Blondie Massage Spa

Search results

  1. BusterHighmann

    What is High End?

    When I think high-end I think experience not price. Here's what I describe as high-end. - Location is clean and bed has clean sheets. No bare mattress on the floor or couch covered in clothes. - Shower is available and a clean towel is provided, not some soggy towel that 10 other johns have...
  2. BusterHighmann

    Recommendations for Round bottom SPs

    Let's get more specific here, are you looking for a firm shapely ass or a nice big fat ass on a small frame?
  3. BusterHighmann

    Barrhaven Brie

    I got 99 problems but this ain't one.
  4. BusterHighmann

    What is High End?

    More than 80 percent of their teeth remain in their mouth.
  5. BusterHighmann

    Know it will sound nuts but, anyone else feel more comfortable seeing providers in their 30's?

    Yes! Any younger and I keep looking to see if Chris Hansen comes out from behind a curtain!
  6. BusterHighmann

    Gentle domination

    Madison when she comes back in Dec.
  7. BusterHighmann

    Large Boobs

    Looks like a fake add
  8. BusterHighmann

    Kassie the GG?

    She looks nothing like her lol.
  9. BusterHighmann

    Prettiest Kitty in Town (So She Says)

    The add is faker than Dolly Parton's chest.
  10. BusterHighmann

    Kassie the GG?

    Kassie is top notch GFE.
  11. BusterHighmann

    Has anyone seen Beckie ?

    Her add is back up now, I've seen her earlier this year and it was great.
  12. BusterHighmann


    Doesn't look local? I don't see any palm trees or elephants.
  13. BusterHighmann

    LFI - London Blue 4444

    Are you new to this or is this a fake review?
  14. BusterHighmann

    Cancellation replacement.

    Tuesday after a long weekend it's going to be a seller's market, good luck!
  15. BusterHighmann

    LF Fitness/Muscular SP Offerring Pegging

    Where does she miss the mark? Looking for something a bit more manly?
  16. BusterHighmann

    Madison Ottawa

    LoL just go see her she's better in person.
  17. BusterHighmann

    Em 5407 Beware Sister Scammers

    Did you get scammed by her? I didn't! Am I special?
Toronto Escorts