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Any Activists want to join me?

Samantha Jones

Active member
Jul 12, 2013
There should be another protest to end whale and dolphin captivity at Marineland on closing day. (TBA)

Please can we get as many people to join for this important cause. Being in Niagra, our group could go out after on Clifton Hill/the Falls etc for drinks and eats.

John Holer is a discrace to Canadians and needs to be stopped. Who's with me?


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
Although I don't think I'll be able to join you, I am very proud to say that I have never set foot in, or spent a penny at Marineland. And I have a kid, and go to NF a couple of times a year.
Ok, but ignorance can be bliss. I was there, once, when I was maybe 6 and loved it.


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
Will there also be a protest soon to free all the dogs, cats, birds, goldfish and iguanas presently being held in captivity under the devilishly clever misnomer of 'house pet'? I simply do not understand the politically correct outrage over zoos and aquariums, when in the end, captivity is captivity, no matter the animal being held. As long as the animals are safe, and well cared for, what's the fuss? And what's the difference between animals in a zoo or aquarium, and the pets kept in a domestic home...? :confused: Color me confused.....

@Lexi here's a working link


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
Will there also be a protest soon to free all the dogs, cats, birds, goldfish and iguanas presently being held in captivity under the devilishly clever misnomer of 'house pet'? I simply do not understand the politically correct outrage over zoos and aquariums, when in the end, captivity is captivity, no matter the animal being held. As long as the animals are safe, and well cared for, what's the fuss? And what's the difference between animals in a zoo or aquarium, and the pets kept in a domestic home...? :confused: Color me confused.....
I'll let a :hippie: correct me if need be, but my understanding is that, at Marineland in particular, the animals are allegedly NOT safe and well cared for.

But...unless you're a vegan who only wears hemp and cotton, its shockingly hypocritical. Sure, I'd prefer it if animals around the world (except insects...they're gross) were treated humanely at all times, but do I want to pay $18 for a 3 piece at KFC?


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
That's exactly the issue, DB123.

Marineland does NOT treat its animals well.

I'm no tree hugger or animal lover, but after watching Blackfish, I've veto-ed my kids requests three times to go to Sea World. I'd rather see a guy sweat to death in a Mickey costume at Disney making minimum wage.


New member
Aug 16, 2007
north of the GTA
I took my kids there years ago and will always remember the concrete bear pit with filthy water and all these begging bears being fed marshmallows that were sold to the visitors for the purpose of feeding the bears. I thought that was a terrible habitat and diet for all those bears then and we never ever went back. Not sorry at all to see it close. Way overdue.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
And what's the difference between animals in a zoo or aquarium, and the pets kept in a domestic home...? :confused: Color me confused.....
Old enough to apparently pay for companionship with an escort, but not old enough to understand the difference between animals in zoos and domesticated pets. #smh


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
Old enough to apparently pay for companionship with an escort, but not old enough to understand the difference between animals in zoos and domesticated pets. #smh
Keep shaking your head. The crux of the movement is the notion that 'animals do no belong or thrive in captivity', yet most animal rights advocates are very selective about how/when they apply the doctrine to themselves. It would seem many animal rights activists are actually pet owners as well. Guess the thinking is that you have to be a card carrying activist in order to be able properly care for an animal, thus giving you the right to keep an animal in captivity, but trained professionals in zoos and aquariums? Shit, they know nothing apparently.

There is a big difference between ensuring proper care through stringent industry regulation, and advocating the complete abolition of animals in captivity. Most of the activists I can't take too seriously largely due to their extremist, yet contradictory viewpoints and behaviors. Marineland may be front and centre due to allegations of questionable levels of acceptable care, but activists would paint all with the same brush. So tired. I just can't get worked up about the hypocrisy anymore.

Gee, I many of these animal rights activists are vegans? Oh, sorry, forgot - animal rights are only important for certain types of animals, and only in very certain contexts, right? No such thing as universal animal rights, even to the activists! ;) LOL!

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
I took my kids there years ago and will always remember the concrete bear pit with filthy water and all these begging bears being fed marshmallows that were sold to the visitors for the purpose of feeding the bears. I thought that was a terrible habitat and diet for all those bears then and we never ever went back. Not sorry at all to see it close. Way overdue.
Same with Toronto Zoo, I remember seeing the polar bears laying on concrete during a heatwave.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I took my kids there years ago and will always remember the concrete bear pit with filthy water and all these begging bears being fed marshmallows that were sold to the visitors for the purpose of feeding the bears. I thought that was a terrible habitat and diet for all those bears then and we never ever went back. Not sorry at all to see it close. Way overdue.
That's awful!

Samantha Jones

Active member
Jul 12, 2013
Opening day was a huge success, with over 400 people outside the gates. The main idea here is to get people thinking that even in the most "perfect" conditions, animals do not belong in captivity for our amusement. You can study them better in the wild. Besides- how would you feel?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
Just a question. What happens to the 700 employees who lose their jobs if this place is forced to shut down?


I <3 Geeky Girls
Jun 14, 2013
Likely on Twitter
I really don't think its fair to compare how dolphins / whales are treated at Marineland vs. (for example) my dog. I can personally attest that I spend a significant amount of my free time, and disposable income to ensure that my dog is safe, comfortable, loved, cared for, groomed, etc. My dog is expected to live significantly longer than a dog in the wild would.

While i agree that there are other captive animals that definitely should be released, i think its unfair to compare them to domesticated animals. I also think its unfair to basically argue "you aren't saving every animal, therefore the work you are doing is less valuable." I think the people who have pushed to get Marineland shut down, and all of the supporters that helped make it happen should be commended. Its an important first step to helping other abused animals in captivity.

My 2c.

The Hof

New member
Mar 18, 2015
Just a question. What happens to the 700 employees who lose their jobs if this place is forced to shut down?
What happens to all the employees as Guantanamo Bay gets shut down? Forget about the inhumanity to other living creatures, there's jobs at stake. Sorry, but that can never be a excuse.

The Hof

New member
Mar 18, 2015
Keep shaking your head. The crux of the movement is the notion that 'animals do no belong or thrive in captivity', yet most animal rights advocates are very selective about how/when they apply the doctrine to themselves. It would seem many animal rights activists are actually pet owners as well. Guess the thinking is that you have to be a card carrying activist in order to be able properly care for an animal, thus giving you the right to keep an animal in captivity, but trained professionals in zoos and aquariums? Shit, they know nothing apparently.

There is a big difference between ensuring proper care through stringent industry regulation, and advocating the complete abolition of animals in captivity. Most of the activists I can't take too seriously largely due to their extremist, yet contradictory viewpoints and behaviors. Marineland may be front and centre due to allegations of questionable levels of acceptable care, but activists would paint all with the same brush. So tired. I just can't get worked up about the hypocrisy anymore.

Gee, I many of these animal rights activists are vegans? Oh, sorry, forgot - animal rights are only important for certain types of animals, and only in very certain contexts, right? No such thing as universal animal rights, even to the activists! ;) LOL!
To much laughable crap in here to even waste my time.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
What happens to all the employees as Guantanamo Bay gets shut down? Forget about the inhumanity to other living creatures, there's jobs at stake. Sorry, but that can never be a excuse.
How many years has this place been open? Now all of a sudden it's a menace to society?
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