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    Who Will Be the New Secretary of State?

    Because I'm pretty sure Hillary will quit, which is too bad. I thought she did very well. Kerry and possibly even Huntsman come to mind.
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    How I would fix election of the US presidency

    With due recognition that this is somewhat fantasy because it won't happen. Ammendment to the Constitution to change the term of president to one 6 year term only. No chance of running again. Scrap the electoral college completely. It would force the candidates to pay attention to the entire...
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    The Psychopath Test

    I heard about this on NPR recently, on the series This American Life, and found it fascinating. I have included the link to the radio broadcast, which is a bit long, but the third part is especially interesting. This sounds like an odd topic for the Politics forum, but when you think about it...
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    Etch-A-Sketch Romney

    First off, I thought it was a gaffe, but not a particularly large one. Well, maybe. What was interesting is that it has fueled the reafirmation that Romney will throw the conservatives under the bus once the nominee. Romney didn't say it. But his campaign spokesman did in reply to a question...
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    Gingrich Projected Winner in SC

    Already projected to win with only 5% of precincts reporting. Romney also wound up coming in second after a recount in Iowa. Not going to be so quick and easy for Romney afterall, is it OTB?
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    Newt Weeps

    ...at a town hall meeting when asked about the influence of his mother. Now his mother had several health issues and passed away in 2003. I understand what he must have gone through because I am facing the same issues with my own mother's decline, and unfortunately I'm all she's got. That said...
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    The Donald's Debate Running Out of Candidates

    Or should I say contestants. It seems most of the Republican candidates have come to their senses. Perry and now Bachmann have declined, which really seemed to piss off Trump. Unless he trys to haul Cain back from the political dead, the "debate" now consists of Gingrich and Santorum. One...
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    What The Hell Happened?

    So I'm having a pleasant little conversation with Relic about funding for Bush's wars, and the entire thread gets deleted? WTF. OP doing a quick deletion?
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    Perry: Oops

    Link may not last long because they change the ticker daily. I'm sure it could be found elsewhere. God what a bunch of unprepared imbeciles the GOP has offered us. This is getting more than insulting. He's a drunk or a moron, take your pick. Http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/
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    Ken Burns New Series: Prohibition

    Debut of the opening part of Ken Burns new series about prohibition. It was far more complex than just restricting alcohol. It also brought in conflicts between Catholics and Protestants, issues with immigrants, woman's rights, gave rise and power to the mafia. and remains as the only US...
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    10 Year Memorial

    I almost posted anniversary. But that's not right. An anniversary is usually something you would celebrate. This day is nothing like that. Like most people I remember exactly where I was when I realized what had happened. It made me feel the same as I felt when I was a little kid when I was...
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    God's Approval Rating

    Times are hard, and it's also taken a toll on those who are supposedly in charge. Well, it appears God is not immune, but on the plus side he's doing better then the President and Congress. Not sure if that might mean he's a one term god or not...
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    Video Looping

    Question for my fellow terbites. Does anyone know of a program that will allow you to take just a part of a video and loop it back? Any suggestions appreciated.
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    US Ranks 41st In Infant Mortality Rate

    Best health care in the world OTB? Out of 45 industrialized countries, the US ranks 41st. Behind Cuba, Slovakia, Poland, among many others. We did however beat out Croatia. Alright USA. http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2011/08/31/u-s-ranks-low-for-newborn-survival/
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    Mountaintop Removal in West Virginia

    This just flat out disgusted me. I thought Canadians treated Alberta badly with the tar sands mining, and then I remembered West Virginia. It once had some of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the eastern part of the US. Many forests were raped that will never come back, now we are shearing...
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    Will The US Credit Rating Be Downgraded Anyway

    Congress and the President will pass the debt limit increase in time, but just barely. The US could still very likely lose it's triple A rating regardless based on the incredible disfunction of the government which will have huge consequences. The repercussions will effect more than just the...
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    Toronto: Raccoon Capital of the World

    What can I say, you guys are #1. The raccoon population in urban areas in North America has exploded 20 fold from 70 years ago. What's even more interesting is that by making it more difficult to find food, we are actually selecting out smarter and smarter raccoons, or as somone said in the...
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    It's The End Of The World As We Know It

    Just in case anyone missed it, there are many christian religious freaks in the US who believe the world will end tomorrow. Within hours. Been all over the news. You are forewarned.
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    This Country Is Going Down The Tubes

    A small bit of news, but evidently there is a group in Detroit that has presented a proposal for erecting a metalic statue of Robocop somewhere prominate in the middle of the city. They have some money and have already appealed to the Mayor. They're calling it civic pride. A pretend action...
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    Cutting Off Your Nose To Spite Your Face

    The new US Congress in it's infinite wisdom is now proposing a bill that would cut off all federal funding for public broadcasting, both radio and television. The cost annually would save taxpayers a whopping $1.35 per citizen. The cut would likely devastate public broadcasting to operate as...
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