Both involve gun violence regardless of motive and target.
You say that the CEO ended the lives of hundreds of thousands. Yet he didn't do anything illegal.
It's okay to kill insurance CEOs? Gun violence is okay in this respect?
In other words it's not a gun violence issue because you agree with the shooter?
Um, so it's a false equivalence. Kids are innocent. Healthcare CEO's are not. In fact they kill more kids than any school shooter.
Don't defend them. They would watch you die too. I don't care if it's legal. So was Slavery. So were Press Gangs. So was the Inquisition.
Watching how the NY politicians are reacting, setting CEO hotlines, showing up to the extradition perp walk clearly shows it's a two tier world and you ain't in it. A CNN host upset over the fact no spontaneous memorial like John Lennon had. Seriously? NY Times deciding to stop printing his photo as he was good looking?
Wake up dude.