a city is the fact that it has a thriving residential community within the inner city. You can turn off Yonge Street and you are into single family homes. That's unique.
Despite the fact the city is hostile to the business community. How many stores and businesses have been driven away?

james t kirk said:
An airport downtown is silly. There is no need for it whatsoever. Having an airport downtown does not make Toronto a better place for people to live. I would argue that it detracts from it in fact.
The Downtown airport is a god send to the corporate execs who need to commute to and from Toronto to do business but since Toronto is anti corporate I guess your right we don't need it. Let's replace it with a needle exchange. Oh wait I guess we will need that bridge after all so all so the street beggars have access to the public.

james t kirk said:
Pearson Airport is arguably one of the top 3 airports in the world. It's massive, it's brand new, it's under utilized, and it's 30 minutes from downtown. You could close the Island Airport, raze it, turn the Island into a park, and everyone in the city would be better off for it.
I thought they were doing feasibility studies for an east end airport because Pearson was maxed out on the flight schedule?

james t kirk said:
5. If you don't like it, stay away.
Bye, Bye Tourist industry


New member
Jan 19, 2004
You really don't want to know
james t kirk said:
Pearson Airport is arguably one of the top 3 airports in the world. It's massive, it's brand new, it's under utilized, and it's 30 minutes from dowtown.
I challenege you to make it to Pearson Airport in 30 minutes from the downtown core in the afternoon.


New member
Sep 13, 2004
masterchief said:
I challenege you to make it to Pearson Airport in 30 minutes from the downtown core in the afternoon.
Good luck getting there in 30 mins at any point between 6am and 7pm.

Driving the speed limit, obeying no-turn signs, and not running lights.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Lochlan651 said:
Good luck getting there in 30 mins at any point between 6am and 7pm.

Driving the speed limit, obeying no-turn signs, and not running lights.
masterchief said:
I challenege you to make it to Pearson Airport in 30 minutes from the downtown core in the afternoon.
I guess you guys have never seen those limousine taxi's drive???!!! :eek:


Jan 31, 2005
burlboy said:
The Downtown airport is a god send to the corporate execs who need to commute to and from Toronto to do business but since Toronto is anti corporate I guess your right we don't need it. Let's replace it with a needle exchange.
The island airport is fundamentally pointless. What would be *much* better is a fast rail link to pearson, leaving from Union station (not across the water), and delivering to the major terminals a few minutes later. That would serve business travellers from *anywhere*.

The island airport, due to runway length limitations (the island just isn't big enough) can only server short haul flights, and therefore, only execs from New York or Montreal, not from Los Angleles or Vancouver.


New member
Sep 13, 2004
fuji said:
The island airport is fundamentally pointless. What would be *much* better is a fast rail link to pearson, leaving from Union station (not across the water), and delivering to the major terminals a few minutes later. That would serve business travellers from *anywhere*.

The island airport, due to runway length limitations (the island just isn't big enough) can only server short haul flights, and therefore, only execs from New York or Montreal, not from Los Angleles or Vancouver.
This was one of Comrade Miller's arguments in 2003.

Great idea.

Its been 18 months since he was elected........where is the movement toward a fast rail line?


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Lochlan651 said:
This was one of Comrade Miller's arguments in 2003.

Great idea.

Its been 18 months since he was elected........where is the movement toward a fast rail line?

The lefties would rather waste over $200Million each year on the "homeless" that always makes them feel better.


Oct 14, 2003
fuji said:
The island airport, due to runway length limitations (the island just isn't big enough) can only server short haul flights, and therefore, only execs from New York or Montreal, not from Los Angleles or Vancouver.
That is exactly what the Island airport was intended for, short haul not long haul traffic. The biggest saving and therefore reduced ticket costs would be the landing fees compared between the two airports.


james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
There is absolutely NO need for the Island airport.

You guys make me laugh with your "business executive" talk, like they are some sort of god that must be catered to. That's that 1950s suburban mentality planning talking again. "We are going to build expressways to whisk commuters from their homes in the suburbs to the downtown core to work, then home again by 5:30 for dinner with Muffy and the kids"

That kind of thinking all but destroyed just about every American inner city.

Does NYC have an airport downtown? No. And I don't hear any worries about it sliding into the quick sand because it takes the "business excecutive" time to get to the airport.

Does Chicago, LA, or any other major North American city have a downtown airport - Not that I can think of.

Sorry, you can hop on the Gardiner like the rest of us schmoes.

It would be interesting to do a comparison between hopping in a cab at King and Bay and seeing how long it takes to get to the Island Airport verses how long it takes to get to Pearson.

I bet you there is not 20 minutes difference.

Whatever the difference, it is irrelevant. Cities are not about having Island airports. The Island airport is a relic from another age, with no reason to exist whatsoever. Raze it, build a park for everyone to enjoy and the city will be better off for it.

As far as getting to the airport, I would personally like to see a subway. Which would be slower than a dedicated train I admit, but would serve the greater good. I doubt that will happen with the current mind set in Provincial / Federal politics. Toronto is just the cash cow to finance the rest of the country's operations.

Blue 22 was proposed to run from Union Station along the TTR corridor on the Union Station Rail corridor, then taking the CNR Weston subdivision through Parkdale (crossings at Dufferin Street, Brock Avenue, Lansdowne, Dundas, and on up to the airport. It's quite feasible since the railway corridors already exist and the existing grade separations were actually built to accomodate rail expansion and in some cases such as the Lansdowne Avenue Subway north of Dundas, there were elements of the existing superstructure that were removed due to them no longer being utilized. (Though CNR would want to paid handsomely to use their corridor you can bet. This despite the fact that the land was GIVEN to them when they were the Grand Trunk Railway, and later a crown corporation.

As far as I am aware, Peter Kiewit Construction was involved in the proposal and it is still on the books, however, I am not aware as to its current status.

The proposal called for design, build, finance, operate, however, this is usually a pipe dream put forth by local politicians, similar to when CHIC was awarded the construction of the original 407 contract. Originally that too was supposed to be design, build, finance, operate, however, for some reason, the "finance" part got left out of the contract and it ended up that the province paid for it (of course) and eventually it turned into design, build, sue. Eventually the Harris tories sold the entire thing off to the SLF joint venture between SNC Lavalin and Ferrovival of Spain (the current owners)

So, I maintain, there is no need for any island airport.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
LancsLad said:
The lefties would rather waste over $200Million each year on the "homeless" that always makes them feel better.
Maybe you could back that up with a link.

As far as the homeless go, I am all for putting them on a bus to Calgary. They have lots of dough out there I hear.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
james t kirk said:
Maybe you could back that up with a link.

As far as the homeless go, I am all for putting them on a bus to Calgary. They have lots of dough out there I hear.

For links you need to talk to Scroll who is aka TOV. The $200M plus number is a well known figure that is bandied about in the media . If they admit to $200M you can bet its more.

PS Calgary wouldn't take them. I propose that to save us all money let the F***ing bleeding hearts adopt them and live in their homes.
Toronto Escorts