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  1. D

    How do you know when a good stock will stop going up and decline in price?

    If I want to know when to sell a stock, I just post a question on an escort & massage review site. I also seek relationship advice there. What could go wrong?
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    Shipping container crisis could spark another toilet paper shortage

    Toilet paper shortages are caused by one and only one thing - the paranoid fear of toilet paper shortages. If enough people start to "stockpile" again, there will again be a short term shortage. If we all just buy what we need, life will be fine.
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    Bigfoot Season

    Now you are denying it was Elvis. I was 100 meters away, and I only have blurry film, but it sure looked like Elvis to me. I'm going back to check for footprints.
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    Bigfoot Season

    I think the lack of non-comical evidence of Bigfoot does in effect prove it does not exist. There are of course endless philosophical discussions about can / cannot prove a negative. I can't prove you didn't see Elvis handing out flat earth brochures at Canadian Tire last week. Alas...
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    Meeting Someone at 50 Years Old. Different Than 25

    This is a great site to get escort and massage reviews. This is a really dumb place to get life advice.
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    Gina Carano fired after social media posts

    Freedom of speech doesn't mean spouting dumb things doesn't have consequences. Gina is a marginal actress employed in the entertainment business. If her spouting off dumb (and given the horrific historical ignorance of her comments) and hateful things causes problems for the entertainment...
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    Burke hired

    God told me that Sydney Crosby says I'm the only non-arrogant non-stupid poster.
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    Burke hired

    Man, this is a cranky thread. It clearly needs my informed and infallible opinion tossed in. Moving is a PITA. Sydney doesn't have to move, and he likes where he lives.
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    Only 22% of Russians believe Navalny poisoned by state

    Perhaps Notty also thinks Trump won by a landslide on the flat earth.
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    Climate Czar Kerry Wants Ex-Keystone Workers To Make Solar Panels. That Will Require Importing Less China Solar Panels.

    History is a guide to policy outcomes:
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    Boobies: What is so great about them?

    The sun comes up every morning. What's so great about it? Could this thread be any dumber?
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    Social Media Censorship

    For too long Facebook and Twitter (unlike other publishers) allowed the posting of absolute vile falsehoods. They attracted flat earthers, racists and anti-science nutcases. Now (under legitimate pressure) they have begun to restrict the ability to publish nonsense. This isn't about ideas...
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    Pay it forward nonsense?

    Read your own post: I read about a guy going through the McDonald's drive through, his order was coffee and muffin paid for previously Key words: Paid for previously. We all have real problems from time to time. This just isn't one of them.
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    Pay it forward nonsense?

    He read about a guy. Endless blah blah and conjecture follows. The world has many problems. Someone anonymously paying for your lunch isn't one of them.
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    Age yourself with a store

    One store tops them all ;)
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    Age yourself with a store

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    Alien Abduction: What should you do?

    Call in the Trump legal team.
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    Anybody give some advice here

    I used to date Jennifer - so I totally know what you mean about hot Mom. Look Mugzy, it gets better. Mom has a younger sister - Angie. Angie ALWAYS is having car trouble, wink wink.
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    Patriotic Don Cherry runs to US Fox news to vent and whine

    ROFL. Your forum name is unbiased. Tucker can be described with many adjectives. That ain't one of them.
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