Royal Spa

What is High End?

What determines a “high end” status?

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Lazy Lurker
Feb 6, 2021
Since it was brought up in another thread. Figured we can debate here and get to the bottom of it.

What determines a lady’s status as a “high end” provider?


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
I think it’s a combination of a bunch of factors 🤷‍♀️
I agree. However price does not need to be in the equation. high end Without the price Posible.
And you can have the price eithout the high end. Toronto street actions like this.
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Active member
Feb 19, 2022
With all due respect, I don't really think just one of your poll answers define "High end" I think it has a lot to do with how one carries & markets themselves.. A lot of factors fall into play... Volume, length of date, rates, professionalism, etc... I personally am not a fan of the term "High End..." at the end of the day, we're all SW's doing the same thing. Just different marketing strategies.


Jan 2, 2022
With all due respect, I don't really think just one of your poll answers define "High end" I think it has a lot to do with how one carries & markets themselves.. A lot of factors fall into play... Volume, length of date, rates, professionalism, etc... I personally am not a fan of the term "High End..." at the end of the day, we're all SW's doing the same thing. Just different marketing strategies.
This reply is 100% accurate. so many things to consider and to nail it down to one defining factor is not possible/realistic.


Jul 8, 2014
What about not using the term altogether? We're talking about human beings here. I can't even begin to understand why one would think a provider is "high end" and another one not. Maybe it's just me. People are not things.

I was wondering when this reply would arrive... haha


Jul 8, 2014
"High end" is always tied to $...

High end cars, hotels, jewelry, clothing, restaurants etc etc... It is always tied to $$$

That does not mean you cant get amazing service for less money.

And you can pay a lot and not get great service.

The fact is, someone charging $150 hr will never be considered High End!


smile like you mean it
Feb 24, 2021
anyone can call themselves high-end, if all they want is some arbitrary excuse to charge a high price, but have nothing to offer to differentiate their services as actually deserving the (category) of high-end.
just like gfe.... tossed-around like it is some kind of "certification" you'll receive xyz services at abc quality.
complete subjective nonsense.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2017
"High end" is always tied to $...

High end cars, hotels, jewelry, clothing, restaurants etc etc... It is always tied to $$$

That does not mean you cant get amazing service for less money.

And you can pay a lot and not get great service.

The fact is, someone charging $150 hr will never be considered High End!

Do you mean that providers who only make car calls in Jaguars, Royces and Bentleys are 'mobile' high end providers? Just my sense of auto-humour.


Active member
Jan 17, 2017
Since it was brought up in another thread. Figured we can debate here and get to the bottom of it.

What determines a lady’s status as a “high end” provider?
I think it there are no characteristics or qualities that define "high end", it is simply how the lady markets herself, if she says she is "high end" or "elite" or "upscale", that's just the way she wants to present herself. Whether or not the services meet expectations is an entirely different story. Like advertising that GFE service is offered but not meeting certain things that would be expected (such as kissing, but that's another thread!). In the end, it's all about buyer beware and clear communication so no one is disappointed.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2022
When I think high-end I think experience not price.

Here's what I describe as high-end.

- Location is clean and bed has clean sheets. No bare mattress on the floor or couch covered in clothes.

- Shower is available and a clean towel is provided, not some soggy towel that 10 other johns have toweled off their nuts with before.

- Provider does not interrupt the session to go smoke crack or meet her dealer at the door.

- Provider has a nearly full set of teeth and does not stink.

- Provider is not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

I don't consider providing all agreed upon services "high end" I expect that from any provider....I consider that the "bare minimum"

I don't consider looks or body modification to be high end, I consider beauty to be in the eye of the beholder.


Ruby Lust, The Red MILF
Dec 9, 2016
Ottawa / Gatineau
I think the term high-end is an umbrella generally used to communicate attributes like those listed above and others. It’s an expression some SWs use as part of a marketing strategy but more often I see clients using it to classify providers and this has its pros and cons. Some will say it articulates luxury, while others find it alienating and exclusionary. Some clients will use it to mean professional while others use it for derogatory purposes to mean “over-priced” or elitist.

I’ve noticed that clients sometimes impose this term on providers who don’t specifically define themselves as high-end, so it may have a different meaning on the client-side than for the provider. For example, I don’t think I’ve ever used it in my marketing (I’ve used “upscale” to describe my locations) but see I was added to the high-end list this week. That’s fine, it’s just not how I would put myself out there and as others have said, not a term I love.

I wouldn’t say the use is arbitrary and therefore meaningless but it’s probably more subjectively personal or at least tribal than anything; your Jaquar might be my vintage Porsche or his souped up Mustang. And in the end many of us drive really practical cars that are reliable and can handle the harsh Canadian winters!

In defence of what could be called “high-end” marketing, of course it’s not an automatic that glossy advertising equals a great experience for you nor the reverse —but that doesn’t make it all smoke and mirrors either. The most effective marketing is so because it’s both appealing to and accurate for the target audience. And in fact, marketing has intrinsic value in the form of enticing images, easily accessible information and an opportunity to engage directly with a provider which is a part of a whole experience many clients seek out and enjoy. In other words, interacting with a provider’s marketing can be a pleasure in and of itself. It has a value and it also comes at a cost.

All this being said, marketing (“high-end” or not) is a pretty critical tool providers use to improve business outcomes by communicating our strengths, reaching a desirable audience and helping to mitigate industry stigma. What industry doesn’t do this? And so when someone does so effectively, bringing real value to the table, whether it be through professionalism, desirable physical attributes, charisma, exceptional service, uniqueness, convenience, accessibility, discretion, a trusted name, sincere human connection, passion or something else in demand (and the list goes on) I think it’s completely fair to set a commensurate rate without being disparaged.

Our fees and personas are not arbitrary. We’re running businesses, making investments and even more importantly, all human beings who want to feel and be fairly valued for our contributions. We are all “worth it” and a special experience to someone however we choose to describe ourselves.


Jul 8, 2014
Wow... What you consider high end should be considered the basics!!!

When I think high-end I think experience not price.

Here's what I describe as high-end.

- Location is clean and bed has clean sheets. No bare mattress on the floor or couch covered in clothes.

- Shower is available and a clean towel is provided, not some soggy towel that 10 other johns have toweled off their nuts with before.

- Provider does not interrupt the session to go smoke crack or meet her dealer at the door.

- Provider has a nearly full set of teeth and does not stink.

- Provider is not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

I don't consider providing all agreed upon services "high end" I expect that from any provider....I consider that the "bare minimum"

I don't consider looks or body modification to be high end, I consider beauty to be in the eye of the beholder.


My friends call me Mando
Nov 13, 2020
To me, high end is anything that doesn’t feel like I’m visiting a crack house, being seen by a pimped out crack whore. Period. It may or may not be fair but how she projects herself and her attitude towards her clientele (both with mutual professionalism and respect for our time and money) means a lot. Poor communication, shitty locales, on her device, swearing and messy environments…no thanks.
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