OLEY FALSE FLAG: Why Did the FBI HIDE James Foley’s Information? [Skin Color For Star


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012

I don't know why anybody falls for the Gov't lies anymore. I think there either too dumbed down or just a troll. Gotta go. Got to get me some of Iraq's WMD's...

Speaking of trolls: the only thing stupider than these vile fucks that put together ignorant conspiracy videos that troll and shit all over grieving parents (Sandy Hook was a particularly nasty example), is the ignorant fucks that buy into this vile shit.

Note to Big Sleazy et al: You are not special. You do not have a pipeline into "the truth" that the sheeple are lacking. You are not special. There is no quality that makes you better, more unique, more enlightened than the rest of the bags of water walking around the planet (and plenty that appear to put you behind the curve). You are not special. I'm sorry, but joining a cult or buying into a conspiracy theory that only a very few, select people are "smart" enough to buy into, does not make you special. You're mother may think you are "special", your school may indeed have thought you were "special"... but you are not special. Believing crazy shit is not going to change any of that. Please stop fooling yourself, you sure as fuck are not fooling anyone else.


Apr 14, 2011
Speaking of trolls: the only thing stupider than these vile fucks that put together ignorant conspiracy videos that troll and shit all over grieving parents (Sandy Hook was a particularly nasty example), is the ignorant fucks that buy into this vile shit.
+1 ... the internet has fueled conspiracy theorists to new levels of dumbass...


Jan 19, 2004
lots of crazy and bullshit conspiracy crap out there for sure, but you can't really blame people after continuously being lied to and manipulated by our governments that they start coming up with their own theories.

there are nutjobs and trolls, but there are also people out there just trying to find answers they'll never get from their elected officials, and it's not fair to put them all in the same category.

the one referred to in this post does seem pretty far fetched, but it doesn't seem far fetched that they would be doing whatever they can to get public buy-in to attack isis.

does anyone remember the bullshit lies that were told to congress as a selling point on the first gulf war in the early 90's?? Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ a.k.a Nurse Nayirah, look it up if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Ashley V

Jul 31, 2014
When I first saw the video of this supposed execution I came to the conclution right away this was staged. Mainly because what other beheading video cuts out the actual cutting off of the victims head?


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
The Neocons still run US foreign policy. Neocon doctrine includes public manipulation through a pliant press. That the press has been concentrated after the Clinton years from 40 to 6 news organizations owned by major corporations makes that much easier.

The principal author of the neocon manifesto "Project for a New American Century" was Paul Wolfowitz, one of the Neocons who brought us the US Iraqi invasion, and 10 years of ruinous economic consequences for America. His mentor was Leo Strauss a professor at Chicago University untile his death in 1973.

"Not only did Strauss have few qualms about using deception in politics, he saw it as a necessity. While professing deep respect for American democracy, Strauss believed that societies should be hierarchical – divided between an elite who should lead, and the masses who should follow. But unlike fellow elitists like Plato, he was less concerned with the moral character of these leaders. According to Shadia Drury, who teaches politics at the University of Calgary, Strauss believed that "those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right – the right of the superior to rule over the inferior."

'This dichotomy requires "perpetual deception" between the rulers and the ruled, according to Drury. Robert Locke, another Strauss analyst says,"The people are told what they need to know and no more." While the elite few are capable of absorbing the absence of any moral truth, Strauss thought, the masses could not cope. If exposed to the absence of absolute truth, they would quickly fall into nihilism or anarchy, according to Drury, author of 'Leo Strauss and the American Right' (St. Martin's 1999).'

Leo Strauss's doctrine, as well as his profound influence on the Neocons, is so well documented, it took me about 15 seconds to find a reference to it, and the link between Neocon thinking espoused by Wolfowitz and his mentor Leo Strauss.

nobody123, you ARE the sheeple, in that you seem to believe everythink that the mainstream media shove at you. I will give you an example of the mass media lying through omission. Last night on CBC's National, they had a panel that sought to explain ISIS. They were asked where the funding came from. One after the other, they claimed they looted banks and imposed taxes. But nobody mentioned that it was Prince Bandar's Saudi Arabia that gave them the financing to get going while they organized in Syria, when reports were coming out that they were welcoming mass defections from the Al-Qaida Al-Nusra front and from the US backed Free Syrian Army, and otherwise consolidating by wiping out these last two forces in Syria. Exposing Saudi Arabia as the principal instigator of the present unrest in Arabia does not support the passive agenda that the media are trying to portray the US and its allies. Saudi Arabia has been up to its neck in fomenting unrest in Arabia, to the point of getting the Iraqi state to actually collapse.

The US government has been lying continuously since the Cold War, and the mainstream media has been helping them along. Hell, even during WW2, Hollywood were making propaganda movies; but the US were the good guys then. Viewing alternative sources of information is important in order to start questioning mainstream media's take on the world. It's not so simply black and white.


Apr 14, 2011
When I first saw the video of this supposed execution I came to the conclution right away this was staged. Mainly because what other beheading video cuts out the actual cutting off of the victims head?
ummm..the media censored it... live leak ,twitter, facbook, youtube etc all have published statements saying they would not post the entire actual video


Jan 19, 2004
The Neocons still run US foreign policy. Neocon doctrine includes public manipulation through a pliant press. That the press has been concentrated after the Clinton years from 40 to 6 news organizations owned by major corporations makes that much easier.

The principal author of the neocon manifesto "Project for a New American Century" was Paul Wolfowitz, one of the Neocons who brought us the US Iraqi invasion, and 10 years of ruinous economic consequences for America. His mentor was Leo Strauss a professor at Chicago University untile his death in 1973.

"Not only did Strauss have few qualms about using deception in politics, he saw it as a necessity. While professing deep respect for American democracy, Strauss believed that societies should be hierarchical – divided between an elite who should lead, and the masses who should follow. But unlike fellow elitists like Plato, he was less concerned with the moral character of these leaders. According to Shadia Drury, who teaches politics at the University of Calgary, Strauss believed that "those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right – the right of the superior to rule over the inferior."

'This dichotomy requires "perpetual deception" between the rulers and the ruled, according to Drury. Robert Locke, another Strauss analyst says,"The people are told what they need to know and no more." While the elite few are capable of absorbing the absence of any moral truth, Strauss thought, the masses could not cope. If exposed to the absence of absolute truth, they would quickly fall into nihilism or anarchy, according to Drury, author of 'Leo Strauss and the American Right' (St. Martin's 1999).'

Leo Strauss's doctrine, as well as his profound influence on the Neocons, is so well documented, it took me about 15 seconds to find a reference to it, and the link between Neocon thinking espoused by Wolfowitz and his mentor Leo Strauss.

nobody123, you ARE the sheeple, in that you seem to believe everythink that the mainstream media shove at you. I will give you an example of the mass media lying through omission. Last night on CBC's National, they had a panel that sought to explain ISIS. They were asked where the funding came from. One after the other, they claimed they looted banks and imposed taxes. But nobody mentioned that it was Prince Bandar's Saudi Arabia that gave them the financing to get going while they organized in Syria, when reports were coming out that they were welcoming mass defections from the Al-Qaida Al-Nusra front and from the US backed Free Syrian Army, and otherwise consolidating by wiping out these last two forces in Syria. Exposing Saudi Arabia as the principal instigator of the present unrest in Arabia does not support the passive agenda that the media are trying to portray the US and its allies. Saudi Arabia has been up to its neck in fomenting unrest in Arabia, to the point of getting the Iraqi state to actually collapse.

The US government has been lying continuously since the Cold War, and the mainstream media has been helping them along. Hell, even during WW2, Hollywood were making propaganda movies; but the US were the good guys then. Viewing alternative sources of information is important in order to start questioning mainstream media's take on the world. It's not so simply black and white.
thank you for posting


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."

--Goering at the Nuremberg Trials

Ashley V

Jul 31, 2014
ummm..the media censored it... live leak ,twitter, facbook, youtube etc all have published statements saying they would not post the entire actual video
please provide a link to the full video showing the full act of decapitation of james foely. if it existed it would be out there to see somewhere. or perhaps in this case isis produced a family friendly decapitation video?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Speaking of trolls: the only thing stupider than these vile fucks that put together ignorant conspiracy videos that troll and shit all over grieving parents (Sandy Hook was a particularly nasty example), is the ignorant fucks that buy into this vile shit.

Note to Big Sleazy et al: You are not special. You do not have a pipeline into "the truth" that the sheeple are lacking. You are not special. There is no quality that makes you better, more unique, more enlightened than the rest of the bags of water walking around the planet (and plenty that appear to put you behind the curve). You are not special. I'm sorry, but joining a cult or buying into a conspiracy theory that only a very few, select people are "smart" enough to buy into, does not make you special. You're mother may think you are "special", your school may indeed have thought you were "special"... but you are not special. Believing crazy shit is not going to change any of that. Please stop fooling yourself, you sure as fuck are not fooling anyone else.
Thank you Nobody.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
LOL did big sleazy actually link to a site that calls the Boston Marathon bombing fake? Get a grip.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
When I first saw the video of this supposed execution I came to the conclution right away this was staged. Mainly because what other beheading video cuts out the actual cutting off of the victims head?
Because the last time such a video was posted even Osama bin Laden criticized the posters saying that rather than recruiting those in the West it turned them off. Islamist fundamentalists may be evil and heartless, but they are not stupid and they adjusted their presentation.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
No, I'm pretty sure Carling has it correct. Media outlets edited the video to leave out the actual showing of the decapitation..


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
It is horrible the way that the government is trying to portray IS as bad guys. What have they ever done?

We need to reject the US conspiracy so we can focus on more important issues such as who is going on Bachelor Canada.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
It is horrible the way that the government is trying to portray IS as bad guys. What have they ever done?

We need to reject the US conspiracy so we can focus on more important issues such as who is going on Bachelor Canada.
Conspiracy theories have no credence until they are revealed 40 years later.

Check out the Gulf of Tonkin incident. The US used the imaginary attack of North Vietnamese gunboats on a US destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin in order to justify US intervention in Viet-Nam. Disclosed White House phone recordings between Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara reveal the actual conspiracy.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Conspiracy theories have no credence until they are revealed 40 years later.

Check out the Gulf of Tonkin incident. The US used the imaginary attack of North Vietnamese gunboats on a US destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin in order to justify US intervention in Viet-Nam. Disclosed White House phone recordings between Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara reveal the actual conspiracy.
You have this a bit mixed up. A conspiracy theory would have been for instance a theory that it was actually the Russians rather than the U.S. who were shooting at the North Vietnamese. It is not a conspiracy theory that events did not occur as they originally were reported by the U.S. Department of Defense.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
You have this a bit mixed up. A conspiracy theory would have been for instance a theory that it was actually the Russians rather than the U.S. who were shooting at the North Vietnamese. It is not a conspiracy theory that events did not occur as they originally were reported by the U.S. Department of Defense.
Oh, but it is. If somebody after the Tonkin Bay episode had said that it was a false flag operation carried out by the US, you or someone of your ilk would surely have ridiculed it as a conspiracy theory.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
You have this a bit mixed up. A conspiracy theory would have been for instance a theory that it was actually the Russians rather than the U.S. who were shooting at the North Vietnamese. It is not a conspiracy theory that events did not occur as they originally were reported by the U.S. Department of Defense.
AT the time it happened, if anybody had suggested that the US staged the entire incident as a pretext for beginning the Viet-Nam war, he would have been labeled a conspiracy theorist. The media reported the government line and the population went along with it. It turns out that it had been a conspiracy: President Johnson and Defense Secretary MacNamara conspired to manufacture consent for war by inventing the incident. Only it wasn't a theory, it was real. But until it was revealed as real some 40 years later, anybody questioning the government line without any hard proof was a theorist. The theorists were right, but in the meantime, were labeled as conspiracy theorists.

Typically, a person who reveals his suspicions of false flag operations without any proof is an example of a conspiracy theorist. The ones who control the message are quick to discredit and ridicule such persons by labelling them as such, just because the sheeple have been brainwashed into believing without question the government line, as put forward by the media.

But people shouldn't feel so bad. That's exactly how the adoption of Nazism swept Germany in the 1930's. There was so much propaganda and so much apparent acceptance, that reasonable people felt they couldn't pupblicly object without fear of being ridiculed for believing in conspiracy theories. This was the Germany that prided itself of its citizenry being educated and cultured.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
nobody123, you ARE the sheeple, in that you seem to believe everythink that the mainstream media shove at you. I will give you an example of the mass media lying through omission.
My dear Wilbur, you seem to have confused my unwillingness to buy into every bugfuck crazy bit of nonsense farted out by a David Icke or Alex Jones with an uncritical acceptance of the world as portrayed by those in power and the media. Don't get me wrong, it's cute and everything. Especially when it comes from someone that is railing against the neocons, which is kind of a favourite pinata of my own. But it's still, well... dumb. Sorry. You're dumb. And you are not special.

You do not have access to secret truths others are too blinkered to see. Chemtrails are not real. Sandy Hook, Aurora, the Boston Marathon and your mom's burnt meatloaf last week were not perpetrated by an evil government bent on tricking us into accepting more intense and evil governance, or less meatloaf, or something. You are not special. Vaccines are proven to reduce or even eliminate the chance of getting certain diseases; they are not a plot to infect the next generation with autism. You are not special for thinking so. Jews did not do 9/11. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a hoax. No, not just because that is what THEY want you to think. It's fucking fake already. Freemasons do not rule the world. There are no lizard people masquerading as humans and ruling the world. You are not special. HAARP is merely a research station, and not the trigger for earthquakes, tsunamis, and any rectal leakage you might be experiencing. (seriously though, you might want to get that checked out). Fluoridation of the water supply is not a sinister plot to poison us all slowly. They Live was just a movie. (a fucking KICKASS movie, though. Put. The. Fucking. Glasses. On!!!!!) Obama is not going to force everyone to convert their dollars to Ameros just before putting us all in FEMA camps along the new transcontinental highway. The New Order was a shitty 80s pop spin-off of Joy Division, nothing more, nothing less. You are not special and do not have a one-in-a-million pipeline to the truth or power of deduction beyond that of the mere hoi polloi around you. Your talk of the Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, and the Bildeberg Group does not make people uncomfortable because it exposes dangerous truths. It makes people uncomfortable because it manages to be both boring and insane at the same time. That alone is almost a rare feat, but even then you are not special. Sorry.
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