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  1. S

    Beating the addiction

    Quiting by the sheer will is nearly impossible. My life was nearly destroyed by it so it was reality imposing itself on me and not the other way around. It would seem that temptation has disappeared, mainly because I no longer seem to have the insatiable sex drive. Again, it can't take any...
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    Beating the addiction

    Yes, I don't intend to stay here. I came back online to share my story if only because it may resonate with others. There is hope and all is not lost even when you've hit rock bottom.
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    Beating the addiction

    I was once addicted to this hobby for 6 years. Ended up falling in love with MPs and SPs. Lost tons of money. Lost my sanity. It was a devastating experience. All the carnal pleasures which I was so smug about at the time feels cheap and vulgar. It's been two years since I saw a sex...
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    Gaming Desktop - i7-3770K - $500 OBO

    Please PM me if its still available. Thanks.
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    Diet soda is no healthier than regular soda

    Between the regular and diet soft drink, diet must be the lesser of the two evils in all respect. I think drinking diet soft drink must cause mix messages to be send to brain which may indeed affect your dietary habits, however as the article says if you're concerned about weight gain, it's all...
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    Drunk during sex

    Is this different with SP? in other words, isn't there some implicit consent given by the act of the transaction? This makes me think twice about seeing an SP who's either drunk or high.
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    Laptop Repair Suggestions Please

    $200 isn't a bad price to repair a broken screen. Unless the "current value" of the laptop is high (>600), I'd say just buy a new one. you can always you the laptop with an external screen either as desktop or NAS.
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    Drunk during sex

    I read that a woman who's drunk even if she made herself drunk without you cannot consent to sex because of her mental state, and that having sex with her can technically be considered a rape. Is this really true? I find this hard to believe since many couple end up in bed after a night of...
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    Bertrand Russel

    touché Amazing how lucid and sharp he remained into his old age.
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    Bertrand Russel

    That's because most people would rather die than to think for themselves. LOL
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    SP and friendship

    Funny. I think it might go more like this. Me: I think we need some time away from each other Her: ok Me: I was just kidding...sniff sniff will you take me back Her: only if you help me with ____ Me: Of course. I'm glad we're back together At least I can laugh about myself. I'm not really...
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    SP and friendship

    I have no doubt she'd be upset although she wouldn't actually say it in my face. No sense in going there. There is undoubtedly a trade happening here, but honestly I have never ever fucked a woman before where there weren't some strings attached. May be not an immediate one but a woman...
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    SP and friendship

    Thank you everyone for your advice and insight. I have left out some relevant details in the interest of maintaining privacy, so I'm afraid the big picture is a little more complicated. I'm going to see if I can take a break from the relationship. I don't quite know how to maneuver this...
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    SP and friendship

    Excellent advice. Appreciate the time and the thought that went into distilling this. Your toothpaste example demonstrates the difference between her and me on so many levels. It actually made me laugh.
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    SP and friendship

    You're right about this. Thanks for your perspective.
  16. S

    SP and friendship

    Saw the movie many years ago, and I have to agree that it was a good film. Love the part when the GF says to Miller "You are home!". I have to admit that early in our relationship she use to take advantage of me by ordering close to $100 worth of drinks even before dinner but all that has...
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    SP and friendship

    Yes I do have feelings that go beyond just being friend. It's hard not to have that when you're having sex with them AND spending lots of time with them. I just wished she could wake up from her dream and smell the coffee. Live a life that has a purpose and goals instead she just basks in...
  18. S

    SP and friendship

    One times when she was really drunk, she told me all about how she got into this business and that people closest to her were responsible. Heart wrenching story but I heard worst. People generally don't like it when a mirror is placed front of them, so I know what you mean.
  19. S

    SP and friendship

    I don't pay for any social time. I will often spend all Saturday with her walking around DT, grabbing lunch, and then I drop her off so that she can work that evening. As for long romantic walks, we've done that few times in Collingwood too. I won't deny that I have feeling for her but I'm...
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    SP and friendship

    May be true with some SPs but 95% of the BP girls don't do too much vetting. Even the INDYs who advertize here have no trouble seeing me on the same day just by texting. Some will ask for things like age, race, and profession but that's rare. Yes many do get into trouble with thugs and drug...
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