Global rights group finds Hamas-led militants committed war crimes on Oct. 7


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And I thought Trump has issues with the Truth, Frankfooter is still going on about this even though I've TWICE quoted Lancet on what that style of article is and is not.
Fuck man, he should hang out with holocaust deniers, hatred of Jews, non stop lies and bullshit. Hard to tell them about

In honour of TWICE quoting lancet on what a lying piece of hate mongering shit Frankfooter has proven himself to be.

And that feel I have is disgust.
Your arguments about the Lancet piece are idiotic.
The Lancet used standard battlefield stats with the counted dead and the usual battlefield fatalities to argue that Israel has likely killed 186,000 Palestinians. There is nothing controversial about this finding, nor does it need a peer review study.

You are the holocaust denier now, you are denying an ongoing genocide.
Netanyahu is about to be issued ICC warrant for genocide.
The ICJ says Israel is apartheid, the occupation is illegal and Israel must give back all land and pay restitution to Palestinians.
The ICJ genocide charges are in process.

Your Islamaphobic hatred of Palestinians has you now here with nazi like defence of genocide.



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Your My arguments about the Lancet piece are idiotic.
The Lancet used standard battlefield stats with the counted dead and the usual battlefield fatalities to argue that Israel has likely killed 186,000 ZERO Palestinians. There is nothing controversial remotely believable about this finding, nor does it need a peer review study. shack "So your calling for a peer reviewed study of a study that has no been peer reviewed." Hahahahahahahaha. I kee ptelling you Geno, you have early onset dementia. there is no other explanation for you totally incongruent meanderings. The hate you have is curdling your brains.
1) The Lancet used nothing. They did not conduct a study or a review. What are you talking about?
2) What the fuck is "usual battle field fatality". I've never hear of any battlefield fatality being referred to as "usual". Another invention of yours.
3)The Lancet did not attribute ANY deaths to Israel. You have been totally impotent at finding a line from the Lancet, nor even the authors that attributes these deaths to Israel. It is a complete fabrication by you. Keep repeating lies over and over and over again, Adolph. that's what he'd do. Your pet, Amoeba, believes you.
4)Your ignorance is on display once again, Geno. To be accepted by the science community EVERY study needs to be peer reviewed. Every one.
5)Show us other peer reviewed and accepted studies where the number of casualties is arbitrarily accepted. You haven't found one yet and you never will. It's a Bizarro comment.

Do you accept that Hamas killed 4,800 Israeli Jews on Oct.7?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
1) The Lancet used nothing. They did not conduct a study or a review. What are you talking about?
2) What the fuck is "usual battle field fatality". I've never hear of any battlefield fatality being referred to as "usual". Another invention of yours.
3)The Lancet did not attribute ANY deaths to Israel. You have been totally impotent at finding a line from the Lancet, nor even the authors that attributes these deaths to Israel. It is a complete fabrication by you. Keep repeating lies over and over and over again, Adolph. that's what he'd do. Your pet, Amoeba, believes you.
4)Your ignorance is on display once again, Geno. To be accepted by the science community EVERY study needs to be peer reviewed. Every one.
5)Show us other peer reviewed and accepted studies where the number of casualties is arbitrarily accepted. You haven't found one yet and you never will. It's a Bizarro comment.

Do you accept that Hamas killed 4,800 Israeli Jews on Oct.7?
Did you send this amazing insight to the Lancet?
When are they retracting the piece?

Let me know when that happens.
Until then, you are a clown.

This is what Jews with real balls are doing.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Did you send this amazing insight to the Lancet?
When are they retracting the piece letter to the editor. (There was no piece.)

Let me know when that happens.(shack--"let me know when there's an actual article written by the Lancet")
Until then, you are a clown.
No facts. No arguments. No ability to prove my points wrong. You've got bubkes baby boy. You've been arguing for pages with nothing but lies and I'm the clown? Defeat my claims with facts, not name calling.

This is what Jews with real balls are doing.
Authentic matzo balls. Is that what you mean?

Why in the world would I send an angry letter to the Lancet? They made no comment and reviewed no study. They did nothing to be angry about. If anything YOU should be sending the angry letter asking why the didn't do a review. If they had done a full up peer review of that letter to the editor, do you know how much credibility it would have immediately provided the authors and their findings? But they didn't Geno. And that's because 1)the methodology was ridiculous and 2)the lancet, and science in general are apolitical. This letter was a political piece. The Lancet wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole or an 11 foot Gazan.

My anger is directed toward you and your lying. I've presented a half dozen factual reasons proving that your claims that the Lancet said Israel killed 186,000 Gazans is total bullshit driven by nothing more than your hate of Jews and the fact you are blatant serial liar. You have been totally flummoxed at being able to disprove even one of my points. You are being shut out. You are being made a fool of and publicly so.

I'm enjoying putting your incompetence on display.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Why in the world would I send an angry letter to the Lancet? They made no comment and reviewed no study. They did nothing to be angry about.
I'm glad to hear you are finally accepting that Israel has likely killed at least 186,000 Palestinians according to the Lancet.
The next step would be to get you to be a little less nazi like and to try to show a bit of remorse.
But you will never show remorse for any single Palestinian killed, as you've shown for 9 months.

You are a perfect representation of zionism.



His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
4)Your ignorance is on display once again, Geno. To be accepted by the science community EVERY study needs to be peer reviewed. Every one.
Unless Chuck Norris says something about science. Nobody peer reviews Chuck Norris because 1: He has no peers, 2: He is always right and 3: Not withstanding point two, if he says something in conflict with reality, then reality will change, if it knows what's good for it.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Unless Chuck Norris says something about science. Nobody peer reviews Chuck Norris because 1: He has no peers, 2: He is always right and 3: Not withstanding point two, if he says something in conflict with reality, then reality will change, if it knows what's good for it.
The list of sources that zionists now think are corrupt is getting longer and longer.
If you want to add the Lancet, go ahead.

If that makes you feel better about supporting genocide and becoming the modern nazis, that's your call.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Did you not declare you are not Jewish on this board?
Why do you think you speak for anyone?
I speak for myself. Unlike you, I don't try and marginalize others by declaring who they are or what they need to do.

Unlike you, I also acknowledge data and opinions of varied people such as the fact that Palestinian polling shows they overwhelmingly reject the One State farce you want them forced into.

And I'll bet most of those 50 or so people in the pic will tell you that Hamas are not the good guys and your repeated use of old-school antisemitic tropes about Jewish manipulation are disgusting. Sadly you aren't able to conceptualize that in the real world, opposing something doesn't mean you should uncritically endorse their enemies.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I speak for myself. Unlike you, I don't try and marginalize others by declaring who they are or what they need to do.

Unlike you, I also acknowledge data and opinions of varied people such as the fact that Palestinian polling shows they overwhelmingly reject the One State farce you want them forced into.

And I'll bet most of those 50 or so people in the pic will tell you that Hamas are not the good guys and your repeated use of old-school antisemitic tropes about Jewish manipulation are disgusting. Sadly you aren't able to conceptualize that in the real world, opposing something doesn't mean you should uncritically endorse their enemies.
You speak for a tiny minority in Canada who support zionism and genocide.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You speak for a tiny minority in Canada ...
Yes, I am one Canadian out of 39 million. That's a pretty small minority.

Unlike you, I know I don't speak for Jews, Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians, Israelis, or even other Canadians. I sure as hell don't pretend that I am the one entitled to enforce my will against on other groups of people. Also unlike you, I am willing to listen to opinions of other people and although there are opinions I'm critical of, I know I don't have a say in how things play out and all I can do is hope that all sides can be convinced to come to a peaceful conclusion that respects the rights of everyone.

And the most significant difference is I'm able to outline my views without needing to fake quotes or spam tweets.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yes, I am one Canadian out of 39 million. That's a pretty small minority.

Unlike you, I know I don't speak for Jews, Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians, Israelis, or even other Canadians. I sure as hell don't pretend that I am the one entitled to enforce my will against on other groups of people. Also unlike you, I am willing to listen to opinions of other people and although there are opinions I'm critical of, I know I don't have a say in how things play out and all I can do is hope that all sides can be convinced to come to a peaceful conclusion that respects the rights of everyone.

And the most significant difference is I'm able to outline my views without needing to fake quotes or spam tweets.
The only thing that needs enforcing is international law and basic human rights, basketcase.
You have argued for years for depriving Palestinians of their land, their rights and now their lives.

I listen to the opinions of the UN, ICC, ICJ, Amnesty, Lancet, HRW, B'tselem and others.
You listen to the genocidal maniacs in the Israeli government.

For a peaceful solution all Israel has to do is abide by all the hundreds of UN resolutions, the ICJ provisional measures against genocide and the ICJ ruling on the illegal occupation, then give all Palestinians full and equal human rights.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I'm glad to hear you are finally accepting that Israel has likely killed at least 186,000 Palestinians according to the Lancet.
Nobody who speaks on behalf of the Lancet said anything at all like that. You cannot produce any such statement.

You fabricated that headline. It is a lie.

The actual death toll is under 20,000 and Hamas killed close to 5,000 on Oct.7.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
You fabricated a number and expect to be taken seriously?
You fabricated a headline. And nobody has taken you seriously for years. Why are you even here?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You fabricated a headline. And nobody has taken you seriously for years. Why are you even here?
Nope, didn't happen, Shazi.

Now that Israel is about to declare the UN to be terrorists its time to retire the use of that word entirely.
Israel has turned the entire world into 'Hamas' and 'terrorists' in their hateful little minds.

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