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  1. R

    Do you believe in privilege? White privilege, etc?

    No, I mean having to have more credentials than said women and people of color in order to get placement. I'm absolutely all for letting credentials speak for themselves and leaving race and gender off the table.
  2. R

    Do you believe in privilege? White privilege, etc?

    Privilege is changeable, and depends on society's viewpoint. But I feel most people don't believe that privilege is changeable. I think it's true that older white men are very privileged, by virtue of growing up in a time where they were granted certain advantages based solely on their skin...
  3. R

    Black Out, 20 Years Ago Today

    I was on the open water and didn't realize anything was amiss until I got back to shore a few hours later and saw huge line-ups at the gas stations. Went home, grilled some steaks for family, and stayed out all night having a bonfire. If I recall correctly, power came on midday the next day.
  4. R

    Key Reasons for the drastic change in the SP market (agencies)?

    I'd argue that this applies just about everywhere. Workers are demanding more and giving less across just about every industry. That's what happens when there's a labor shortage, and mass retirement during a pandemic. It stretches the labor pool and creates a seller's market. You see it in...
  5. R

    One Wal-Mart Closes Self-serve

    Could be because I count the non-sensual act of thievery as immoral, and not the consensual acts in this industry. What's your argument? That since we engage in this industry, all bets are off? Nothing is immoral anymore?
  6. R

    One Wal-Mart Closes Self-serve

    My moral code can't be bought for the price of a banana, so no thanks.
  7. R

    Should we halt Immigration until we can get it under control.

    One of the reasons we need immigration to sustain our economy is because the cost of living is out of control (thereby making it too expensive to raise large families, or requiring two career adults per household). Unfortunately, immigration also exacerbates the cost of living, so it's a...
  8. R

    Grooming children with clothing - Your thoughts?

    When I was a child, I never saw girls wearing tank tops with spaghetti straps and shorts high on the thigh. So yeah, that's not something we should be comfortable with. However, I think young girl fashion has always emulated older girl fashion, because that's what sells. And as adult women...
  9. R

    Guide to tipping says you need to tip even if the service is bad

    That wasn't really what I was saying. I agree that hard work should be rewarded. I simply disagree with the premise that everyone will do the bare minimum otherwise. Merit-based pay is a great thing. My problem with tipping as we know it is that it's not purely merit based. If a tip is...
  10. R

    Guide to tipping says you need to tip even if the service is bad

    Depends on the person. Some people don't need external motivation for doing a good job. However, it can certainly be demotivating to that person seeing a lazy ass server getting appreciated as much as they are.
  11. R

    Are millenials entitled?

    Yes and no. For the record, what someone does in their leisure time shouldn't define them as lazy/entitled. What was available to boomers may have been different, but it's not like boomers didn't make use of their leisure time. Similarly, streaming on Twitch, Onlyfans, Youtube, etc., are forms...
  12. R

    Do you believe AI is overhyped?

    You're right, that's not a good comparison. If you're comparing a machine with prerecorded responses based on user input, to a self-learning AI, they're universes apart. Part of the fear with AI is the unknown. It's able to access the entirety of data on the internet, make complex calculations...
  13. R

    Woman blames husband for accident

    I'm glad she learned an important lesson that didn't involve running over a child.
  14. R

    Downtown Toronto DEAD Mall | Shops at Aura Walk

    Yes. Which is a lifestyle more and more Canadians are going to have to adopt if we keep going this direction with cost of living.
  15. R

    Downtown Toronto DEAD Mall | Shops at Aura Walk

    Immigration is *one* solution. We could also focus on answering the question why current Canadians are having so few children themselves and work to address those. There are many factors, but the main one IMO is the cost of living. Not only does this make having children unaffordable, but it...
  16. R

    World breast sizes

    Now do a study on natural breast size and see how it differs. These well off countries will have had a lot of breast enlargement surgeries.
  17. R

    Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives widen their lead over Justin Trudeau’s Liberals

    Honestly, it's probably too late at this point. The Liberals and NDP have already done so much damage to the country, and a huge chunk of the country doesn't realize it because they can't see past their nose. I'm not sure how Trudeau can keep saying they're making decisions to "build a better...
  18. R

    Would you rather time travel to the past or the future...

    Past, for three reasons: 1) To visit lost loved ones and potentially save them. Discovering that cancer just a little bit sooner could have made all the difference. 2) Correct some of my past mistakes. 3) Take my knowledge of the future to invest appropriately, then come back to the present...
  19. R

    Arbys employee freezes to death due to negligence

    Yeah, considering the potential for tragedy, these walk-in freezers should have back-up safety mechanisms.
  20. R

    Modern Day Beggars

    I remember when the classical idea of a beggar was someone down on their luck, sitting homeless on the streets, begging for a scrap of change. So...does anyone else find it strange when SPs are begging for goodies on twitter? "I chipped my nail polish, won't someone pay for a manicure?"...
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