Osama Openly Mocks Bush in Tape


New member
Oct 13, 2001
Heather Elite
langeweile said:
To draw any kind of comparisson between OBL and GWB shows lack of understanding and deserves no further comment.
Actually, Bush has been considered a right wing whacko for quite some time. Only today did i hear anyone suggest OBL was also a right wing whacko. By yourself, of course. So the joke's on you, bud.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Ickabod said:
Actually, Bush has been considered a right wing whacko for quite some time. Only today did i hear anyone suggest OBL was also a right wing whacko. By yourself, of course. So the joke's on you, bud.
In your personal opinion Bush is a right wing wacko. Well this is a great country, anyone is entitled to his/her opinion.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
miranda said:
Actually no, if I was able to make my own decision re :canada, we would have right in there with the States from day one, not taking a back seat as Chrietien decided we would.
Canada is right there with the US, in Afghanistan, where it should be, not Iraq. Support for good friends doesn't mean blind support. It should also mean the ability to disagree and remain friends.

Wouldn't you counsel your friends not to commit a crime, if you know they are going to? Or, would you be there with them during the commission?


New member
Apr 17, 2003
On thedge
OBL is a pussy

OBL can mock GWB and by extension all Americans, especially when he is hiding like the scared little RatBastard that he and his cowardly followers are doing.
It's just a matter of time before his dead head will be displayed for the world to see.
Real soldiers don't hide behind women and children, or in caves or elsewhere. They take thier fight to the enemy. OBL is nothing but a scared for his life piece of shit.

As for GWB, he is the current POTUS, whether we like it or not, (and that may change in a few days). He is doing what he thinks is the right thing, again, whether we like it or not. It's easy for us to criticize from the sidelines, as it is easy for Mr Kerry to do same.

Just some thoughts.



Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Re: OBL is a pussy

SoldierBoy said:
OBL can mock GWB and by extension all Americans, especially when he is hiding like the scared little RatBastard that he and his cowardly followers are doing.
It's just a matter of time before his dead head will be displayed for the world to see.
Real soldiers don't hide behind women and children, or in caves or elsewhere. They take thier fight to the enemy. OBL is nothing but a scared for his life piece of shit.

As for GWB, he is the current POTUS, whether we like it or not, (and that may change in a few days). He is doing what he thinks is the right thing, again, whether we like it or not. It's easy for us to criticize from the sidelines, as it is easy for Mr Kerry to do same.

Just some thoughts.

Remember< Keery said he is going to do a smarter and better job than GWB.
Does that mean that after he has been elected he will catch OBL. Maybe OBL has been hiding in Mass. together with Ted sipping rum spiced tea all along. Now there is a Novemeber surprise.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
lange good buddie, I'm beginning to think YOU are that October Surprise........:p


New member
Apr 15, 2004
On the videotape, OSB states that George Bush has been misleading the American people by preaching the fact that al-Qaida "the terrorists" want to destroy our freedoms. OSB says "If that were the case why did we not attack Sweden? we are not against freedom as such"
It is the meddling of the United States in the Middle-East (air bases in Saudi Arabia (land of mecca), Qatar, Kuwait, etc. now apparently 15 new bases in Iraq, all of course to secure our oil supply and the oil conglomerate profits.
The other main reason is the obvious biased support of the State of Israel in the Mid-East conflict despite their brutal occupation of the Palestineans and using (American supplied) F-16's, Apache helicopters to suppress them. The suicide bombers in my opinion are an act of desparation. The Palestineans have no such weapons to fight back.
Bush gave hope by promising a 2 state solution by 2005, but instead much to Sharon's glee he has allowed Israel the go ahead to annex large chunks of the West bank (existing settlements), land that was suppossed to be part of this 2 state solution.
It was the Taliban regime that promoted a feudal society with non-existent freedoms, al-Qaida set up shop there (Afghanistan) essentially because it was a lawless country. Yet Bush and the media have succesfully spun the two together (even though the Oil Execs in Houston entertaining the Taliban delegation did not seemed overly concerned in dealing with an oppresive regime!).

Now with the tens of thousands Iraqi citizens killed, has that generated more goodwill towards America or more bitterness and hatred? Are the Americans now seen as occupiers instead of liberators? Is the current Iraqi government not seen as a puppet to the Americans in the Iraqi's eyes?

Don't get me wrong, I hope they nail OSB to the wall for what he did in 9/11 but at least (unlike others on this board) I can see why he and the Muslim world would be pissed at the United States.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Re: Re: Re: OBL is a pussy

bbking said:
Considering the close family ties between the Bush and Bin Laden clans - I think it would be more likely that OBL is a guest of Bush Sr. than Ted Kennedy.

What a silly silly boy you are.

taht is the pot calling the kettle black. Moi..silly.
To think that the tape was made to helps GWB re election, is just.....(for once I am spechless) just dumb


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Re: Re: Re: Re: OBL is a pussy

langeweile said:
To think that the tape was made to helps GWB re election, is just.....(for once I am spechless) just dumb
It won't be the first time lange.......:p

On another angle there are stories out saying Osama would prefer Dubya won and is kind of giving Dubya some help with his tape. The reasoning is Osama knows Dubya is a bumbling incompetent who can't chew gum and ride his Presidential Mountian Bike #1 at the same time. For this reason Osama would prefer the known, incompetent Bumbling Bush to the unknown, Kerry.


New member
May 7, 2004
langeweile said:
I second that.
OBL did GWB a favor. He still doesn't get the fact that we are Americans first and don't take shit from anybody.
Especially not from a punk like him.
More like you guys are idiots, who fail to learn from your mistakes, and refuse to be reasonable. The US is to SAudi, what Britain was to the US in 1776. Get it through your pea brains, you cannot continue to assist in the rape of a nation without consecquences. The US military, and the contractors like Vinnell must allow Saudi to become more democratic, which is what bin LAden would like. That you cannot even understand it when he dumbs down the message for you - is telling of your level of intelligence.


New member
Oct 21, 2003
stainless said:
OBL when is this f++++ker going to die . . .. at least he could get cancer of something and die a slow and miserable death !
OBL = Emmanuel Goldstein

Even if he was dead, he'd still be giving video-taped speeches on TV.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Obviously, OBL has to be caught/killed.

The only way to effectively stop terrorism is to deal with some of the issues that create it. There are 150 million people living in the gulf / middle east region, and as long as they believe that they have serious grievancies, OSB and others will have plenty of recruits. Even the US military cannot control 150 million people on the ground.

One of the root causes is the dependence on middle east oil by the US, and its need to control that ressource. That led the US to support (run) the Shah, Saddam Hussein and the saudi royal family. Ask yourself if you would like to live under a regime like that.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
BigHarv said:
Don't get me wrong, I hope they nail OSB to the wall for what he did in 9/11 but at least (unlike others on this board) I can see why he and the Muslim world would be pissed at the United States.
I can see why too. I can also see why Americans are hated pretty much everywhere in the world. Of course, this doesn't mean they should be killed. They should just be told to mind their own f*****g business.


New member
Aug 30, 2004
..unfortunately alot of Americans live in a Fairytale world. They simply refuse to see that they have been supporting these Dictatorships.


New member
May 7, 2004
bbking said:
No amount of life under a dictatorship, ideology can explain or excuss the carnage done by Bin Laden on 9/11 to the US. In fact Dan, I suggest to you that Bin Laden and his #2 and their families thrived under repressive Governments and as such are creations of those Governments not the result.
As unfortunate as a life lost is, 911 was only 3,000 lives. Add up the lives lost due to US actions for Operations Phoenix and Condor - much less Chile, El Salvador in which US forces directly participated - much less the regimes they support - Isreal etc. Put it in perspective. I am tired of people saying 911 was the worst thing that has happened in this world.

Bin Laden just wants the US to release Saudi to follow the will of the people. When Bush and the wackos talk about freedom - thats all the people of Saudi want, the freedom to live thier own lives. OBL is a result of a correupt Saudi Royal family, and became a warrior with the best US training.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
re: Osama openly mocks Bush

I guess if proves that OBL watched Fahrenheit 911.

I'm surprised that you Bush bashers actually think that OBL gives your cause credibilty.


New member
May 7, 2004
bbking said:

As for your reasoning about Saudi Arabia, you couldn't be more wrong. bbk
I love you library experts. Having spent 15 years involved with the ME you must be right. Eh gads - why do I try to educate you morons.


New member
May 7, 2004
bbking said:
Most likely because your WRONG!!!!Damn! Are you cement head or what?

Thats funnier than you know.

How many years/ME countries have you been to?
How many degrees do you have in Intl/Pol/Sci?

Show me how wise you are, and tell me why the WEst needs to keep Assad in power?


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America

President Jimmy Carter, the last honest president the US had in ages, saw this. Carter, a nuclear engineer, had the "vision" to embark on his "Project Independence" which WOULD HAVE WEANED THE US & THE WORLD OFF OF THEIR DEPENDENCE ON OIL had it been followed up on. Ronnie Reagan came to office after Carter and promply AT THE BEHEST OF BIG OIL began to close down this visionary Project Independence program.

The result of this tragic GOP MYOPIA is the the USA is even more dependent on OIL than ever.....but BIG OIL profits handsomely and these Arab terrorists have all the money they need to carry out one Jihad after another all financed to a great degree by the US gas guzzling SUVs among others. Scientists have been saying for years there are plenty of present day alternatives to oil only to be muscled out by BIG OIL who call the shots on energy policy to their benefit only.

On a side note watch for the price of gasoline to spike up to $3/gal or maybe more, after the elections irregardless of who wins. Those using home heating oil are alreadys being told those prices will be DOUBLE from what they were last winter. Big OIL has been holding gas prices down for the elections for fear it would hurt Dubya's re-election chances. After Nov 2 all restraints are gone and look for BIG OIL to come back with a vengence.


New member
Nov 13, 2002
I read this thread and weep. In other threads, I have pointed out the incredible debt of the US ($7 trillion) and the huge annual deficit ($413 billion : source US Treasury). The US is going down an economic crap hole. Osama doesn’t have to do anything now. You’re doing it to yourselves.

The details of OBL’s tape just released in the last day confirm that his intention is to grind the US economy into the ground.

From OBL’s perspective: Bush didn’t finish the job with him and has Iran and N. Korea in his sights. Kerry says OBL is the enemy. Wouldn’t you want to help Bush get elected? Consider: Bush will continue heavy payments to the military and will continue against the evil triangle and make the US economy even worse in doing so. And OBL will be able to sit back and watch. If things get too calm, all he has to do is threaten to blow up a couple of “soccer moms� and there will be a flurry of even more expensive protective measures.

In short, as hideous a person as OBL is, he’s very intelligent and has found a way to turn American patriotism back on itself. US blind patriotism is OBL’s biggest weapon – a weapon of self-destruction.

Lets hope our US friends awake from their patriotic torpor and see the light before it is too late.
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