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    Ok, how much of BP is real?

    My advice, read the ad if they provide other information like a twitter link, email, or website... this would tell you they are serious as they have taken the time to add those links to the ad. Also, if they have a twitter you can see how they are interacting with others, which can confirm they...
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    Alert alert Aria 2218

    I just want to apologize if I came off as forward. I do feel reviews help others I really do. This review site wont change the way others write them either but saying "girl" to me says, someone young. The title really got to me because I first thought, maybe the reviewer saw someone who was a...
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    Alert alert Aria 2218

    It wasn't the age that bothered me. It is the fact how he wrote the review, how most write their reviews. But what bothered me was he had, "Amber alert..." in the title... then all the following content and details.
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    Alert alert Aria 2218

    door open 2 girls came out, one went the opposite direction and the other came my way and I asked her if that is her friend making sure she is safe she said no, anyway I gave her the money watch out for that girl, she is young and does this crap The bolded words is what I have the problem...
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    Alert alert Aria 2218

    My heart fell when I read your title. "Amber alert" is when a child has gone missing, please do not write those things (that is what your title suggests and says). What if that girl was abducted and is being slaved off for sex? Your title really bothers me. My heart won't stop racing. I can't...
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    Condom sliding up and down - Uncircumcised!!

    Is it possible to experiament with a variety of condom brands and textures? It might not be because the condom is too big or loose, you would know, it might actually be the condom brand. Do you put lube inside the condom? This may increase the feeling it is falling off. It is normal to feel...
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    Reliable late night SP

    Any SP who you are messaging would most likely be fast asleep at that hour as they have either worked during the day, had other commitments, or is away, or other reasons. My suggestion contact an SP and schedule ahead of time, that way you know that she is available and you have booked her...
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    How often do you see SPs ?

    My response is not "wrath" as I don't get angry over questions being asked as I feel that is not productive or helps any situation. As being both an MA and an SP, it varies. My response may be different than others. MA point of view: I have regulars who visit me but I don't expect them to...
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    Period sex?

    Some use sea sponges. Its a natural blocker and it feels like the inside of the vagina. I am sure theres other methods.
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    Mileage of Volume What do you Use???

    I really admire your hard work and dedication into researching this. Very interesting. :D
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    What games are you playing now?

    I've been playing Pokemon Moon. I know, I know I am a Poke-Nerd. I also enjoy Fantasy Life. All DS games. I miss the PS3 I loved Gran Turismo. I rocked in that game. Love racing games, such an amazing thrill. Just need to get my hands on a NASCAR and take it for a spin. I also played a...
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    Amanda Lee Review

    I really appreciated the time with you sharkpop, it was wonderful and very fun! :) Thank you. ;) As for the link: You need to join my website. I will add a page for public view, but by joining this allows faster screening for outcalls. To schedule MA services you don't need to join you simply...
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    Sex will be just for special occasions as robots will satisfy everyday

    I found a little hunour in this. Thank you. I dont like using toys on myself its not the same as a person doing those things. Feels fake. I bought a realistic dick a few years ago, the one that you can hang from the wall... It was a waste of money. It was pathetic. I wouldn't want a robot to...
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    A though about drinking and driving this Christmas...

    Last night I was in a Uber going home and there was a car flipped over on the wall hanging. Ive never seen anything like it before. Its not just drinking and driving. Yes its illegal and dangerous. Dont text and drive a lady while driving to her. I dont know how many times I panic over this...
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    December 2016 xfiles

    As i read this my heart fell to the ground. I am sorry this happened to you. You were in your right to not see this girl as someone was there. If it was just a driver they should drop her off and leave then come back. Its odd that this happened. I've taken Uber to my outcall locations and...
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    I am looking forward to the snowy weather. Makes perfect weather to walk my dog. He refused to go out last night cause it was too cold. When it snows its good news for me, my dog can handle the weather and its warmer than -30+.
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    Whats your Christmas Traditions?

    Usually I watch the same movies each year. I would bake something maybe cookies or a cake. I always drink a lot of herbal teas as its really festive for me during the cold winter months. Typically, play in the snow with my dog. Walk around to admire all the pretty lights and decorations...
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    Filipino on CL and BP in Orleans, goes by Amber, was Monica Love?

    I used to work with her when I was at ALO. She is a sweetheart, down-to-earth and she is really funny. I remember she made me laugh all the time. Guys, treat her well she is very kind and caring.
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    Melissa BP Avoid

    What is the point of fake booking? Simply just don't book, why go through the hassle to book with someone when you know they are fake? Ever fake booked someone who wasn't actually fake? Then learned they weren't fake? I am sure you would feel pretty bad.
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    Celebrity YOU want to shag?

    Want to rub my hand on his face and just kiss it! Love a good facial hair on a gorgeous man!
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