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  1. P

    Hottest Female Anchors On CNN

    Agree with that
  2. P

    Why is it that….

    I am with CUTTER on this one. There are alot of fine ladies in the KW & G area who do not seem to get reviewed often and do not comment often on this Board. Perhaps we should all realize why this Board exists; to aid us all in our hobby and to extole the virtues of the fine talent available to...
  3. P

    Do any of you pay $46.99 + HST for Rogers Hi-Speed Express internet? or less/more?

    You could if you have a wireless router and it was not password protected, for what ever reason. It happened to me last year.
  4. P

    Women of the Weather Network Three (3) III

    I would take Nicole & Lindsay as a duo any day.
  5. P

    Another Happy Birthday wish, this time to:

    Sorry I missed it. I will need to wrap something up for you in the near future.
  6. P

    Hot photo of Scarlett Johansson from Vanity Fair shoot

    Red hair. Does it every time!:eyebrows:
  7. P

    Battle of the Blades

    My pleasure too. Guilty as charged.
  8. P

    Ghadafi is dead!

    So sad,NOT.The world will be better off I think. Next is Iran and that weasle. These dictators disturb me no end. People are human, and when we forget that, all humanity suffers.
  9. P

    A confession!!!

    I will second that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. P

    Amanda Knox Free

    Finally someone with a brain looked at the evidence I am guessing.
  11. P

    Jane, Jane, Plain_Jane

    Perhaps, but I understand what I wrote. Sorry if my choice of words is not to your taste. I will try and improve in the future.
  12. P

    Jane, Jane, Plain_Jane

    Had a wonderful hour and a half with this great lady this afternoon. Jane is by all accounts a BBW, with personality and ability befitting her age. She genuinely enjoys herself, right along with you. Enjoyment of the time is what it is all about. Very receptive to my requests and skilled in her...
  13. P

    Indy or agency?

    Indy. No middleman or BS
  14. P

    women with ponytails

    I am with you on that.
  15. P

    RIP Jack Layton

    Now who will keep Harper on track. Jack was a good match for Harpo. Rest well Jack
  16. P

    ahhhh ha ha it's so me don't you agree

    It is always best when you yourself know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. P

    Need a heavy duty wire cutter

    I agree
  18. P

    I hope we don't see this type of lunacy in Toronto one day ...

    My sentiment exactly. Come for a better life, then embrace it, don't drag your homeland crap with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. P

    Laptops; Any info from Dell users?

    I have a Studio 17", bought it for use with spreadsheets and CAD. Works great, and I too did not pay for extended warranty. No problems that my local tech guy would not be able to handle. The battery is still doing great (128 months old). This is my second one. First one was 6 years ago.
  20. P

    Doug Ford says he doesn't know Margaret Atwood

    Maybe he was saying what people really think: Toronto Council is illiterate most of the time when it suits them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Toronto Escorts