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    Question For The Men Only

    I Chose Option # 3 From the feedback I get from the Ladies, anyway! I am all about helping any woman that has "difficulty" in this area. Big question for me is if I am providing this sort of service to a lady (SP or MPA) should I get paid?? :rolleyes: I've actually had a couple of ladies...
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    Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife!

    Some peoples Kids Hey Scholar Is someone Banging your wife by chance? hehehehehe This thread is fucked up. How do you know that any MPA / SP that you are seeing isn't married? Are you not then covetting someones wife? Take your church shit elsewhere. It has NO place here. SB
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    Should We Make a Treaty with al Qaeda?

    Enemy Combatants SlowPoke said "Just because the US suffered during 9/11 isn't justification for the suspension of the usual precautions when dealiing with other human beings." Food for thought: Because the US suffered during 9/11 is EXACTLY the justification for the suspension of USUAL...
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    Paris @ Chelsey's(Moved from Niagara section)

    Pallydin I think that the post by Sandhuphd (WTF) stating that we should stay away from this place (Chelseys) is what brought on the rest of the replys. Really, does someone with 2 posts really know enough about the scene to be "recommending" that we stay away from a MP? Your statement about...
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    Jury Chooses Death By Injection For Scott Peterson

    DIE YOU MURDEROUS SCUM BEAUTIFUL. Revenge may be a dish best served on a cold plate, but Justice is best served when swift and permanent. SB
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    Clinton worried about being shot???????

    Bill Clinton He should worry about getting shot. He was an embarrassment to the country. He is a liar and completely without honour, integrity and a sense of duty. Fuck him. SB
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    Post # 2700!

    Wow, I can't help but thinking................ Big Deal. Carry On. SB
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    Britney Maze

    Good Stuff!! SB
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    Osama Openly Mocks Bush in Tape

    OBL is a pussy OBL can mock GWB and by extension all Americans, especially when he is hiding like the scared little RatBastard that he and his cowardly followers are doing. It's just a matter of time before his dead head will be displayed for the world to see. Real soldiers don't hide behind...
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    What would you give up to do her?

    do her I would give her the experience of me doing her. SB Insert best ScarFace imitation here: "No sharge for you, baby. one tyne. dhat's all I gotta do."
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    Is this fair? Opinions welcome!

    Daty should never be an "option" or "upgrade" from "basic" service. I think Meesh sums it up pretty clearly. SB
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    Canadian Submariner Dies

    Then you're an ASSHOLE. SB
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    New Product

    Sexy Lady From what the ladies tell me, I don't need one........ I've learned to breath through my ears......... SB
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    New Product

    Saw this on another forum I belong to. <> SB
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    Bush may be wearing a Prompting Earpiece

    Anti US Rant Another typical Anti Republican rant from Assholeholic. Bet you voted Liberal. SB
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    Bush vs. Kerry .........who wins?

    My Man BUSH
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    Kerry's wife gets my vote for telling journalist to "shove it"

    Journalists and Lawyers You are wrong. Without Patriots (alot of dead ones), we wouldn't have democracy. The journalists and lawyers just made it the mess we see today. My opinion, nothing humble about it. SB
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    Liberals buy inferior helicopter for Armed Forces

    Do your research before you open your cakeholes! Hey Alucard and the rest of you Armchair Idiots: PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS! Bottom line on these birds is - we got fucked by the Lieberals again. More soldiers will pay for this decision with their lives down the road. Like the...
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    Philippians Join the LCN

    You really want to know what I think After reading all the replys, I think it would be great to sit with a bunch of you over a beverage or 10. This forum is so filled with all types of people from all walks of life. We would definately have some great conversations / discussions and the...
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