
OLEY FALSE FLAG: Why Did the FBI HIDE James Foley’s Information? [Skin Color For Star


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
My dear Wilbur, you seem to have confused my unwillingness to buy into every bugfuck crazy bit of nonsense farted out by a David Icke or Alex Jones with an uncritical acceptance of the world as portrayed by those in power and the media. Don't get me wrong, it's cute and everything. Especially when it comes from someone that is railing against the neocons, which is kind of a favourite pinata of my own. But it's still, well... dumb. Sorry. You're dumb. And you are not special.

You do not have access to secret truths others are too blinkered to see. Chemtrails are not real. Sandy Hook, Aurora, the Boston Marathon and your mom's burnt meatloaf last week were not perpetrated by an evil government bent on tricking us into accepting more intense and evil governance, or less meatloaf, or something. You are not special. Vaccines are proven to reduce or even eliminate the chance of getting certain diseases; they are not a plot to infect the next generation with autism. You are not special for thinking so. Jews did not do 9/11. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a hoax. No, not just because that is what THEY want you to think. It's fucking fake already. Freemasons do not rule the world. There are no lizard people masquerading as humans and ruling the world. You are not special. HAARP is merely a research station, and not the trigger for earthquakes, tsunamis, and any rectal leakage you might be experiencing. (seriously though, you might want to get that checked out). Fluoridation of the water supply is not a sinister plot to poison us all slowly. They Live was just a movie. (a fucking KICKASS movie, though. Put. The. Fucking. Glasses. On!!!!!) Obama is not going to force everyone to convert their dollars to Ameros just before putting us all in FEMA camps along the new transcontinental highway. The New Order was a shitty 80s pop spin-off of Joy Division, nothing more, nothing less. You are not special and do not have a one-in-a-million pipeline to the truth or power of deduction beyond that of the mere hoi polloi around you. Your talk of the Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, and the Bildeberg Group does not make people uncomfortable because it exposes dangerous truths. It makes people uncomfortable because it manages to be both boring and insane at the same time. That alone is almost a rare feat, but even then you are not special. Sorry.
I certainly didn't accuse you of any unwillingness of buying into every buckcrazy bit of nonsense..... However, there is this issue with the alledged beheading and some people's opinions that the video was doctored. There is the allegation, as well as the rationalization that the beheading recorded for public view was designed to provoke public outrage, either for:

1. Engineered by ISIS into provoking the US and some of their hangers-on to intervene militarily with boots on the ground in order to draw the US into another costly war.

2. Engineered by shady US spooks into manufacturing consent for war despite the US population's weariness at committing combat troops on the ground.

Just because Alex Jones repeated the latter doesn't mean that it's to be automatically discounted, and just because some agree with Alex jones on this one doesn't mean that those people automatically believe everything he says.

As far as I am concerned, either of these two theories are possible. Major US corporations stand to make a lot of money if the US should engage itself wholeheartedly in this. Obama doesn't really run foreign policy. He just thinks he does. There are sinister players behind the politicians in the White House. My observations and comparisons with reports on the ground from alternative media (foreign as well as stuff that appear near the back pages of major foreign newspapers (The Independent, the Guardian as an example), have convinced me that the North American media is censuring itself. It has not been free since the consolidation of US media during the Clinton Presidency. Editors are answerable to their publishers, who are the leaders of mega corporations that collude with or control the politicians. Rupert Murdoch is the perfect example of this, and he's just the tip of the iceberg.

It's not so much what they say. It's what they DON'T say.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
AT the time it happened, if anybody had suggested that the US staged the entire incident as a pretext for beginning the Viet-Nam war.
Has it been suggested that it was deliberately staged? As far as the opinion of those who have written about it is rather that although some at the Pentagon had doubts as to what had occurred, the account was accepted and then used by President Johnson to get the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution through Congress. Further that when after a few years the navy decided that the official version of events was inaccurate, the most than can be said is that they didn't publicize that. These are important distinctions from suggesting that the Johnson Administration staged the entire thing.
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