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Osama Openly Mocks Bush in Tape


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
bbking said:
You make it sound that Bin Laden is a State. Hell I can find examples in history where the *superpower* of the time did far more damage than the US ever has. The fact that States do horrible things to one another hardley excusses the crimes of Bin Laden.

As for your reasoning about Saudi Arabia, you couldn't be more wrong. What people forget about Saudi Arabia is that it is a jointly ruled Country by two tryanical groups, the Royal family and the Wahabi Mullahs. Each group having specific authority over certain aspects of Saudi life. Bin Laden is the creation of this rift in Saudi Government. Neither side is interested in the average person of the Kingdom, they are only interested at min. to perserve their position or at max. to expand it.The real criminal here is the Wahabi sect. They preach a horrific message of hate - they view all non-muslim people as non-human and as such the slaughter of non-muslims is no more diffirent than cattle - well with the exception of eating the cattle. The Wahabis are well funded and supply funds for Mosques and schools around the world to pass this hatred forward. We in Toronto have two such mosques and as far as I'm concerned our Government should investigate these groups for violating our hate laws.
Bin Ladens message that the American public should change the minds of the polititians is crap - even if the US did a 180 and gave up it's support for Israel - the US would remain the enemy of the Muslim world.

Actually, I think Cobra should be congratulated for having such a strong stomach for your bigotry. Why would the US remain the enemy of the Muslim world, after giving up supporting Israel? The views of the Wahabi sect are not representative of the entire Muslim world. You show great disrespect. And besides, why would the Wahabi hate the non-Muslims in the US more so than say, Sweden? Some Wahabi radicals act violently, but for greater reasons than simple bigotry. Take away the reasons (eg. -Israel or US meddling in Arab affairs) and the war is over. The only thing your hateful comment does is promote an ever widening rift between Muslims and non-Muslims. A rift that was only small on Sept 12/01 thanks to OBL, a fanatical mad man, but has widened considerably since thanks to the aggressive blunders of a fanatical Bush administration.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W

chill out dude
it is almost all over, execpt for the counting


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
papasmerf said:

chill out dude
it is almost all over, execpt for the counting
Kerry's Arab policies are no different.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
*d* said:
Kerry's Arab policies are no different.

Now it is in the hands of the people

let's kick back and crack open a bottle of bushmills and relax

Master Muse

New member
Oct 7, 2001
I'm sure glad we didn't buy Canada as we;d have had to take the Canadians with it. Woodypecker is just full of it. That Homeland Security tell media what to do is so stupid that it's asserter must be an absolute moron.

First, Homeland is run by a Bush appointee.
Second, TV media is run by liberals who would love to have someone from Homeland order them to censor something.

This sort of pap is worse than demagogery; it's stupidity.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Asterix said:
So goes the sands of time.....................


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Master Muse said:
I'm sure glad we didn't buy Canada as we;d have had to take the Canadians with it. Woodypecker is just full of it. That Homeland Security tell media what to do is so stupid that it's asserter must be an absolute moron.

First, Homeland is run by a Bush appointee.
Second, TV media is run by liberals who would love to have someone from Homeland order them to censor something.

This sort of pap is worse than demagogery; it's stupidity.
Aahhh..... and I see you have stupidity down pat MM. You have to do some work on that 'demagoguery' though. Thanks for letting us know Fox (Faux) News, that TV media, is run by liberals.......I did not know that, but hey you say so!

For the most part though you speak like a true mindless Rush Limbaugh Lemmimg. You gotta ease up on that OXYCONTIN pal, yeah I know it's hard to stop poping those pills since it is such a long time to go to the hear the next dose of Rush's droppings, but try. That stuff is bad for what's left of that little brain, you may or may not have!.........:p


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
bbking said:
You most likely have no where near the experience or the contacts that I have.
That must be the reason you so accurately were able to predict a landslide victory for Kerry.

You are a pompous pus.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
hdog said:
Of course he did Bush a favor - he's still on the payroll. They pull him (or some look alike) out everytime they need him. You don't buy that he's estranged from his family stuff do you? You know why we never caught him? Because we don't want to.

Waiter, one tin-foil hat for this poster please....



Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
hdog said:
Of course he did Bush a favor - he's still on the payroll. They pull him (or some look alike) out everytime they need him. You don't buy that he's estranged from his family stuff do you? You know why we never caught him? Because we don't want to.
Stay of the glue and the household cleaners.
If you wanna know what happends to you when you do too many drugs...look at Keith Richards, Ozzie Osbourne etc..

Your post has to go in to the "priceless category"


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
langeweile said:
Stay of the glue and the household cleaners.
If you wanna know what happends to you when you do too many drugs...look at Keith Richards, Ozzie Osbourne etc..

Your post has to go in to the "priceless category"
I'm sure he'll retract it when we pull the f*cker from a dirt hole like that bastard Saddam.



New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
hdog said:
Of course he did Bush a favor - he's still on the payroll. They pull him (or some look alike) out everytime they need him. You don't buy that he's estranged from his family stuff do you? You know why we never caught him? Because we don't want to.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh sanity, you are missed.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
US Debt Hitting $8 trillion....and counting...

screwge said:
I read this thread and weep. In other threads, I have pointed out the incredible debt of the US ($7 trillion) and the huge annual deficit ($413 billion : source US Treasury). The US is going down an economic crap hole. Osama doesn’t have to do anything now. You’re doing it to yourselves.

The details of OBL’s tape just released in the last day confirm that his intention is to grind the US economy into the ground.

From OBL’s perspective: Bush didn’t finish the job with him and has Iran and N. Korea in his sights. Kerry says OBL is the enemy. Wouldn’t you want to help Bush get elected? Consider: Bush will continue heavy payments to the military and will continue against the evil triangle and make the US economy even worse in doing so. And OBL will be able to sit back and watch. If things get too calm, all he has to do is threaten to blow up a couple of “soccer moms� and there will be a flurry of even more expensive protective measures.

In short, as hideous a person as OBL is, he’s very intelligent and has found a way to turn American patriotism back on itself. US blind patriotism is OBL’s biggest weapon – a weapon of self-destruction.

Lets hope our US friends awake from their patriotic torpor and see the light before it is too late.
Makes you wonder who is winning their respective war(s), Bush or Osama, who says he can bankrupt the USA as he did the USSR. Congress was just forced to raised the Debt limit to $8 trillion to keep the US Govt afloat. In the US interest rates are climbing, inflation is becoming a problem, the US dollar is still falling at a rate that may precipitate a US dollar crisis.

And now Bush looks as if his will be taking his 'evildoer' crusade to Iran. Afterall he has his 'mandate' and because he hears 'voices' he knows he is right.

All this brings to mind that old Pete Seeger song sung during the Viet Nam War, "Waist Deep in the Big Muddy".


It was back in nineteen forty-two,
I was a member of a good platoon.
We were on maneuvers in-a Loozianna,
One night by the light of the moon.
The captain told us to ford a river,
That's how it all begun.
We were -- knee deep in the Big Muddy,
But the big fool said to push on.

The Sergeant said, "Sir, are you sure,
This is the best way back to the base?"
"Sergeant, go on! I forded this river
'Bout a mile above this place.
It'll be a little soggy but just keep slogging.
We'll soon be on dry ground."
We were -- waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool said to push on.

The Sergeant said, "Sir, with all this equipment
No man will be able to swim."
"Sergeant, don't be a Nervous Nellie,"
The Captain said to him.
"All we need is a little determination;
Men, follow me, I'll lead on."
We were -- neck deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool said to push on.

All at once, the moon clouded over,
We heard a gurgling cry.
A few seconds later, the captain's helmet
Was all that floated by.
The Sergeant said, "Turn around men!
I'm in charge from now on."
And we just made it out of the Big Muddy
With the captain dead and gone.

We stripped and dived and found his body
Stuck in the old quicksand.
I guess he didn't know that the water was deeper
Than the place he'd once before been.
Another stream had joined the Big Muddy
'Bout a half mile from where we'd gone.
We were lucky to escape from the Big Muddy
When the big fool said to push on.

Well, I'm not going to point any moral;
I'll leave that for yourself
Maybe you're still walking, you're still talking
You'd like to keep your health.
But every time I read the papers
That old feeling comes on;
We're -- waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool says to push on.

Waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool says to push on.
Waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool says to push on.
Waist deep! Neck deep! Soon even a
Tall man'll be over his head, we're
Waist deep in the Big Muddy!
And the big fool says to push on!

Words and music by Pete Seeger (1967)

Have faith folks, Capt. Dubya is at the helm as he leads point across that river........


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Hope you're right bbk but.....

Is that USA money making machine bottomless?

Iraq War Topping $5.8 Billion A Month
United Press International
November 18, 2004

WASHINGTON - The Pentagon is spending more than $5.8 billion a month on the war in Iraq, according to the military's top generals.

That is nearly a 50 percent increase above the $4 billion-a-month benchmark the Pentagon has used to estimate the cost of the war so far.

The Army alone is spending $4.7 million a month while the Air Force is spending $800 million a month transporting soldiers and flying combat missions. The Marine Corps is spending $300 million a month, the four service chiefs told the House Armed Services Committee Wednesday.

Since 2003, the Pentagon has received some $160 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in supplemental funding -- that is, in addition to its annual budget. It will be requesting another multibillion-dollar supplement early next year to cover the continuing cost of the war.

And this is just Iraq, no mention of ongoing Afghan costs. Iran is roughly 4 times the size of Iraq....does this translate into 4 times the cost of the Iraqi 'experiment in nation building'?

And what if Korea, figuring the US is too overextended, decides to do more than just talk tough and flip the USA the bird?


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
bbking said:
Come on guys give your heads a shake - OBL is no where big enough to Bankrupt the US.

No, but we are more than big enough to bankrupt ourselves.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
assoholic said:
..latest numbers, 5 Billion Dollars a month is being spent in Iraq.
The latest numbers are closer to almost $6 Billion/month in Iraq. Got those numbers from a report I posted 6 posts up.

Peeping Tom

Boil them in Oil
Dec 24, 2002
Hellholes of the earth
ok, then answer this: why isn't America taking this oil? Why did we turn it over to the new State, even though we were rightful owners of it for a brief time? Surely, if this were true, we would reserve ten years production or so, to help pay for the war ...

In case you're having a hard time answering this, and you will, take a break and look at this linky

Stacy said:
the true reason behind the Iraq invasion( black gold), the greedy capitalists (Bush and his cronies) who gain economically from this on going war and the depletion of the American economy to finance the war.
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