Trump on Joe Rogan

Trumps never won a real election - just the slave owner 3/5 votes from the electoral college even though black people can vote not but somehow the slave owner states still vote for them
TRUE, Trump lost the popular vote by millions, which is what a true democracy should be. But he won in the stupid electoral college that goes back to the landowner vs slave days.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Anecdotal is not evidence. And I don't trust Kelly. Neither do many others.
LMAO, you are a work of art, weird art but art nonetheless. :ROFLMAO:

Please tell us what reason Kelly has to lie.

Here, read and enlighten yourself instead of pulling shit out of your ass and flinging it as if it's truth.

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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
LMAO, you are a work of art, weird art but art nonetheless. :ROFLMAO:

Please tell us what reason Kelly has to lie.

Here, read and enlighten yourself instead of pulling shit out of your ass and flinging it as if it's truth.

I would trust a general over a convicted felon every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Besides, Kellys story is believable. Trumps denial is a typical liars spiel.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
LMAO, you are a work of art, weird art but art nonetheless. :ROFLMAO:

Please tell us what reason Kelly has to lie.

Here, read and enlighten yourself instead of pulling shit out of your ass and flinging it as if it's truth.

Because like Bolton he is a war monger, with connections to Arms Manufacturers, who would prefer a controllable asset like Harris in the White House? Who won't try to stop wars and may try to start a few more? And yes Generals, especially retired ones, are lobbyists and political animals if they choose to remain in the public eye.

Why wait for the last two weeks? It's a desperation move. Only no one other than partisans are listening.
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No one is saying Trump is a great orator. He simply knows how to push the buttons
The more important issue is constant provable lies, far worse than word salad and his failure in business (6 bankruptcies and only property made money in was from father), FRAUD like Trump Univ, Trump Foundation, and Trump Organization (head guy now in the prison) and he is outstanding in creating chaos, Idol is Hitner, Putin China head etc. He seeks to be a Hitler like dictator turning with his main objective to punish even with the military those that go against him, specifically named Poliski, S..... the head the twice impeachment etc etc.

Trump is a total disgrace to the US and would turn Ukraine over to Russia. Two sample lies: Mexico will pay for the Wall, tariffs are great, and China will pay them. No Tarrifs are paid by importers and passed on to consumers, China pays nothing. His old age is becoming unhinged, rambles and often is incoherent - not what we want of our President.

Kamala may go off on a word salad, but 90% of the time is clear, rational and relatable vs madman Donald, whose original given name was something like Draump (German) which he changed to Trump. His beliefs go back to the Hitler days, and as reported by his niece, he has Hitler's book on his bedside table. Many of his recent comments stem from Hitler's writings.

Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
First, you posted incomplete information (i.e. Celebrity Apprentice which is likely a bigger draw) to make a point that's not there. Second, your own opinion of the show is totally irrelevant.

In a peculiar and clumsy way, you're reinforcing my basic thesis is that the Left gets off emotionally from attacking Trump's success. The one thing I always look at for any enterprise or commerce is how money drives the market and economic decisions. I'm not interested in strangers trying to tell me what's good, successful and/or profitable. You're here trying to tell us that fifteen seasons of a TV show is essentially meaningless.

I like data. I know IMDb publishes a lot of data. Here is a distribution of ratings for The Apprentice. What immediately strikes one is that the distribution does not follow the Bell Curve which would be the expectation barring undo influence from politically-charged respondents. Over 50% of the U.S. respondents give The Apprentice either a 1 or a 10. A third of the U.S. respondents were not surprisingly rating the show 1.

So basically folks with political baggage like yourself go to IMDb to lean on the scale. Many probably have never watched the show. Now I would expect some people who bother to rate a show to have some extreme views, but not to the extent with The Apprentice.

The data reinforces my point that the show sucks.
That is not my opinion as I have never watched the show. Not a single episode.
I base that off of the 4.7 rating. To me anything lower than a 6 sucks.
In the US >50% of viewers rate the show at less than 5 and 33.7% rate it at a 1.
The only objective conclusion from that is that >50% of the people in the US think that the show sucks or is below average.
How did you jump from an objective number rating, to attributing political intent to these ratings?
You are not making sense at all.
Just stick to what is right in front of you instead of speculating on intent that you are not privy to in the first place.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
The more important issue is constant provable lies, far worse than word salad and his failure in business (6 bankruptcies and only property made money in was from father), FRAUD like Trump Univ, Trump Foundation, and Trump Organization (head guy now in the prison) and he is outstanding in creating chaos, Idol is Hitner, Putin China head etc. He seeks to be a Hitler like dictator turning with his main objective to punish even with the military those that go against him, specifically named Poliski, S..... the head the twice impeachment etc etc.

Trump is a total disgrace to the US and would turn Ukraine over to Russia. Two sample lies: Mexico will pay for the Wall, tariffs are great, and China will pay them. No Tarrifs are paid by importers and passed on to consumers, China pays nothing. His old age is becoming unhinged, rambles and often is incoherent - not what we want of our President.

Kamala may go off on a word salad, but 90% of the time is clear, rational and relatable vs madman Donald, whose original given name was something like Draump (German) which he changed to Trump. His beliefs go back to the Hitler days, and as reported by his niece, he has Hitler's book on his bedside table. Many of his recent comments stem from Hitler's writings.
Do you see Hitler under your bed?
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EXPOSED.............How Fox edited Trump's Rambling Interview:
Fox is a truly dishonest media!!
This has been proven by
Fox, Dominion reach $787M settlement over election claims
for false information about the Canadian election machine company. And, of course, Trump with zillions of lawsuits.

The legitimate real reporters left fox a few years ago upset about the lies and misinformation from the late night opinion folks some left for honest networks like CNN, ABC etc (Mike Wallace one example).

Why on earth do folks link to Twitter/x posts or social media where we know Russia and China are planting fake information to try and cause a lack of confidence in the election and have us fighting with each other since MAGA lives in their fantasy of lies vs. the honest networks with real reporters with ethics and verification responsibility not Trumps "I heard it someplace, it was somewhere posted so it must be true.

Now we know that IRAN is going to have a massive misinformation campaign on our social media.

Some college students are getting fake text messages about how they can not vote where they live for college and causing total confusion, all coming from foreign enemy sources to make it a case Trump, of course, can make if the true election is against him.... redoing fake electors? Another violent insurrection at the Capital? Too many low information and often less educated voters believe the lies of this twice impeached, many times indicted, sex abuser of woman, history of fraud in his organizations, etc and some US folks still would vote for him???

Harris has a plan to benefit ordinary folks. Trump has false promises and concepts and more tax cuts, mainly to the most wealthy like before. He will solve everything but has no specific plan, just like Mexico and China paying for the Wal and Tariffs and many other prior false proclamations when he won but never carried them out.

On the high inflation, which is now down to about 3%. Trump promises to solve the problem of grocery prices. How????? Biden had nothing to do with it. Unless he imposes price controls which were a total disaster when last done long ago, that won't roll back prices. At least Harris has a specific proposal, although it is questionable how successful it would be. Trump has no plan just talk, Likewise gas prices now way down and most of the pricing is global just like food inflation is global.

According to the IMF, we now have one of the strongest economies in the world. Europe is a mess; Our stock market keeps hitting all-time highs. Inflation is heading close to the 2% target with the Feds actions. Biden's investment in future programs (CHIPS Act, massive infrastructure program putting millions to work, clean entry all investments in the future. Under Trump, he tossed out checks to everyone, whether needed or not, delayed so he could have his signature on the checks.

The wealth gap continues to grow as the trickle-down economy of R's, which Reagon started, has been a total failure. The lies and chaos of Trump have divided us like never before.

Our tax structure is designed for the wealthy with some of the lowest top tax rates in the world and ridiculously estate tax rules with a stepped-up basis on inheritance and $24m joint estate tax exclusion. Canada at least taxes on death so Father Trump could not pass on most of his fortunate, not his spoiled brat kids, and avoid most taxes, besides, of course, expected and some proven massive tax fraud (Like Trump organization guy in prison for). Not to mention the billions of dollars to Trump Jr from Saudi Arabia most likely for favors if Trump wins again.

Of course, under a strong-man government, Trump can turn the tide on democracy and reverse our founding of free enterprise by being the dictator he seeks to be. But that would be a total reversal of the Constitution and our founding. As he has said, if he is President, this will be the last election since democracy will be ended with Hail Trump, our leader.

BTW while to they call it the Biden/Harris administration and never was called the Trump/Pence admn? While most of Biden;s policies were great, Harris as VP only supported her Presidents policies.

Lastly, the border situation. Harris had a very narrow assignment: to look at why we were getting so many immigrants (mostly "legal" under PL 170, etc.) as refugees. Harris was very successful in her narrow assignment and raised $millions of private capital to try and help the economies of the 3 countries we had so many fleeing. She was not the "Border Czar." She had a very limited assignment, which she did well.

Most of the bad drugs are coming in through legal border crossings, but there is a massive funding shortage for the number of cars that can be searched enough to find. The bi-partism border bill which allocated massive border funding for more border patrols, more judges for the refugee status hearings and much more, Trump told R's in Congress not to pass so he could have it as a political issue, instead of solving the problem.

End of the sermon and will past the offering plate for Harris :) I am a nerd with a CPA background interested in facts, not lies of MAGA and the destruction by Trump of our democratic founding.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The more important issue is constant provable lies, far worse than word salad and his failure in business (6 bankruptcies and only property made money in was from father), FRAUD like Trump Univ, Trump Foundation, and Trump Organization (head guy now in the prison) and he is outstanding in creating chaos, Idol is Hitner, Putin China head etc. He seeks to be a Hitler like dictator turning with his main objective to punish even with the military those that go against him, specifically named Poliski, S..... the head the twice impeachment etc etc.

Trump is a total disgrace to the US and would turn Ukraine over to Russia. Two sample lies: Mexico will pay for the Wall, tariffs are great, and China will pay them. No Tarrifs are paid by importers and passed on to consumers, China pays nothing. His old age is becoming unhinged, rambles and often is incoherent - not what we want of our President.

Kamala may go off on a word salad, but 90% of the time is clear, rational and relatable vs madman Donald, whose original given name was something like Draump (German) which he changed to Trump. His beliefs go back to the Hitler days, and as reported by his niece, he has Hitler's book on his bedside table. Many of his recent comments stem from Hitler's writings.
Its really just too bad Harris decided to support the genocide in Israel instead of the views of her voters.
She looks to have blown her chance.

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Its really just too bad Harris decided to support the genocide in Israel instead of the views of her voters.
She looks to have blown her chance.
To say Harris is for genocide is a lie and the typical distortion of facts without a full understanding of the complex situation.

Harris has made it clear there needs to be an end to the war and the release of the remaining hostages. Innocents being used by Hamas as human shields are being killed, which has to stop. Biden has been forceful in discussions with Israel and sent Blinken and other U.S. officials on an 11th-long trip to the Middle East to get a settlement.

What should Israel do when on Oct 7th they had as a percentage of population a worse attack than our 9/11 with Hamas a terror organization whose founding and goal his to destroy Israel right next to them in Gaza and hiding and shooting rockets into Israel from homes and under hospitals etc.? Ok, just stop going after them and allow them to do another mass massacre like Oct 7th?

Harris clearly supports peace, and the US is primarily supplying defensive weapons like Iron Dome and the newest Thad missile defense system. But part of the defense is the large US bombs with the ability to destroy the Hamas underground tunnels.

Biden has tried to get Israel PM to a peace agreement, but neither he nor Hamas seems willing to any agreement. Israel wants a security agreement and Hamas wants to destroy Israel.

I disagree with some of Israel's policies such as settlements in the West Bank

But it is a far more complicated situation and to say Harris is for genocide is a lie and the typical distortion of facts without a full understanding of the complex situation.

At least it seems Biden was able to convinced Israel to only do a military retaliatory attack on Iron for their 178? Missiles that attacked Israel instead of hitting more serious nuke or oil structures avoiding it seems, any civilian deaths. Unlike the Gaza situation, where noncombatants are being used as human shields.
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Jul 25, 2007
Can someone who has listened to it (Rogan-Trump Podcast) tell me whether Trump is at all challenged by Rogan?

Or is it hours of Rogan pandering to Trump? Is anything like Jan. 6th, Trump's crimes, affairs, revolving door of advisors during his presidency, Epstein connections & refusal to release the list, Russian money flowing into people like Musk, etc... brought up?
I don't need even need Trump to be slammed or anything like that - but are those issues even brought up?
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
From a tactical perspective, I think Kamala let this dance with Rogan corner her into a bad position. If she doesn't go on, she looks weak. If she does go on, she now looks desperate.

Her campaign should have determined earlier that she was going to do the show or not do the show. Then she should have just stuck with that decision.
Except who gives a shit?...

The Rogan show is part of the rightie media echo sphere by and large. Much cyber ink has been spilled in this thread attempting to show that Rogan isn't a total ass kisser and can be independent. But his past choice of guests and topics marks him out to be far right.

Few who watch the show would ever conceivably vote for Harris. And Rogan's own views are likely to be hostile to her. She could use the same time slot more productively appearing on other shows and reaching out to independent voters.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Because like Bolton he is a war monger, with connections to Arms Manufacturers, who would prefer a controllable asset like Harris in the White House? Who won't try to stop wars and may try to start a few more? And yes Generals, especially retired ones, are lobbyists and political animals if they choose to remain in the public eye.

Why wait for the last two weeks? It's a desperation move. Only no one other than partisans are listening.
Yes, John Kelly is always in the news, YA OKAY Butt. More Butt facts pulled out and attempted to be smeared.

Did you get this ridiculous talking point you just threw out from Vance??

You are such a in the closet Trump Sycophant is entertaining.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Except who gives a shit?...

The Rogan show is part of the rightie media echo sphere by and large. Much cyber ink has been spilled in this thread attempting to show that Rogan isn't a total ass kisser and can be independent. But his past choice of guests and topics marks him out to be far right.

Few who watch the show would ever conceivably vote for Harris. And Rogan's own views are likely to be hostile to her. She could use the same time slot more productively appearing on other shows and reaching out to independent voters.
You should be able to follow the logic here.

The Rogan show wasn't important until the Harris campaign made it important by getting into talks with him. I don't always understand the cultural zeitgeist, but podcasts are currently big and his podcast is the biggest. Rogan now attracts a lot of attention. I don't think Rogan wanted to be in the middle of the political battle this year.

Perhaps you are right about appearing on other shows, but at this point I think she would reaching the same audience repeatedly. At least Rogan's audience would be new to her. I already mentioned his audience probably favors legalized cannabis and is pro-abortion. There are also certainly young black men who listen to Rogan.

Lastly, have you watched his show? He isn't hostile his guests. He uses his long-form format to give guests a podium. He does ask questions, but they're not unexpected or adversarial. Brett Baier could be considered far more adversarial than Rogan would ever be.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
To say Harris is for genocide is a lie and the typical distortion of facts without a full understanding of the complex situation.

Harris has made it clear there needs to be an end to the war and the release of the remaining hostages. Innocents being used by Hamas as human shields are being killed, which has to stop. Biden has been forceful in discussions with Israel and sent Blinken and other U.S. officials on an 11th-long trip to the Middle East to get a settlement.

What should Israel do when on Oct 7th they had as a percentage of population a worse attack than our 9/11 with Hamas a terror organization whose founding and goal his to destroy Israel right next to them in Gaza and hiding and shooting rockets into Israel from homes and under hospitals etc.? Ok, just stop going after them and allow them to do another mass massacre like Oct 7th?

Harris clearly supports peace, and the US is primarily supplying defensive weapons like Iron Dome and the newest Thad missile defense system. But part of the defense is the large US bombs with the ability to destroy the Hamas underground tunnels.

Biden has tried to get Israel PM to a peace agreement, but neither he nor Hamas seems willing to any agreement. Israel wants a security agreement and Hamas wants to destroy Israel.

I disagree with some of Israel's policies such as settlements in the West Bank

But it is a far more complicated situation and to say Harris is for genocide is a lie and the typical distortion of facts without a full understanding of the complex situation.

At least it seems Biden was able to convinced Israel to only do a military retaliatory attack on Iron for their 178? Missiles that attacked Israel instead of hitting more serious nuke or oil structures avoiding it seems, any civilian deaths. Unlike the Gaza situation, where noncombatants are being used as human shields.
Harris is very much for the genocide, there is no doubt. Walz even stated that he and Harris support the US policy of 'expansion'. The US could have ended the genocide by ending all weapons deliveries to Israel, instead they sent an extra $8 billion for an invasion in Lebanon and sent US planes to refill for Israel's attack on Iran. Both Biden and her have said they support a ceasefire while sending $40 billion in bombs, blocking all UN actions, attacking the ICC and ICJ and sending in US soldiers to aid in the genocide.

This is why she has lost the Muslim vote, lots of the youth vote and minority votes.

There is a good chance this will cost her the election.
How fucked does your stance have to be to lose the Muslim vote to the guy who pushed for a ban on Muslims?



Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Yes, John Kelly is always in the news, YA OKAY Butt. More Butt facts pulled out and attempted to be smeared.

Did you get this ridiculous talking point you just threw out from Vance??

You are such a in the closet Trump Sycophant is entertaining.
It comes from his record. You think he is a peace maker?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
You should be able to follow the logic here.

The Rogan show wasn't important until the Harris campaign made it important by getting into talks with him. I don't always understand the cultural zeitgeist, but podcasts are currently big and his podcast is the biggest. Rogan now attracts a lot of attention. I don't think Rogan wanted to be in the middle of the political battle this year.

Perhaps you are right about appearing on other shows, but at this point I think she would reaching the same audience repeatedly. At least Rogan's audience would be new to her. I already mentioned his audience probably favors legalized cannabis and is pro-abortion. There are also certainly young black men who listen to Rogan.

Lastly, have you watched his show? He isn't hostile his guests. He uses his long-form format to give guests a podium. He does ask questions, but there not unexpected or adversarial. Brett Baier could be considered far more adversarial than Rogan would ever be.
But here's what you leave out.

The choice isn't between going on Rogan and sitting at home on your living room couch. Presumably, there are other events that are scheduled for Harris which are rated as being more useful or less potentially problematical.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
The choice isn't between going on Rogan and sitting at home on your living room couch.
Is there something wrong with sitting on your living room couch? I have a fridge full of beer and the NFL is on today.

Presumably, there are other events that are scheduled for Harris which are rated as being more useful or less potentially problematical.
Maybe. I read she's still making planning to make appearances to get out the suburban women vote. My opinion is they're on-board by now and the smaller group of suburban women who aren't are also locked in to vote for Trump.
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