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Black Lives Matter says Dems are 'party of hypocrites' for 'installing' Harris sans 'public voting process'


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
The fact he is doing so quite competently from all appearances and has been for quite some time.

Are you under the impression he is taking a vacation for the next six months?
I think he's been taking vacation 6 months before and 6 months after...have you seen him lately? you really believe he's running the country? Let's call it what it is... He polled so bad vs. Trump the democrats pressed the panic button and Joe is out...despite not really affected by US election, I think that would be a clean slate just to say..."he isn't the best candidate for the democrats" despite getting the nominee... strings were pulled to replace him...and that's ok. it's ok to lie that he's still in the best shape...i mean...the other side lies a lot too...


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I think he's been taking vacation 6 months before and 6 months after...have you seen him lately? you really believe he's running the country?
You all have been saying he's been a senile puppet since 2019.

Let's call it what it is... He polled so bad vs. Trump the democrats pressed the panic button and Joe is out...
No argument really.
That Biden and others no longer saw a path to victory is the main reason he stepped down.

.despite not really affected by US election, I think that would be a clean slate just to say..."he isn't the best candidate for the democrats" despite getting the nominee...
I'm confused.
You agree with me that he stepped down because he wasn't the best candidate?

strings were pulled to replace him...and that's ok. it's ok to lie that he's still in the best shape...i mean...the other side lies a lot too...
I never said he was in the best shape.
He's clearly an old man and physically frail.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
I'm confused.
You agree with me that he stepped down because he wasn't the best candidate?
Obviously he isn't....why did they take this long to admit it? What's with all the bullshit before the debate that exposed him? I actually feel sorry for they're doing band aid work to save his legacy...he's obviously a shell. We can agree he isn't the best candidate and that's the reason, but why did they wait? it's not like they only found out lately.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Obviously he isn't....why did they take this long to admit it?
Because until the debate and the pile on that happened, they couldn't convince him it was a lost cause.
And until the media decided they were going to get a scalp, it probably wasn't.

The chess match between all the various factions of a party goes on endlessly. (You don't think there are people maneuvering around Trump? How much was going on to get JD in?) This always happens, this was just more dramatic.


Kingston recon
Feb 12, 2020
No, you say they went woke. But VPs are picked for many reasons. Why was JD Vance picked over other competent candidates? He has limited appeal with women. Some are saying his past comments are going to hurt Trump....
"Former President Trump said in a new interview that he picked Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) as his running mate because they had an “automatic chemistry.”
“We’ve always had a good chemistry,” Trump said in an interview aired Monday on Fox News’s “Jesse Waters Primetime” when asked why he selected Vance.
“And, originally, JD was probably not for me,” Trump continued, noting Vance was not a fan of his, “but he didn’t know me. And then when we got to know each other, he liked me more than anybody liked me."

I wonder if Vance liked Trump more than Milania.

Colbert asked the same question watch starting at 9min 15 secs till 9:43.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Yes, HIS comments are taken out of context, yet Harris' are totally accurate...

You really can't have it both ways. And for all the mud the right wants to sling at Harris, they should expect to get a lot back, because to most American's not in the MAGA cult, Trump and Vance are horrible. They've both said things that are demeaning to women, which is an important demographic, and other communities.
Saying something you believe is demeaning to a woman is not something necessarily demeaning to all women.
Lots of pearl-clutching going on as usual.

btw has Harris been to the border yet? Her record on the border issue will be her downfall as well as her record while she was DA. People (in this case, black Americans affected by her policies) don't forget.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
This thread is silly and ignorant. Trump and his cons started this rumor. Any Democrat has a few days left to file and qualify to run against Harris. But none have and most of the likely have thrown support behind Harris. Who, within a few hours, already has the delegate votes to win at the convention.

Biden is not the dynamic carnival barker screamer of lies that Trump is. While Biden helped make the US economy the strongest major economy, More jobs were created, the biggest successful accomplishment in a terrible Congress, and the largest infrastructural bill passed since the Interstate highway system, and the most support for alternative energy in history etc. He has been a great President. But the constant lies and attacks by R's and their Putin-loving leader are believed since Trump is a showman. Trump is full and energy and lies, and Biden is the rational person that gets things done when he can without the majority in the House. But he is not a showman, criminal, or fraudster, and scews up words and people's names worse than Biden.

However unlike the glory of Trump who only cares about winning even by fraud and lies,Biden is more concerned about people and saving the US from a dictator/Criminal, Fraudster, Sexual abuser etc of Trump who refused to accept a fair election and supported an voilent insurrection to try and hang Pence who refused to refuse the will of the people. Of course Trump lost by an overwhelming total vote count but we have the silly electorial college system which is why Trump won last time and was leading in the polls in the six battle ground electoral states.

When he displayed aging issues (also reported by staff in private meetings) and the polls, groups of youth, blacks etc that formed his winning coalition showed they were not comfortable with him being able to win against Trump, he did what was best for the country and tossed his support to Harris.

Within about 24 hours, money and support for Harris poured in with a record amount of funding and enthusiasm. Harris is the best choice to save the US from such a dictator only for the wealthy vs the average citizen and saving the democracy as we know it.
Do you really think all this support occured within hours? It was orchestrated over weeks by Pelosi. And once she had it set up she went to Biden and told him he was done. She lined up the delegates, told the donors to initially withhold funding then put it in when the announcement came. She told everyone((just like the 2020 mass dropout) not to try to run against them. No doubt Schumer and Obama were involved too. All to stave off any division.

Which is fine. But it was an organized coup. To say otherwise is a lie.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Do you really think all this support occured within hours? It was orchestrated over weeks by Pelosi. And once she had it set up she went to Biden and told him he was done. She lined up the delegates, told the donors to initially withhold funding then put it in when the announcement came. She told everyone((just like the 2020 mass dropout) not to try to run against them. No doubt Schumer and Obama were involved too. All to stave off any division.

Which is fine. But it was an organized coup. To say otherwise is a lie.
Ahh, I see we have reached another "Butler has decided on the narrative he likes about what happened and now it is utter truth and irrefutable facts because Butler has made up a story about it" moment.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Ahh, I see we have reached another "Butler has decided on the narrative he likes about what happened and now it is utter truth and irrefutable facts because Butler has made up a story about it" moment.
Holy fuck. You are actually going to push your own pathetic narrative that this all came together organically with no assistance?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Holy fuck. You are actually going to push your own pathetic narrative that this all came together organically with no assistance?
Why would I say that?
Only a weirdo would think this happened in one day by way of magic and happy elves.

Hell, I even think your version of the story is quite possible, even plausible.

I'm just laughing at your usual "Butler made up a story and now that must be true" bullshit.

None of us know how it all shook out behind the scenes and we aren't going to know for a while.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Why would I say that?
Only a weirdo would think this happened in one day by way of magic and happy elves.

Hell, I even think your version of the story is quite possible, even plausible.

I'm just laughing at your usual "Butler made up a story and now that must be true" bullshit.

None of us know how it all shook out behind the scenes and we aren't going to know for a while.
In other words you agree with me but can't stand the thought if admitting it.

Either there was interference or there wasn't. There was. Cripes they haven't run a Primary since Obama beat Hillary as a clean one(2012 Obama won it clean as well). And this coup is clear. Every insider on the news is talking about all the backroom calls and things that occured.

Of course exact details are vague. I bet even Pelosi was moving so fast she doesn't remember all the moves she made and everything she did. But you are clearly implying initially it was not orchestrated. It was. There is a clear concencus on this. And the power broker is Pelosi. Please don't say otherwise.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
In other words you agree with me but can't stand the thought if admitting it.
Not remotely.
How do you get that from what I just said?

Either there was interference or there wasn't. There was.
And therefore the interference went exactly as you have imagined it, in accordance with the "It is real if Butler wants it to be" principle, yes.

Cripes they haven't run a Primary since Obama beat Hillary as a clean one(2012 Obama won it clean as well).

Go on.

And this coup is clear. Every insider on the news is talking about all the backroom calls and things that occured.

Of course exact details are vague.
At least you admit you don't have any actual details or evidence right now.

I bet even Pelosi was moving so fast she doesn't remember all the moves she made and everything she did.

I love it!
That makes it completely un-falsifiable since any contradiction is just her faulty memory.
That's a good one!

You need to keep that in your repertoire for future events.

But you are clearly implying initially it was not orchestrated.
How, pray tell, am I implying that?

I suppose it would help if you would clarify what you think "it" is in this context.

It was. There is a clear concencus on this. And the power broker is Pelosi. Please don't say otherwise.
Your newfound admiration for Nancy Pelosi - secret unchallenged mastermind of the Democratic party - is inspirational.



Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Because until the debate and the pile on that happened, they couldn't convince him it was a lost cause.
And until the media decided they were going to get a scalp, it probably wasn't.

The chess match between all the various factions of a party goes on endlessly. (You don't think there are people maneuvering around Trump? How much was going on to get JD in?) This always happens, this was just more dramatic.
Lol that isn't the case....they weren't trying to convince Joe to step down....they were trying to convince everyone joe is good to go....and the debate is when they got caught on the the GOP clean as a whistle fuck no....they would maneuver Trump out I'd they can but his Maga base would be a harder task to Convince...I will tell you politics everyone e plays dirty no doubt...but the democrats pretending they have all the answers, they are the good guys are not....they mirror each other....but right now....dems are playing sewer type ballgame...trying to stop Trump from running...thatt idnt work..Joe debate didn't work and here we are...just anointing predecessors "to save democracy".
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Not remotely.
How do you get that from what I just said?

And therefore the interference went exactly as you have imagined it, in accordance with the "It is real if Butler wants it to be" principle, yes.

Go on.

At least you admit you don't have any actual details or evidence right now.

I love it!
That makes it completely un-falsifiable since any contradiction is just her faulty memory.
That's a good one!

You need to keep that in your repertoire for future events.

How, pray tell, am I implying that?

I suppose it would help if you would clarify what you think "it" is in this context.

Your newfound admiration for Nancy Pelosi - secret unchallenged mastermind of the Democratic party - is inspirational.

Dude, I have NEVER disparaged Pelosi for her political intelligence, back room dealing prowess, nor fundraising ability. She was as effective as McConnell in the Senate. And one of the most powerful USA politicians of this century, and arguably into the last as well.

That is why I truly think she was a key figure in all of this. Because she is also that ruthless. And that connected to all the different parties that needed to be brought together to do this. I'm actually impressed how well they did it. But trying to deflect this as anything but a full scale palace coup is ridiculous. It had to be done. And there was no good way to do it.

Cripes she is 80 as well. You think for the number of calls, deals, promises, arm twisting, threats and at the same time tracking the different loyalties she would remember it all? No doubt the donors were burning up her phone, as we're senior Dems. Because she was the one who could pull it off.

But it ain't over. The calls for his resignation will rise from where they are now. And the fallout from that will continue.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Lol that isn't the case....they weren't trying to convince Joe to step down....they were trying to convince everyone joe is good to go....and the debate is when they got caught on the the GOP clean as a whistle fuck no....they would maneuver Trump out I'd they can but his Maga base would be a harder task to Convince...I will tell you politics everyone e plays dirty no doubt...but the democrats pretending they have all the answers, they are the good guys are not....they mirror each other....but right now....dems are playing sewer type ballgame...trying to stop Trump from running...thatt idnt work..Joe debate didn't work and here we are...just anointing predecessors "to save democracy".
I think they knew. Had already laid the groundwork for contingency planning if it blew up. They had to know how bad he was. Just look at him. Even then I can only imagine what putting together as clean a break as it was was like.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
So you're saying, If a candidate didn't do good in a debate....he can simply pull out of the race and have someone else go at it? despite being the nominee- who the people wanted? how is that "democratic"?
So you're saying that Joe is mentally fit to govern for the next 4 years and that his debate performance didn't prove otherwise ? Gee.. I thought the Trumptards all call him sleepy Joe. You are just worried because the Dems now have an intelligent candidate and I predict Trump will pull out of the next debate because he is afraid of her.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
So as a lie about domestic violence?
Interesting choice.

Thanks for answering.
Not everything someone says that you don't like is a lie.

That's a free life lesson. Use that knowledge wisely.

You're welcome.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Dude, I have NEVER disparaged Pelosi for her political intelligence, back room dealing prowess, nor fundraising ability. She was as effective as McConnell in the Senate. And one of the most powerful USA politicians of this century, and arguably into the last as well.
You also never considered her the magic puppetmaster wizard with all-encompassing powers before.
It's just convenient to your narrative now.

That is why I truly think she was a key figure in all of this.
Of course she was a key figure.
Major power players in the party are key figures.

Because she is also that ruthless. And that connected to all the different parties that needed to be brought together to do this. I'm actually impressed how well they did it. But trying to deflect this as anything but a full scale palace coup is ridiculous. It had to be done. And there was no good way to do it.

Cripes she is 80 as well. You think for the number of calls, deals, promises, arm twisting, threats and at the same time tracking the different loyalties she would remember it all? No doubt the donors were burning up her phone, as we're senior Dems. Because she was the one who could pull it off.
Are you changing the story again now? It's so hard to keep track with you.
Was this Pelosi's coup or was she just a puppet who is too old to pull it off and remember things?

Go through it again for me.

When did they decide it was Harris and who decided it?
When did they launch it?
Why did it look the way it did over the last month?
Who decided to have the debate?

But it ain't over. The calls for his resignation will rise from where they are now. And the fallout from that will continue.
Is Pelosi leading the calls for his resignation, too?
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