
KFC is only serving Halal chicken in their Ontario restaurants


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
So to be clear you are mocking me because I am a bigot? A bigot defined by you because I don't have the same viewpoint as you on not wanting to eat Halal foods.

Yes, bigoted. Tthere is only one reason to boycott cheicken that is otherwise the same except it has been killed and processed according to a process that is invisible and absolutely undiscernable

a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

I'll say people like you are the reason why discourse is so toxic most places online.
And I'll say that intolerant people like you are the reason that there is increasing divisiveness and alienation in our society.

From what I read and understand about fundamental Islam and what I understand are some of the fundamental messages in the Quaran, I think it is a toxic, mysoginistic and fundamentally intolerant violent religion. And I despise much of it.

But there are many good, peaceful and peaceful people living in or country that are somewhat observant (to varying degrees) of their religion and if it doesn't inconvenience me, I have no problem with them worshipping whatever of the 3,800 invisible men in the sky they want or me sharing the food they eat. In fact, I LOVE international foods that our mixed culture brings us. I spent a few hours each day at the Middle Eastern Food Festival at Nathan Philips Square last weekend and LOVED all the different foods. I couldn't give a shit if they were Halal, Kosher, not Halal etc. Just so long as the food was tasty, quality and safe. And fwiw, there were no protests, no bad experiences, no assholes etc there. I did feel sorry for the women who have either been brainwashed or forced into wearing a head and face covering for religious reasons. And I resent the Imams, religious leaders and the men who force this upon them and treat them as second class citizens.

But it has nothing to do with chicken!

Besides, these biblical food restrictions were developed mostly on the basis of evolving knowledge and practicing food safety.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
How many we should avoid in your opinion. Till the time we get the animal to our yard and slaughter it the way we want it? Ppl should be given choices not something forced on them.
People are given choices. In this case, take it or leave it.

In my opinion you can avoid as many restaurants as you want to. For whatever reason you want. Restaurants change their menus all the time. And I often stop going when they change something that I don't like the taste or quality of.

I used to LOVE having a Ruth's Chris filet, medium rare, asparagus with bernaise for both and their SHOESTRING fries. Post Covid they dropped the SHOESTRINGS and I no longer go because I simply no longer lust after that meal combination.

IF you already did try it and could taste the difference between a Halal and non-Halal piece of that greasy dirty bird aka KFC, and then you said...nope I don't like it, then I'd respect that. But not on the basis of religious bigotry.

Nothing but your fat, cholesterol overloaded ass is forcing anyone to eat Kentucky Friend Chicken. And they owe YOU fuck all except safe food.

If you are only whining because some religious process was used in the preparation, you are being intolerant and bigoted. Not informed, nor principled.

Tons and tons of processed and packaged foods in the supermarket have small symbols indicating they are Kosher or Halal certified and you don't even know it.
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Mar 23, 2024
Aren’t you the girl who refuse to exchange any bodily fluid coz you are still young and very health conscious. You don’t exchange any fluids coz you don’t want to suffer from any of the illness which might come along with it. You’re absolutely right and I have nothing but respect for you as you are very conscious about yourself.
Now imagine, when an animal is being “halal” it is awake and seeing everything. Feeling the pain of its jaguar cut “slowly” and very “slowly” and once it is done the blood is still running high in all veins and coming out. A “slow” death”. A very slow death. Suffering an eternal one.
But yeah…. Let you be the flag bearer of righteousness in the world.

take my “politically correct” advice. STFU on the topic that you know nothing.
What i’ve gotten from this post is you are mad about my preferences, you are vegan??, and you think i’m not able to keep up in a grown up conversation cause I am a woman or young or both. Anyways, you sound silly lol
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Kingston Gem
May 17, 2019
From what I understand and the research I have done, Halal is actually not more humane during the kill.

It is, however, more humane during the life of the animal.

Stunning the animal first before the kill is considered the most pain free option and the majority of Halal butchers do not do this.
They slit the throat and windpipe which is a painful and long death for the animal.

The good thing about Halal meat is that the animal lives a good life before death, with lots of free space, zero abuse, proper care, and an abundance of food and water.

Halal also does not allow animals to witness the death of any other animal.


Well-known member
May 21, 2002
People are given choices. In this case, take it or leave it.
You're right. If you don't want halal, take your business elsewhere.

Money talks. I don't think this should be a novel idea on TERB.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
From what I understand and the research I have done, Halal is actually not more humane during the kill.

It is, however, more humane during the life of the animal.

Stunning the animal first before the kill is considered the most pain free option and the majority of Halal butchers do not do this.
They slit the throat and windpipe which is a painful and long death for the animal.

The good thing about Halal meat is that the animal lives a good life before death, with lots of free space, zero abuse, proper care, and an abundance of food and water.

Halal also does not allow animals to witness the death of any other animal.
Yes you are correct in that animals farmed Halal are not given any antibiotics, not caged and fed natural products. We have meat like that too, its called organic or free range.
It doesn't give them the right to ignore our laws on humane slaughtering practices. Why do we keep capitulating to a minority of the population and when does it end?


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
From what I understand and the research I have done, Halal is actually not more humane during the kill.

It is, however, more humane during the life of the animal.

Stunning the animal first before the kill is considered the most pain free option and the majority of Halal butchers do not do this.
They slit the throat and windpipe which is a painful and long death for the animal.

The good thing about Halal meat is that the animal lives a good life before death, with lots of free space, zero abuse, proper care, and an abundance of food and water.

Halal also does not allow animals to witness the death of any other animal.
I am pretty sure most commercially/industrially processed poultry in Ontario stuns the bird in an electrified water bath. I can't speak to small processors. But I woudl think that any commercial processor needs an official Halal certification.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Yes you are correct in that animals farmed Halal are not given any antibiotics, not caged and fed natural products. We have meat like that too, its called organic or free range.
It doesn't give them the right to ignore our laws on humane slaughtering practices. Why do we keep capitulating to a minority of the population and when does it end?

What laws on humane slaughtering practices are who ignoring?

You have revealed throughout this discussion that you were ignorant and subsequently simply try to back up your bigotry and did not, and still don't have any real understanding of Halal.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
Hunting should be banned too because often the first shot does not kill the animal and it has to be chased down and finished.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Halal meat is an essential part of the Muslim faith and advocates argue that the practices of traditional Islamic slaughter are humane.

Best Halal restaurants in LondonChinese authorities launch anti-halal campaign
However, many animal rights campaigners argue that religious slaughter causes animals unnecessary suffering and should be banned.

What is halal meat?

Although the term “halal” is used by non-Muslims almost exclusively to refer to the slaughter and preparation of meat in accordance with Islamic practices, its meaning within Islam is far broader.

“Halal” refers to any action or behaviour that is permissible in Islam, including what types of meat and methods of preparation are acceptable, while “haram” refers to impermissible or unlawful actions.

In the context of dietary rules, pork and blood, as well as meat from birds of prey and reptiles, are defined as haram and so forbidden to practising Muslims.

How is halal meat prepared?

God's name must be invoked in a one-line blessing called the Tasmiyah, said before any slaughter. British Halal Food Authority slaughtermen use the most common version, “Bismillahi-Allahu Akbar” (In the name of Allah the greatest).

Reciting a short blessing beginning with “bismillah” (in the name of Allah) is a prerequisite for Muslims before embarking on any significant task. Orthodox Jews recite similar everyday blessings, including a prayer used before performing kosher slaughter.

The Islamic method of killing an animal for meat is called zabiha. After reciting the blessing, the slaughterman uses a surgically sharp instrument to cut the animal's throat, windpipe and the blood vessels around its neck. The blood is then allowed to drain from the body.

Only one animal can be ritually slaughtered at a time and the other animals must not witness any death.

The religious law also says how the animal must be treated during its life, with the animal not allowed to have been mistreated or caused any pain. It must also be provided with enough space to roam, clean water, food and fresh air.

Some animals killed for halal meat in the UK are stunned electrically before their throats are slit, known as “pre-stunned slaughter”. The British Halal Food Authority approves of low-voltage electrified water baths to stun poultry and electric tong stunning for sheep and goats.

However, it is forbidden to use methods of stunning that can actually kill the animal, such as bolt guns. Animals not killed by ritual slaughter are considered carrion meat, which is haram.

Do the animals feel pain?

The question of whether religious slaughter is more or less humane than other forms is a matter of debate.

Shuja Shafi and Jonathan Arkush, writing in The Guardian, say religious slaughter is as humane as the alternatives, arguing that traditional methods of stunning, using a captive bolt, gas or electricity, only paralyse the animal so it cannot move. “It is impossible to know whether the animal is feeling pain or not,” they say.

In both Muslim and Jewish religious slaughter, the act of slitting the throat "stuns the animal", they add, and “there is no delay between stun and subsequent death”.

Animal health experts and campaigners disagree. The RSPCA argues that killing animals without stunning them causes “unnecessary suffering”, while activist group Peta calls halal slaughter “prolonged torment”, saying the animals “fight and gasp for their last breath, struggling to stand while the blood drains from their necks”.

The British Veterinary Association calls for all animals to be effectively stunned before slaughter, while the Farm Animal Welfare Council says cutting an animal's throat is “such a massive injury [that it] would result in very significant pain and distress in the period before insensibility supervenes”.

How does it differ from Kosher practice?

Unlike halal, the Jewish method of slaughter, known as Shechita, cannot involve pre-slaughter stunning at all.

Its proponents say the use of a chalaf, a surgically sharp instrument twice the width of the animal's neck, by practitioners who have trained for a minimum of seven years, “meets the European Union's requirement for stunning in that it brings insensitivity to pain and distress”, reports The Guardian.

So how is halal meat regulated?

According to The Independent, existing European law requires animals to be stunned before they are slaughtered, but grants exemptions on religious grounds.

The UK has such as exemption in place for both halal and kosher killing, meaning that “there are actually more regulations in place governing the handling of animals that will not be stunned when slaughtered”, says the paper.

In 2014, the Danish government joined Switzerland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland in voting to remove this exemption and ban religious slaughter on the ground that “animal rights come before religion”.

Earlier this year, a ban involving ritual animal slaughter came into force in parts of Belgium to “significant opposition” reports Metro.

Both halal and kosher ways of killing are now illegal in the southern region of Flanders, where animals now have to be electronically stunned before they can be killed. The ban is set be extended to Wallonia in southern Belgium from September, meaning the only place where it will be possible to buy halal or kosher meat will be Brussels, which is home to around 500,000 Muslims and 30,000 Jews.

The ban has been described as both anti-Semitic and Islamophobic, with European Jewish Congress president Moshe Kantor claiming “it attacks the very core of our culture and religious practice and our status as equal citizens with equal rights in a democratic society. We call on legislators to step back from the brink of the greatest assault on Jewish religious rights in Belgium since the Nazi occupation of the country in World War Two.”

The British government has repeatedly resisted pressure from animal welfare groups such as the RSPCA to outlaw halal slaughter without pre-stunning and opposed EU measures that would have required meat to carry labels confirming whether it came from animals that had been stunned before slaughter on the grounds they discriminated against Muslim and Jewish groups.

However, it is as yet unclear how regulations surrounding halal meat will be affected once Britain leaves the EU.

How does this work in practice?

In a highly publicised case last year, Lancashire council became the first local authority to ban unstunned halal meat in school dinners.

Following an impassioned and at times bitter campaign between council leader Geoff Driver and the local Muslim community, the Conservative-controlled council narrowly voted for the ban.

The decision prompted calls for Muslim students to boycott school lunches and provoked a war of words between Muslim leaders, the council and animal rights groups.

Lancashire Council of Mosques (LCM) accused Driver of leading a “crusade” on the issue and LCM’s acting chair, Abdul Qureshi, said any decision to ban unstunned halal meat would create huge difficulty.

“People will pull out of school meals and people who should eat properly will be deprived of that. For us it’s a matter of faith. For Geoff Driver it is his feelings,” he told the BBC.

Is halal meat more widespread than we think?

According to one of Britain’s foremost vets, many non-Muslim Britons are inadvertently eating meat from animals slaughtered while they are still conscious.

Lord Trees, a former president of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, said that with the sharp rise in the number of sheep and poultry being killed in accordance with halal practice it was highly probable that some unstunned meat was entering the “standard” food chain, mainly in pies and ready meals.

“It’s very difficult to have accurate traceability when meat may go through the food chain and pass through several different people’s hands. Various parts of it will go in all sorts of directions into different food chains and different processing systems, often different countries,” he wrote in the journal Vet Record.

The Daily Mail has cited new figures from the Foods Standards Agency which show the number of sheep slaughtered in Britain without being stunned had doubled in six years, to more than three million.

Raising the mater in the House of Lords, Lord Trees called for a change in the law to ensure all animals had to be stunned before they were killed, asking “Does the minister agree with me that in that aspect of animal welfare we are going backwards?”

How much is the industry worth?

The industry body Eblex has estimated the value of the halal meat industry to be around £2.6bn a year.

Its latest report into the halal meat market is Britain also suggests that while Muslims in the UK represent just 3% of the population, they consume around 20% of all the lamb sold as well as a growing percentage of beef, most of which is halal.

However, this accounts for just a fraction of the global halal-certified food and beverage industry, valued at $415bn per year.

Perhaps surprisingly, according to Al Jazeera eight of the 10 largest suppliers of global halal meat are non-Muslim majority countries, with Brazil, Australia and India leading the way.



Well-known member
Jul 16, 2023
Yes you are correct in that animals farmed Halal are not given any antibiotics, not caged and fed natural products. We have meat like that too, its called organic or free range.
It doesn't give them the right to ignore our laws on humane slaughtering practices. Why do we keep capitulating to a minority of the population and when does it end?
in my opinion. The definition of minority is essential. No body cares about it anymore but a very important point that leads to demography
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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2023
What i’ve gotten from this post is you are mad about my preferences, you are vegan??, and you think i’m not able to keep up in a grown up conversation cause I am a woman or young or both. Anyways, you sound silly lol
this is another example of left.
If left doesn’t have any logical argument, the topic will lead to victim card like am I not matured enough? Coz I am woman? Coz I have periods? Coz I m young? Coz I have certain food choices? You’re stupid lol.
I am still confused if the quoted post was a question at all?

edit: I forgot to add “lol” so “lol”


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
Because of this thread, I bought a Halal rotisserie chicken at the grocery store today.
I don't notice any taste difference.


Mar 23, 2024
this is another example of left.
If left doesn’t have any logical argument, the topic will lead to victim card like am I not matured enough? Coz I am woman? Coz I have periods? Coz I m young? Coz I have certain food choices? You’re stupid lol.
I am still confused if the quoted post was a question at all?

edit: I forgot to add “lol” so “lol”
I am NOT a liberal thank you, and that’s the. most disrespectful part of this whole thing. Your post is an example someone who takes posts out of context and is honestly just disrespectful. I literally said preach. I didn’t even make a comment or a question, and it was in response to the guy who said THERE WILL NOT BE A NOTEABLE DIFFERENCE between halal chicken at kfc or not, and the people who are mad are likely mad for other reasons. The amount of stuff KFC puts that chicken through, whether it is halal or not you will not be able to taste a significant difference. I said one word, and this guy goes off about my services (which does not even belong in this board), the fact that was what you chose to bring up, proves to me even if I had an amazing argument that you agreed with, you wouldn’t like me cause your mad I won’t suck you raw as crazy as it sounds. Furthermore, you are going into detail about the slaughtering of the chicken and how inhumane it is, if you think halal chicken is inhumane, and non halal chicken is inhumane, i’m going to assume, you just don’t like chicken! Nobody was playing the victim card, I was stating a fact which was that he was mad about my services and chose to base his whole idea of me based on that (which is literally true if you read his post) Stop using my posts to fit your little narrative cause the only time you feel powerful in your life is arguing with randoms on Terb. Sorry but if your wife doesn’t make you feel like a man, I’m not going too either.


Ebony Booty Lover

Active member
May 5, 2024
Yes, bigoted. Tthere is only one reason to boycott cheicken that is otherwise the same except it has been killed and processed according to a process that is invisible and absolutely undiscernable

a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
You try so hard to spin things so they fit your narrative. A perfect example is "absolutely indiscernable". It's know why??? Because they tell is halal so there for it;s discernable. Judging by the way you spelled it, it's clear you don't understand the meaning of it.
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