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  1. S

    How The Left Turned On The Jews

    There are substantial numbers of Jews opposed to what Israel is doing. Are they anti-Semitic? It's not difficult, the Israeli government does not want any Palestinian state. Christ they funded Hamas early on to divide Palestinians and keep any idea of a real state as a distant fantasy, all the...
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    TD Bank stock heavly shorted - is this the end ?

    Hate to break it to you but they didn't. Our banks had no capital issues at all. What happened was the Feds wanted to lend tens of billions immediately to get money in the economy. Rather than create an agency from scratch with no experience, the solution was buy tones of insured mortgages from...
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    Poilievre has called for a non-confidence vote

    The Independent parliamentary budget officer has confirmed this multiple times. Most of the money collected comes from rich Canadians and is redistributed to the 80% lower income families.
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    KINSELLA: Who's writing the cheques for anti-Israel protests?

    It's generally average people taking transit and showing up with home made signs. No cheques required unlike the trucker occupation for weeks away from home. Maybe the genocide is simp,y outraging normal people.
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    Poilievre has called for a non-confidence vote

    The inflation problem is all to do with the jump in the price of gas two years ago. Once it fell so did inflation. Meanwhile the carbon tax puts more money in most Canadians' pocket than it takes. That's anti-inflationary. It's Con premiers who are driving up prices, especially Ford importing...
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    Poilievre has called for a non-confidence vote

    Yeah, that Con was Lyin' Brian who was a crook and sold Canadian jobs out to pasture and nixed federal housing development. How's that working out for us? He had a choice
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    Poilievre has called for a non-confidence vote

    I see, he's both a Naxi and communist at the same time. Might want to loosen the tinfoil hat restricting oxygen flow
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    Poilievre has called for a non-confidence vote

    And it will fizzle out like all Pollievre ideas. This is the desperation of someone who doesn't want to campaign on ideas (he has none) but to sneak into power by stunts. His popularity is at its peak and he knows that as a scheduled election draws closer it will plummet when he has to explain...
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    Tone deaf Liberals: Toronto Protest today

    Please. Canada beats most comparable countries on most metrics for quality of life, affordability, etc. This is destroyed? Where do I get more? Pollievre has no ideas to steal. Once it's election time you watch, everything can be solved by a tax cut and balancing the budget. Sadly that doesn't...
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    DoFo's incentives reward Toronto

    Not as much as in the past or in Europe, but still a material part, which is impressive living next to the US
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    DoFo's incentives reward Toronto

    From the economy, of which the government is 25% or so. They also provide and charge for setvices, including the ones that capitalists depend on to make money, like IP protection, infrastructure construction, etc. If you want a system where government is absent and the market is untouched, check...
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    DoFo's incentives reward Toronto

    And how would capitalism get by without the government training its workers, building its infrastructure, enforcing its contracts, protecting its IP, making the world safe for trade, etc? Capitalists just market government debt. Government can and has so,d its debt directly in the past. There...
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    DoFo's incentives reward Toronto

    Socialism funds capitalism, especially with corporate welfare and anytime a broken industry needs a taxpayer bailout. Privatize the gains and socialize the losses eh?
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    Jewish group demands apology after MPs honoured man who fought for Nazis

    You do know that the Rusians were our enemy and Nazi ally when the war started, but we got over it eh? And that Russa was the enemy of Ukraine, the country in question, where the Soviets starved more Ukrainians than the Nazis killed Jews? As I said, it was a mes. And stil, no one has any...
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    Jewish group demands apology after MPs honoured man who fought for Nazis

    Exactly, even Pollievre doesn't seem to understand this. The people so proud of our country and its rules don't even know what the rules are. These are the people who criticize immgrants but would fail an immigrant citizenship test.
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    Greens, stop using kids to fight your battles

    Exactly what you would expect the side with no youth support to say.
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    Jewish group demands apology after MPs honoured man who fought for Nazis

    I'm ashamed of our "leaders" who go nuts over the Speaker's lack of due diligence, then immediately turn to condemn a man that no one has any evidence did anything other than kill Russians as bad as the Nazis.
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    Jewish group demands apology after MPs honoured man who fought for Nazis

    There is if you didn't actually commit any atrocities. What I've read is he joined them because they were the only opposition to the Russians in Ukraine. No one has said anything showing he was part of their ear,jer efforts against Jews. That omission is telling. If all he did was fight...
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    Jewish group demands apology after MPs honoured man who fought for Nazis

    Wouldn't that be something, if anyone actually looked into what he did rather than what a group he joined did years prior?
  20. S

    Jewish group demands apology after MPs honoured man who fought for Nazis

    What atrocity did he commi? Do you have any evidence or do you just parrot what others tell you like a lemming?
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