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  1. J

    7 Birthers to speak a the RNC convention

    What a sad little prog you are. The US Constitution is there for a reason, and once the muslame squatter is ejected in Nov then America can get back to business. Glad it bothers you. .
  2. J

    7 Birthers to speak a the RNC convention

    You have an odd, dare I say , "queer" fantasy life. Word is that your kenyan gets 'debriefed' regularly at his favourite 'down low' mens only club. .
  3. J

    Obama-Biden: Hope and Chains

    Just saying that even the corrupt rangel got the 'subtle' inference. Are you saying that you lack his cognitive skills. .
  4. J

    Jack one year later

    This isn't a confessional wigglee, we can't grant you forgiveness. You'll just have to deal with your shame in private. No Homo . .
  5. J

    Neil Armstrong, dead at 82 - RIP

    RIP I remember as clear as if it was yesterday the broadcasts of the moon landing. An amazing triumph.
  6. J

    Good news story for a change

    I have heard of the poster known as Lancslad. I hear his puns were of such quality that they caused GB to go home often. .
  7. J

    Jack one year later

    I wonder if the late jackoff only went to union MP's. Would he have paid the door fee, or just given her the tip.:D
  8. J

    7 Birthers to speak a the RNC convention

    Next Jan when all the kenyans records are unsealed, the investigations can begin in earnest. Whole lot of progs going to besoiling their panties when that happens. .
  9. J

    Jack one year later

    I'll type slowly so you can read it. I used the line " bit too much to swallow".. If you ever read any of the hilarious pun threads you may have seen the " No homo" added whenever an double entendre of that sort was employed. We also would post it just because it was a whim. No Home See...
  10. J

    Good news story for a change

    Nice to see. Good on 'im. .
  11. J

    Obama-Biden: Hope and Chains
  12. J

    Jack one year later

    Are you reading from a script that jackoff wrote before he died. I hope so , otherwise you really don't get reality do you. he was a champagne socialist who loved to use others money to satisfy his warped prog ideas. .
  13. J

    Jack one year later

    I'll be gentle with you since you are new. Search if you want, the " no Homo" tag line has been used for a long time by many on the board. I most certainly could be called a redneck, by the lietards anyway, however saying homophobe is a bit too much to swallow. No homo. .
  14. J

    Jack one year later

    Nice try but you are no Woody.:D
  15. J

    Jack one year later

    Funeral was kinda okay, got to watch all the dips gather to see jack off. No homo. .
  16. J

    Obama-Biden: Hope and Chains

    The mall he is guarding tonight has poor internet connections. :D .
  17. J

    Obama-Biden: Hope and Chains

    or neither. You progs just can't think outside the playbook. .
  18. J

    Hamburg’s Institutionalization of Islam: Committing Cultural Suicide?

    I merely suggest doing unto others as they would do unto us, except do it first and with greater force. .
  19. J


    An interesting aspect of the Dieppe raid was the role played by the 10 man "bodyguard" for the RAF radar boffin sent to gather intel at the Freya radar site. A big chance was taken sending him as he dare not be allowed to be captured by the germans. To that end his bodyguard had a duel role...
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