Should we halt Immigration until we can get it under control.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Lately the media has been filled with reports of refugees,immigrants etc coming to Canada but when they arrive after hearing the ''land of milk and honey' hype there is no where to go, live etc. Living on the streets in front of Govt. buildings Im sure is not what they expected once they got here. IMO Canada is taking in far too many people right now which equals money we dont have being spent on them.

A friend of mine equates it to filling a bathtub .If you dont keep an eye on it the tub it will overflow which seems to be happening now. Canada has always welcomed immigrants over the years with open arms but looks like its out of control with each level of Govt. blaming each other. We have people living in tent cities across the country because there is either no housing or housing is too expensive. How do we provide housing for people coming into the country as immigrants that will increase the housing needs?


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2009
1. Massive unnecessary overspending during the covid hysteria. Devaluing our currency while running up record levels of debt, inflation, interest rate hikes, unaffordable housing for many etc. Cost of living very expensive. Taxes up to our noses.

2. Carbon tax and other unrealistic “climate change” initiatives that end up putting more $ for the govt to misuse/launder etc.

3. Money laundering over $8 billion for a foreign proxy war with no end in sight. Ukraine is just a pawn. Zelensky himself banned the opposition party in his own country - but hey guys this is for democracy! Lmfao peak irony. Like JT, all these criminals are a walking contradiction.

4. Bringing in massive number of refugees with no plan, no increased infrastructure. Essentially devaluing our culture among other things. That GTA traffic nightmare? Its gona get worse.

5. Divisive ideology on LGBTQ where youre a bigot for wanting them to leave the kids alone. And more unnecessary wasteful spending.

6. Criminals out on bail allowed to roam the streets killing innocent bystanders with illegal guns in broad daylight, or stab people on the TTC etc. Now we have tent cities like SF or Vancouver.

7. Housing crisis - out of control immigration with no plan is a contributor.

Our standard of living is trending towards being the worst among developed nations. Dont let the left fool you - our GDP per capita growth (the real benchmark) is last.

But you know what? Everyone that stood by and conformed to the covid insanity, and those who continue to support all the subsequent govt narratives deserve this. Bunch of stupid fucks. Once the feds get ousted in 2025, guess who is gona have to clean up this mess and then hear the left bitch when we have to cut spending due to historic debt levels? We have no fiscal responsibility and our future generations will be paying for it. The lack of foresight of so many is astounding, but then again many Canadians have no spine and/or are way too woke - we feel morally superior but the joke is on us internationally.

Spoiler alert: this was all by design. The feds dont give AF about anyone but their wallets and ideology. We already saw everyone bend over when it came to medical informed consent. That was just a feeler test too.

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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
No. Like it or not we need them. It’s sad so many don’t understand why. The questions should be. How many per year, and where/how do they get placed. Anywhere but the GTA…..

Beyond that, I have zero sympathy for the GTA. Except for those that can’t afford rent anymore. Let alone a house. My “SO” just got her client a mobile home yesterday…you know, a trailer….$400,000. You guys made your beds. Sleep in them.

what we really need is some kind of proficiency test people have to pass before being allowed to vote. That or electoral reform.

For way too many years, the people in the GTA have elected governments, both Fed and Prov that only care about getting elected and doing what it takes to keep voters happy, or buy votes. The GTA is self centered, thinks only of itself. Has no clue there’s a world out past highway 7 and cottage country….

The nail in the coffin for Ontario was 2003-2010. When sooooooooooooooooooo jobs were lost all around Ontario. But the GTA and no-one cared. Could also point back to 2006 and hydro rates…..killing small town Ontario and it wasn’t until around 2012, that people in the GTA finally started feeling the pinch and started Howling too. 2014 before the government admitted it was a mess.

people whether immigrants, or citizens need jobs…..and a place to call home…And if you doubt that, Google home price trends. You will see the the launch point, the start of bidding wars, etc. was around 2012.

In Canada now. For all intents and purposes that’s the GTA. Where politicians have thrown money at it, keeping jobs, building the infrastructure needed, etc etc etc etc ad nauseum…

And if you doubt any of that. Just look at “Carbon Taxes”…People in cities will barely feel the pinch. People outside cities


Answers at this way too late point??
Who the F knows. We can start by spending a shit ton of money building infrastructure and more. Anywhere but the GTA. So people want to live…and work….somewhere else.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Well on that note, I do hate Liberals for destroying Ontario. Hate them just a little more than I hate Cons.

Badly needed. Sad that so many don’t understand why.
You made a post on topic - he made a rant solely about the liberals. There was a difference. For example, there was nothing about immigration in his post but he was sure to bring up LGTBQ+ issues with kids.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2010
As a society, we are fucking stupid. And Onterrible deserves it for voting in JT with our prehistoric voting system.

1. Massive unnecessary overspending during the covid hysteria. Devaluing our currency while running up record levels of debt, inflation, interest rate hikes, unaffordable housing for many etc. Cost of living very expensive. Taxes up to our noses.

2. Carbon tax and other unrealistic “climate change” initiatives that end up putting more $ for the govt to misuse/launder etc.

3. Money laundering over $8 billion for a foreign proxy war with no end in sight. Ukraine is just a pawn. Zelensky himself banned the opposition party in his own country - but hey guys this is for democracy! Lmfao peak irony. Like JT, all these criminals are a walking contradiction.

4. Bringing in massive number of refugees with no plan, no increased infrastructure. Essentially devaluing our culture among other things. That GTA traffic nightmare? Its gona get worse.

5. Divisive ideology on LGBTQ where youre a bigot for wanting them to leave the kids alone. And more unnecessary wasteful spending.

6. Criminals out on bail allowed to roam the streets killing innocent bystanders with illegal guns in broad daylight, or stab people on the TTC etc. Now we have tent cities like SF or Vancouver.

7. Housing crisis - out of control immigration with no plan is a contributor.

Our standard of living is trending towards being the worst among developed nations. Dont let the left fool you - our GDP per capita growth (the real benchmark) is last.

But you know what? Everyone that stood by and conformed to the covid insanity, and those who continue to support all the subsequent govt narratives deserve this. Bunch of stupid fucks. Once the feds get ousted in 2025, guess who is gona have to clean up this mess and then hear the left bitch when we have to cut spending due to historic debt levels? We have no fiscal responsibility and our future generations will be paying for it. The lack of foresight of so many is astounding, but then again many Canadians have no spine and/or are way too woke - we feel morally superior but the joke is on us internationally.

Spoiler alert: this was all by design. The feds dont give AF about anyone but their wallets and ideology. We already saw everyone bend over when it came to medical informed consent. That was just a feeler test too.

We also have a GG that doesnt give 2 fucks about the indigenous and only seems to care about hom much money she can spend jet setting all over the world eating beef wellington .
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
IF voters were actually politically astute, they’d understand we need them for continued growth in GDP,….and….for the tax revenue so we can deliver various services, etc and so on.

We are getting “older”. We live longer, and birth rates are going down. It’s as simple as that.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2021
IF voters were actually politically astute, they’d understand we need them for continued growth in GDP,….and….for the tax revenue so we can deliver various services, etc and so on.

We are getting “older”. We live longer, and birth rates are going down. It’s as simple as that.
In no-immigration Japan, the population declined by 800,00 in 2022. If this trend continues, the population of Japan will fall to 87 million by 2070.

In Canada, the population increased to 40 million, fueled by 437,180 immigrants in 2022. The government is planning to welcome 505,000 more in 2023, 542,000 in 2024 and 550,000 in 2025. The problem we are having is more of these immigrants settle in GTA and Greater Vancouver, making those places highly expensive.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
And if voters were actually politically astute. They would also know, that since around 1990 70% of all immigrants head to the GTA. That doesn’t include Maritimers looking for work and a place to hang their hats, that doesn’t include Westerners looking for work and a place to hang their hats. That doesn’t include kids in rural, small town, northern Ontario or those that have lost good paying jobs, looking for work and a place to hang their hats…..

70% of 200,000 (for about the past 25 years)
70% of 500,000 badly needed immigrants heading you know where.

I have zero, absolutely zero sympathy for people in the GTA. You made your beds.

I saw it coming back around 2006-2008. Glad I got the F out of self centered, think about no-one else GTA. There are reasons most of Canada “hate it”.
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Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
Badly needed. Sad that so many don’t understand why.
I agree it may be badly needed but if you don't have the infrastructure or the money to accommodate newcomers to Canada what's the point. They come here for a better life and end up freezing on the streets
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Well maybe they would be heading elsewhere…..if……people whose votes politicians buy, like to keep happy……had lookexfurther than the end of their noses. Realized there a world outside……And that infrastructure, job creation, job retention had gone anywhere else but the centre of the universe.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
With so much of the world becoming uninhabitable due to climate change, no matter what immigrants have to endure, Canada is still the promised land.

No sense blaming one branch of government, all of them are clueless on finding solutions. If Pierre Poilievre gets elected he can institute a total immigration ban like Superstar John Diefenbaker tried. No sense scapegoating the LGBTQ community, they add value to the overall economy. Some may gnash their teeth over that comment, they can put their faces on Narendra Modi's lap - like Macho Andrew Scheer nearly did. It's sad to see anyone sleeping rough let alone refugees, it's going to get worse unless all branches of government cast politics aside and work out solutions.

It's almost forgotten now, after getting a majority government, Diefenbaker instituted a total immigration ban. He didn't want anymore filthy wops infesting Canada...sounds familiar.
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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
One of the reasons we need immigration to sustain our economy is because the cost of living is out of control (thereby making it too expensive to raise large families, or requiring two career adults per household). Unfortunately, immigration also exacerbates the cost of living, so it's a vicious cycle.

No, we shouldn't halt immigration. However, it needs to be handled with a much firmer hand. All the current administration cares about is image. Trudeau wants to project Canada with open arms, but had no plan for how to accommodate the people he let in the gates. He's very good at spending money to maintain his image, but not great at accomplishing anything of substance.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Not really sure about that. As much as we like to vilify either him, or PP, or Harper, or Chretian. .They all have teams, strategist and more behind them…and behind them.

voters….<<<this is where the bullseye belongs.

what’s needed is A )electoral reform first past the post is beyond broken….B) job creation, infrastructure and services anywhere but…..and C) Hopes and Prayers….it is way too late.

as for climate change….”please”
That is part of the problem in so much as Canada is a resource nation…Whether it’s forestry/mining in Northern Ontario……manufacturing in central/small town Ontario…”fishing” in the Maritimes, ..and today oil in the west…….gutted….

One of my best friends moved to Calgary from Whitby about 6 years ago. A Liberal. She didn’t understand why so much hate/division.

You should read her rants today. About the Liberals and the GTA…

What are “you” so afraid of. True, what lives and grows here in Ontario may not in 50 or 75 years….Something else will
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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Trudeau needs to step down and let Chrystia Freeland take the reins. She infuriated The King of Kings during the USMCA negotiations, she may not be the diplomat Justin is, that's fine Canada needs technocrats presently. Premiere Ford is also unsuitable for the current landscape but if someone takes his place, they may be worse.
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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
voters….<<<this is where the bullseye belongs. what’s needed is A electoral reform first past the post is beyond broken….B) job creation, infrastructure and services anywhere but…..and C) Hopes and Prayers….it is way too late.
What do you suggest, Italian style proportional representation or American gerrymandering?

As for wasting money in Ukraine, Putin will make forays beyond the North Pole. What would we do about that?

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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2009
One of the reasons we need immigration to sustain our economy is because the cost of living is out of control (thereby making it too expensive to raise large families, or requiring two career adults per household). Unfortunately, immigration also exacerbates the cost of living, so it's a vicious cycle.

No, we shouldn't halt immigration. However, it needs to be handled with a much firmer hand. All the current administration cares about is image. Trudeau wants to project Canada with open arms, but had no plan for how to accommodate the people he let in the gates. He's very good at spending money to maintain his image, but not great at accomplishing anything of substance.
As some posters lacked the comprehension to see my original post point #4 (not you), I will reiterate that reckless mass immigration without a plan or the infrastructure is going to have a negative impact for EVERYONE in many ways.

But judging by the responses so far, half the population still doesnt get it or doesnt care as long as they get their handouts.

The bill always comes due. Its as if this intentional self destruction is lost on some or theyre in denial. But more likely just unimaginably ignorant.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
First Past is badly broken. Just look around Canada today. Look outside the GTA for a change…Look at the hate and division….Look at numerous industries and more…

If “Canada” is too large a scale, just look at Ontario. The entire province hates the GTA….
For good reason.

I agree Rhuric. (Apologies if spelling wrong). We need the immigration but we need jobs and infrastructure…carefully considered, planned.

and hopes and prayers
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