Toronto Escorts

Someone wants to get rid of David Miller badly!!

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
burlboy said:
Criminals have no reason to fear the cops, the justice system is just going to kick them loose anyway.
I agree 100%.

The problem with our legal system isn't the cops, or lack thereof, it's the bleeding heart mentality of the justice system.

Hang em high I say. Do a crime with a gun, or a knife, automatic 20 year sentence, and I mean 20 years, not probation in 12. 20.

We'll need to build a few jails (preferably in the Arctic), but who cares.

Example, the asshole who was involved with shooting Jane C. on Boxing day. He was out on parole after serving 30 days for robbing a convience store. 30 DAYS. If that was the states, he would have got 30 years.

burlboy said:
Fantino tried starting with the police force and got cashiered for his efforts
No, he got put out for a number of reasons. One was that he was using the media all the time to further his own agenda, two, the cops were (and still are) out of control and he was unable to do anything about it.

burlboy said:
Despite the fact the city is hostile to the business community. How many stores and businesses have been driven away?
How is Toronto hostile to business?

Not too many have been driven away as far as I am aware.

You can walk down Queen Street, King Street, Bloor Street, Yonge Street, whatever street you want and you won't see any boarded up shops. Compare that to Hamilton, or Buffalo, or Detroit, where they subscribed to that 1950's planning mentality.

There is a construction boom right now in the city and has been for 10 years. They can't build the condos fast enough - 29 more ugly boxes planned for the railway lands by Skydome. There are several new hotels on the horizon (Trump, the new Fairmont at Bremner and Simcoe Streets), there are even several new office towers going to be built. There's the new opera house, the Art Gallery expansion, and the cancer like expansion to the ROM. Ryerson and U of T are expanding like weeds. St. Claire Avenue is being reconstructed for a dedicated Street Car line, Simcoe Street is being reopened under the tracks at Union Station to allow for above said hotel.

I must have missed everyone leaving in droves.

burlboy said:
The Downtown airport is a god send to the corporate execs who need to commute to and from Toronto to do business but since Toronto is anti corporate I guess your right we don't need it. Let's replace it with a needle exchange. Oh wait I guess we will need that bridge after all so all so the street beggars have access to the public.
See previous post as to usefulness of the Island airport.

burlboy said:
I thought they were doing feasibility studies for an east end airport because Pearson was maxed out on the flight schedule?
That's been around since the 50's.

There is still lots of capacity at Pearson. (They could probably use another runway though - and there is room for that too.)

burlboy said:
Bye, Bye Tourist industry
The higher dollar will do more to kill the tourist industry than anything.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
LancsLad said:
For links you need to talk to Scroll who is aka TOV. The $200M plus number is a well known figure that is bandied about in the media . If they admit to $200M you can bet its more.

PS Calgary wouldn't take them. I propose that to save us all money let the F***ing bleeding hearts adopt them and live in their homes.
So post a link then.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
james t kirk said:
So post a link then.

I don't do links, please refer to a thread I started awhile back on the growing problem of the looming worldwide link shortage. If everyone indescriminately uses links with the cavalier abandom of TOV , scroll and the others there will soon be none left. This is a very sexy and attractive activist band wagon to jump on. Already have Sir Paul and Bono invoilved. Al Gore is worried that the internet he singlehandedly created could freeze up, even though we have global warming. Liberals can be so conflicted. I'm sure you can see the problem, so please conserve links by limiting their use , but if you must use one please make sure it has at least a 75% post consumer recycle content.


New member
Sep 10, 2003
Whereever I am now


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2001
james t kirk said:
The higher dollar will do more to kill the tourist industry than anything.
While the higher dollar won't help, the perception,whether real or not, that Toronto has a gun/crime problem, homeless problem, and isn't a very clean city anymore, will have a more dramatic effect on tourism. It has for me. I really don't care to be accosted be so-called homeless people begging for money, or see them sleeping on the grates downtown, or in the parks during the summer. The amount of garbage on the streets in the club district, the entertainment district, and just everywhere in general has increased over the last 5 years. Tourists will overpay to come to somewhere that is safe and clean, like the Toronto of the late 80's to the mid 90's. Perception is everything in the tourist industry, and if the US and Europe perceive the quality of Toronto to be declining they will stay away. How the people of Toronto can keep voting in an NDP majority city council is beyond me. You missed out on not electing John Tory the last election, at least the province wont make that same mistake in 2007. Until the city council actually tries to do something about the homeless and garbage problems, you will have less people coming to your city.


Jan 18, 2004
LancsLad said:
The lefties would rather waste over $200Million each year on the "homeless" that always makes them feel better.
The 24 Hours Newspaper reports that Toronto is getting buses for the homeless. It's a 300 million dollar program that delivers Food, Clothing, Hygiene products, vitamins & medical checks to the homeless. How long is society going to play the enabler?


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
burlboy said:
The 24 Hours Newspaper reports that Toronto is getting buses for the homeless. It's a 300 million dollar program that delivers Food, Clothing, Hygiene products, vitamins & medical checks to the homeless. How long is society going to play the enabler?

Its called Sanction of the Victim.. It is our fault , only the voters can stop the stupidity by electing people with the will to end it.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
burlboy said:
The Toronto Disaster Relief Committee is calling on Jane Pitfield to resign as Co-chair of the Homeless Advisory Committe for backing motions for stricter enforcement against panhandling and people sleeping in public.

Looks like the special interest wagons are starting to circle.

All the more reason to support her. You know someone is on the right track when the lefties start to get their panties in a knot.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Neverenuff$ said:
okay I googled Toronto Homeless and Million....

now its Sue ann levy .. but the Homeless Industry has amased 220 mil in tax payers dollars .

the 200 - 250 number isn't new .. Heck I think Miller was bragging about it a while back

Well, my position is that all homeless people should be jailed.

Or sent to Calgary.


I hate bums mooching money. You can't walk 20' along any street without being harassed by one bum or another. Exit from the Gardiner and there is an army waiting at the bottom of the ramp.

I have no time or tolerance for mooches. We need a city council that wants to end homelessness and mooching for good.

We need to take a lesson from NYC where they have cracked down on bums, panhandlers, graffitti vandals, street scum of all varieties.

The other solution is also quite clear. No-one should EVER give a bum so much as a dime. If there is no money in it, they will move on.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
burlboy said:
The 24 Hours Newspaper reports that Toronto is getting buses for the homeless. It's a 300 million dollar program that delivers Food, Clothing, Hygiene products, vitamins & medical checks to the homeless. How long is society going to play the enabler?
I read your link dude, that's 300 THOUSAND, not 300 million.

Big difference.

But we can live without that program also.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts