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  1. R

    Any currency traders here?

    We will be at par and beyond, before the end of the year, IMHO. Not good for Cdn. exporters... :cool:
  2. R

    Mayor Miller - wage freeze

    David "time-bomb" Miller is good at SPIN but... I have no problem paying people for an honest days work, especially when you compare them to Bay St. iBankers who repackage companies for a living... My issue with many City employees is their lack of results for these good wages, that is why we...
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    Dioguardi & Co.

    They are very expensive, but if your matter is ugly or illegal in any way, you will need client solicitor privilege, which they provide. If you want another tax lawyer, I have a few guys, send me what you are looking for... If you have a plain vanilla matter, you can go to any good C.A., but...
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    Happy Birthday Steph @ Vixens

    Happy B'day to u! ;)
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    Angelina Jolie goes bare-assed in new film (photo)

    This is an interesting view, thanks for the post! It is great how she is not afraid to push the acting envelope... :cool:
  6. R

    Is this the Obama Recession as well?

    Japan has a very different economy than USA. Obama, as President Elect, he has many tools and opportunities to fix this mess, but Canada better keep up, otherwise we will suffer greatly.
  7. R

    Japan is in recession , officially

    their debt is limiting them and printing money has issues the worst is yet to come, I say...4000 Nikkei, what is your best guess on low it will go in the next 12-24 months. :cool:
  8. R

    Jewish 'Modesty Patrols' Sow Fear in Israel

    They should focus on domestic poverty, first and foremost: Population below poverty line: 21.6% note: Israel's poverty line is $7.30 per person per day (2005) :eek:
  9. R

    When Is A Good Time To Buy - Best Guess??

    Ditto! Cash is King in this market, I expect to see many stock to go to zero... The VIX ( ) is at a record levels these days, which is not good for the general market.
  10. R

    Car opionion - to buy

    vw passat cc. If it is available with their new clean diesel tech, get that. Even BMW is coming out with a three series with diesel in Canada this winter...
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    What is your biggest fear?

    ditto and health problems as I age...
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    UK Govt to ban free bar drinks for women

    Thanks for the post, very interesting! :cool: We can thank Mike and Ernie for protecting us here, back in 2003: Changes to Ontario Liquor License Act now in effect ... Licensees are prohibited from offering free drinks. This...
  13. R

    wtf with the markets

    we are due for a Depression, if you look at trading patterns for the last 500 years.. You are quite right, most companies/ people will go bankrupt in the USA, as they will not be able to raise $$$, have less customers/ work, etc. Here is a graphic example of how bad it is globally if these...
  14. R

    GM falls to 1950 levels

    Exactly, why buy stocks of companies that are not managed well and executives that are overpaid like kings compared to their workers. Time to buy companies that pay proper compensation to all, pay dividends and are well managed, etc. Any suggestions? For example, I wonder if Magna is going...
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    wtf with the markets

    Thanks for the chart. Is anyone else here able to read/ use charts? Looks like a classic double top now, which means short the market to make $$$ and hedge long positions to protect capital gains, anyone else who actually understands technical analysis well, I would love if you jumped in with...
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    GM falls to 1950 levels

    Why don't the respective unions buy these companies, with backing from the US Gov't? They are at bargain valuations are they not? They have a duty to their members to ensure pension obligation are met, yes? Did that arrangement work for US Airlines when they have been in trouble, if not why...
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    GM falls to 1950 levels

    the story gets more... Breaking News Alert The New York Times Friday, October 10, 2008 -- 10:06 PM ET ----- G.M. and Chrysler Explore Merger General Motors is in preliminary talks about a possible merger with Chrysler, a deal that could drastically remake the landscape of the auto industry by...
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    Canada has the world's soundest banking system

    Bank of Canada, will have injected a whopping $45 billion i If our banking system is is so sound, compared to others, why did the Feds, buy $25 B in mortgage debt, what is the real reason, I read the spin below: OTTAWA–The federal government is...
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    TSX - Is this insanity a buy opportunity - or just the start of a huge fall

    "Mr. Gray recommends investing in larger producers such as Kinross and Yamana" I agree, this article speaks to some of the concerns, opportunities, etc., in that sector...
  20. R

    Where are good places to find Sales and Bus. Dev jobs?

    Great advice, many thanks! :)
Toronto Escorts