Pickering Angels

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  1. O

    No Police In Pride

    Some serious ignorance in this thread about the history that LGBTQ/POC have with police. Maybe if you did some research you'd understand why the police institution is so unwelcome.
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    San Bernardino HOAX BUSTED! Landlord "It's Not Real"!!!!

    Please don't ever procreate, Big Sleazy.
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    RIP: Robert Loggia

  4. O

    One of the toughest professions in the world, if you're in it, don't bitch about it

    "One of the toughest professions in the world, if you're in it, don't bitch about it" - excuse me what? I'm pretty sure everyone on the goddamn planet bitches about the profession they're in. Welcome to Earth, chief.
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    Shunned at the cottage by a bunch of hypocrites

    People who type like you shouldn't be using the phrase "I digress" in any sentence (no matter how poorly it's structured).
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    How to Talk to Sex Workers

    The fuck are you even talking about. Go crawl back into your cave.
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    Shunned at the cottage by a bunch of hypocrites

    The OP is pushing forty and uses "prolly" in a sentence. Enough said.
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    Anyone hear what happened to Madison Ivy?

    Wow, you're quite the waste of human skin. How is this idiot not banned?
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    Squirting Is Just Peeing, Say Scientists

    I'm not weighing in on whether or not it is pee.. but to those saying that it doesn't smell like urine.. urine doesn't always smell like urine and it's not always yellow. The cleaner your system is, and the more hydrated you are, the less "toxic" (or smelly/yellow) the urine is. I've pissed...
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    Germans Pay Honour at the Grave of Their Beloved Kaiser

    ^^^ Exactly this. It blows my mind that people still don't know their history on this subject...o_O
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    Ontario schools exempt Muslim students from Remembrance day

    LIRL at someone taking an Ezra Levant opinion article as anything other than bullshit.
  12. O

    OLEY FALSE FLAG: Why Did the FBI HIDE James Foley’s Information? [Skin Color For Star

    No, I'm pretty sure Carling has it correct. Media outlets edited the video to leave out the actual showing of the decapitation..
  13. O

    OLEY FALSE FLAG: Why Did the FBI HIDE James Foley’s Information? [Skin Color For Star

    LOL did big sleazy actually link to a site that calls the Boston Marathon bombing fake? Get a grip.
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    Porn star Christy Mackk tells tale/posts photos of beating by ex bf/MMA fighter

    I'm pretty sure the entire world knew she was previously dating a lunatic MMA fighter. It was pretty well publicized.
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    Porn star Christy Mackk tells tale/posts photos of beating by ex bf/MMA fighter

    I don't care if she slept with the entire fucking world - there is no justification for what this douchebag did to her. I hope he's castrated.
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    Any Activists want to join me?

    Old enough to apparently pay for companionship with an escort, but not old enough to understand the difference between animals in zoos and domesticated pets. #smh
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    Friends wife is an sp wtf???

    FYI, James T Kirk is not Mr Spock. Two different characters.
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    Why do pooners lie about their reason for hobbying?

    This is some full of shit posting right here. A) You're showing your ignorance if you legitimately believe that there are no guys out there who do this because they don't want to be tied down to dating or a relationship. No, we must all be as unattractive as you infer that you are and have to...
  19. O

    Friends wife is an sp wtf???

    This dude is your friend? Of course you leave it alone. There are plenty of other SP's out there.
  20. O

    Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions

    You may as well have quoted a story from the Onion as fact..
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