You know, you should really write them an angry letter and not bother us here about it.
You are sure you are not a trumptard, because you are sounding off like one now. What's next, accusing me of having arabs live rent free in my head, or accusing me of having arab derangement syndrome.
All I am saying is in the absence of any local reason, Arabic is an odd choice to pick. If you think that is anger, it says a lot more about you than it does about me.
Also it seems a majority of people on this thread are not a fan of the policy, I doubt they are bothered by it, and even those who are in favor, that doesn't mean they are bothered by it, it's only you, and bothering a pro rape, pro hostage taking and pro genocidal hate monger is not something I really could be bothered to avoid.
Speaking of bothering, pretty sure you hate mongering, your pushing your progrom, your lies and bullshit and your hyporcacy are much more bothersome to people, how many have you on their ignore list, how many right to your face call you a twat monkey, so maybe, I donno maybe if you are going to tell people to not bother others, take your own advice and well Nazi Punks fuck off.
You seem to keep trying to come after me and all your attempts fall flat on their face. I am guessing that you are so far out of it that you have no idea that it is even happening.