Ontario schools exempt Muslim students from Remembrance day


New member
Apr 18, 2012
"Quote Originally Posted by LickRus
argle bargle. muzzies are all evul. Here iz moar evudence. It iz from Ezra Levant, it must be true."

I never posted the above , its FAKE you MADE IT UP, you added my name to make it look like I posted it , you're malicious and a dirty liar. You also shouldn't be insulting Americans either for no reason. I'm forwarding the link to the Mods, idiots like you shouldn't be allowed to get away with this kind of garbage.
I believe he was mocking you.

As for posting a new thread based on a 'journalist' reporting on a completely false premise -
I'm forwarding the link to the Mods, idiots like you shouldn't be allowed to get away with this kind of garbage.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Utter crap happ! Everyone of the 50,000 plus who went up to the War Memorial in Ottawa went by choice, you're demanding schoolboards compel students to attend. How ironic that they'd be forced to listen to eulogies for those who died to 'preserve the freedom we all enjoy'. No better way to convince them the establishment and government are hypocrites or worse and get the wee ones started on a radical rebellious path.
+1 If you remove freedom of choice - you are mocking the very principle that our fallen heroes fought for.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
"Quote Originally Posted by LickRus
argle bargle. muzzies are all evul. Here iz moar evudence. It iz from Ezra Levant, it must be true."

I never posted the above , its FAKE you MADE IT UP, you added my name to make it look like I posted it , you're malicious and a dirty liar. You also shouldn't be insulting Americans either for no reason. I'm forwarding the link to the Mods, idiots like you shouldn't be allowed to get away with this kind of garbage.
The article appears to be not correct. But Nobody123 is useless, he just tries to antagonize people.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
Lest only some of us forget ? This is offensive.

It’s Remembrance Day. But not for everyone. The Greater Essex County District School Board in Ontario circulated an e-mail to the 75 schools it runs in places like Windsor and Leamington. The memo says teachers should be prepared to exempt Muslim students from Remembrance Day.

“Some families may be reluctant to have their children attend your location municipality’s ceremonies. Please note that meaningful alternate activities should be provided at the schools for those families who do not wish their children to participate in any Remembrance Day ceremonies.”

In case you were wondering which families they might be referring to, the school board didn't say specifically but pointed teachers to two Muslim-themed websites, including the story about the first Muslim soldier in the Canadian Forces who wore a hijab, an Islamic head covering.

But Remembrance Day is a central part of Canada. It remembers our history, and the men and women who fought and died to keep us free. It is not a dark day, an embarrassing day, a racist day or a day of shame.

It is a day of remembering why we are free, and what we stand for, and who sacrificed to make us this way.

It’s not a religious day, like Christmas. It’s a day for everyone.

It’s a disgrace that any family would object to it – especially an immigrant family who came here to benefit from our country. It would call into question the basis on which they applied for and were granted citizenship.

And even if some old bigot from a backwoods village in Pakistan or Somalia doesn’t want to respect Canada, that’s where our schools come in and teach those bigots’ kids and grandkids what it means to be Canadian.

It’s insulting that either parents or the school board thinks Remembrance Day is in any way anti-Muslim. Canada fought in the Boer War against Afrikaaners, the First World War against Germans, the Second World War against Germans and Italians and Japanese. We fought against North Korea. What on earth could possibly be objectionable to a Muslim family about any of that?

Could you imagine if a German or Japanese family objected? The obvious question would be: Do you think Hitler or Mussolini or Hirohito were right? That’s the implication of Muslim families objecting to Remembrance Day -- that we were wrong.

Or maybe it’s that we are wrong today. Because if you look at all the recent wars and military missions Canada has done, it’s all been in Muslim lands.

To protect Muslims in Kosovo. To protect Muslims in Kuwait. To protect Muslims in Afghanistan, especially Muslim girls who weren’t even allowed to go to school. To stop the Islamic State terrorists from butchering everyone around them.

One hundred and fifty-eight Canadians died trying to liberate the hellhole of Afghanistan from the Taliban.

If I were a Muslim immigrant, I would sing O Canada extra loud. I wouldn’t just wear a poppy. I’d be out on the street selling them. I would be thanking Allah that such a generous and open and loving and giving country as Canada not only tried to fix their failed states, but has let in close to a million Muslims, half since 9/11.

What kind of school board sends around a memo allowing children to be exempt from Remembrance Day ceremonies, just weeks after terrorist murders of two Canadian Forces soldiers, including one standing guard at the war memorial?

I’ve started a petition to the school board. I chose the website’s name carefully: www.LoveItOrLeave.ca.



serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
I never posted the above , its FAKE you MADE IT UP
Jeez. You gotta get up pretty early in the afternoon to pull one over on you, mate!

You also shouldn't be insulting Americans either for no reason.
You are, of course, absolutely correct. To any Americans who are offended by my suggestion that LickRus is in any way the type of person you would welcome or want to associate with, or that you may possibly share his views, my wholehearted and unconditional apology. No one deserves that. It was unthinking and mean spirited.

Agreed.Nobody123 is a bad man.....for shame sir...for shame...
Nobody is a Troll ban the sucker !!!!! :ban:
The article appears to be not correct. But Nobody123 is useless, he just tries to antagonize people.

Good Lord. Seriously people? I post something that is so obviously NOT a quote and taking the piss, that you would have to be a complete fucking idiot to not understand that.

...then again, I just realised I am engaging with people who take Ezra Levant at face value so, my apologies for confusing you. It won't happen again.

...as for all the inverse-talibanites calling for the death of Islam saying I'm just out to antagonize? That's fucking rich.


Well-known member
Jeez. You gotta get up pretty early in the afternoon to pull one over on you, mate!

You are, of course, absolutely correct. To any Americans who are offended by my suggestion that LickRus is in any way the type of person you would welcome or want to associate with, or that you may possibly share his views, my wholehearted and unconditional apology. No one deserves that. It was unthinking and mean spirited.

Good Lord. Seriously people? I post something that is so obviously NOT a quote and taking the piss, that you would have to be a complete fucking idiot to not understand that.

...then again, I just realised I am engaging with people who take Ezra Levant at face value so, my apologies for confusing you. It won't happen again.

...as for all the inverse-talibanites calling for the death of Islam saying I'm just out to antagonize? That's fucking rich.
Re-read my quote.THAT'S how you take the piss out of someone discreetly;0.......


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Re-read my quote.THAT'S how you take the piss out of someone discreetly;0.......
I suspected as much, but then someone quoted you in superficial agreement and I got all confused and distracted by the kitten-on-a-roomba video open in another tab. And then the kettle started whistling. I got up, took a leak, and forgot what was going on. But I'll be damned if that was going to stop me from vomiting forth an opinion! At any rate, your subtlety is beyond me and beyond the internet, sir.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Is it really our job to question who decides to participates in Remembrance Day or not? I don't see any problem with people sitting out the ceremonies as long as the lessons are still learned and I think the school board is trying to do just that. The reality is that not everyone pays attention to Remembrance or stops for a moment in silence. It's not just one particular ethnic group that doesn't observe it either. People can be respectful of our armed forces and first responders without having to participate in Remembrance Day. Is it really necessary to shame people and call them disgusting who don't want to observe some of our practices no matter how "right" or "respectful" it is?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Is it really our job to question who decides to participates in Remembrance Day or not?...
Don't you get it? Our soldiers fought for the freedoms Canada gives us so that we can force people to attend Remembrance Day ceremonies. ;)

On a serious not, the discussion always comes up about making it a stat holiday and the best reason IMO not to is so kids can attend and learn about Remembrance and the Canadian values it means.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Don't you get it? Our soldiers fought for the freedoms Canada gives us so that we can force people to attend Remembrance Day ceremonies. ;)

On a serious not, the discussion always comes up about making it a stat holiday and the best reason IMO not to is so kids can attend and learn about Remembrance and the Canadian values it means.
I do get it very well thank you very much. "Forcing" other people to "get it" is not in the spirit of democracy. I would much rather have people that actually want and choose to observe rather than having people there that have no choice in the matter. People can respect our freedoms and the sacrifice of our armed forces and first responders in many other wars outside of observing Remembrance Day. Not observing does not make anyone less Canadian.

Have you ever stopped to think that some people may view the military negatively and choose not to observe?

You might interpret it as a slap in the face of our armed forces and first responders if people are allowed to opt out of such ceremonies, but it is an equal slap in the face to people that might be forced to attend them.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Have you ever stopped to think that some people may view the military negatively and choose not to observe?
Have you ever stopped to think that the yellow winkey thing at the end of the comment may mean sarcasm?


Active member
Sep 22, 2010
The Globe and other media who denied that the school board said students could be exempted from Remembrance Day for religious reasons lied.

"Thank you signing our Love It Or Leave petition, about Canada’s Remembrance Day ceremonies.

As you know, I received a leaked internal memo from the Greater Essex County school board, that told all of its school principals this:

"some families may be reluctant to have their children attend your location municipality’s ceremonies. Please note that meaningful alternate activities should be provided at the schools for those families who do not wish their children to participate in any Remembrance Day ceremonies."

When we contacted the school board to confirm the legitimacy of the memo, they said that the exemption from Remembrance Day would be for “religious accommodation”.

That news infuriated many Canadians, who contacted the school board to express their dismay. The school board quickly changed their explanation, and said the exemptions weren’t for religious reasons, but rather for “safety” reasons — something that is not mentioned in the leaked internal memo at all.

So here’s an update: the school board clearly has a policy to exempt students.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is, that on Remembrance Day itself, according to press reports, not a single student asked to be exempted on religious grounds. The school board’s policy, that was written and defended by their bureaucrats, was not used by any students. That’s great news — and a hopeful sign.

I very much appreciate you signing the petition, which we delivered to the school board’s superintendent. I believe that the massive reaction they received from the public will help ensure that they do not cave in to their politically correct instincts again.

On today’s TV show, I did a post-mortem of the events of this week — including of my own initial news report, and of the school board’s reaction. If you have fifteen minutes, please watch it here, and tell me what you think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp9Vy4LTiJ4

Yours truly,

Ezra Levant

P.S. On a related note, I’m pleased to say that we have issued our two, $50,000 payments to the families of Corporal Nathan Cirillo and Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, the two Canadian Forces men who were murdered last month by terrorists. If you’re interested in learning more about the permanent pro-soldier charity that I’m incorporating, please visit www.ProudCanada.ca.


P.O. Box 61010 Langara Post Office
Vancouver, BC, V6P 6S5"


Mar 31, 2009
The good news is, that on Remembrance Day itself, according to press reports, not a single student asked to be exempted on religious grounds. The school board’s policy, that was written and defended by their bureaucrats, was not used by any students. That’s great news — and a hopeful sign.
Me think that school boards and teachers try too hard to be what they think is politically correct.

I did attend the Remembrance Day ceremony at old City Hall to show respect for all those who served (of course that excludes Trudeau Elder and Junior), regardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof.


Dec 1, 2010
+1 If you remove freedom of choice - you are mocking the very principle that our fallen heroes fought for.
+1 If you remove freedom of choice - you are mocking the very principle that our fallen heroes fought for.
Exactly. In countries like North Korea everybody is a patriot - because they have no choice, do you want our country to be more like North Korea ?
Although I would hate anyone who would desecrate the Canadian flag, I am proud to be a citizen of a country where flag desecration is a right protected by the constitution. Like Voltaire said: I may not agree with you but I would give my life for you to have the right to say it.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
LIRL at someone taking an Ezra Levant opinion article as anything other than bullshit.


A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
In an interview about Bernard, the newsstand owner in Watchmen, Alan Moore described him like so; " " (He) is in some ways every man, because he's a complete prat and doesn't know what's going on... [h]e is like a lot of people, he is a function of the news... [regurgitating news headlines] think[ing] that's an opinion."

Sound like anyone we know?
Toronto Escorts