Are you interested in having a provider play the role of a disinterested house wife that's just there for the money and spends the majority of the time on her phone and won't do anything but doggy?
Tryst is like LeoList directory, if you're looking for someone who's available now or soon most of your inquiries will fall on deaf ears. At least the "LeoList List" is fresh adds so your chance of actually getting a response is higher.
There are plenty of professionals that offer services at $100-150/hh but you're not going to get it at a spa with their house fees and you won't be getting barbie.
I've seen a few that were around $200-250/hr and had positive experiences.
Not all are expensive.
Not all require screening.
Being a member does not mean they give good service.
They are just a resource for independent escorts, that's all, nothing special.