Toronto Escorts

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  1. W

    Today's Sunshine Girl: Cassie

    No, they didn't get a good one. Better out there.
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    Theft by a Provider

    Well said.
  3. W

    Theft by a Provider

    You have to be aware of these things. Next time keep your valuables in your suit case or in the room hidden somewhere before she arrives. The agency can't do anything.
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    9/11 Fourteen Years Later

    There was 10 weeks of elevator work done on both towers before September 11th. They planed this well in advance.
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    Melanotan/ Barbie Drug...

    God...don't do it...
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    Dating a MPA

    Do you ever work in Toronto?
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    Who is the hottest asian pornstar?

    Maria Ozawa porn vid was annoying.
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    Who is the hottest asian pornstar?

    I feel like doing her..What a cutie...
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    Name that former celebrity!

    I can't believe it.
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    Game of Thrones Season 5 episode 9. Spoilers!

    Great show by HBO..
  11. W

    Female stars: Before and after make up

    I have to ask? Why you have a child in your signature I find this creepy and sick. Take it out.
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    Female stars: Before and after make up

    Lord of the Rings Fan !!!! That's awesome... Part 4 with her. :faint:
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    I'm happy I'm not using any type ED drugs...I'm type 2. You have to watch what you eat. Thanks Marla for the info on herbal viagra.
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    Would you bang A inorder to bang B game...

    I wouldn't . HELL NO!!!
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    Best Lobster and Alaskan King Crab in Toronto GTA

    Wow...I agree on that Chinese fried ginger lobster dish.
  16. W

    Best Lobster and Alaskan King Crab in Toronto GTA

    The best lobsters are in China town...Pick your lobster and have it cut to pieces. Order with ginger. The best lobsters ever. Been to Boston & New York. Toronto kills both cities.
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    Sexiest movie ever made?

    Wow..... this Betty Blue movie looks great. Some how never heard about this movie.
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    Sexiest movie ever made?

    Nothing sexy from this picture/movie! Its disturbing.
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    What are the pluses and minuses of marijuana

    No positives to weed..... I never met individual who used weed and had my respect. I think society has failed in many ways to approve of its usage! Perfect example :Mayor Ford.
  20. W

    $50,000,000 Lottomax in Cambridge still unclaimed

    Omg that's a gut wrenching story............That's hard to take? I can hear your mom talking to your dad at that time period.....Sorry. Bitch is a good word for her.
Toronto Escorts