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Biden vs Trump debate June 27

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Trump did get the ban through.
If I remember correctly it was 5 or 6 Muslim countries that were banned from traveling to the US.

This was at a time when there was a lot of terrorism committed by Muslims around the world.
I don't blame Trump one bit for that ban
Fascists always claim to have reasons that justify their fascism. It doesn’t mitigate the fact that it is still fascism.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Fascists always claim to have reasons that justify their fascism. It doesn’t mitigate the fact that it is still fascism
Keeping the country safe has nothing to do with fascism


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Did you read this article I posted??

80% of migrant women are raped by Mexicans
Yes. It was the same referenced in Newsmax if I am right.

And so what if 80% of migrant women from Mexico are raped by Mexicans? That is like saying almost 100% of Canadian women are raped by Canadians, and therefore ALL Canadians are rapists. It is still a racist statement.

However, Trump's statement was that - "They are sending rapists". Meaning he said that migrants coming to the US were rapists. Your article said that migrants were VICTIMS of rape. I mean heck, its precisely because they are victims that they are seeking refuge. And that the perpetrators could be anybody. So again, it does not justify Trump's statement in any way.

If anything, the fact that they are victims and seeking refuge, means we should help them even more.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
Going by some of the Lefty posters here on Terb I'd say most left-wingers are just as hateful as some right-wingers, if not more so
Disgust is different from hate. The left wing doesn't want the right wingers to discriminate against women and minorities. They also want the rich to be taxed more and use the money on poor people to afford the stuggl8ng a better life. They believe in equal rights, a repossibiluty to the environment and reasonable gun control. The right wing believes that right wingers should never be prosecuted, that white males should make everyone belive in free access to guns, no women's rights, no rights for minorities, no rights for gays, religion only to be Christian. See a difference?

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
As much as Trump’s supporters in the media complained about CNN “muzzling” Trump and treating him “unfairly”, I think the debate rules and structure actually helped Trump. The rules prevented Trump from interrupting, yelling, and acting like a lunatic. With that structure in place I think Trump actually carries/presents himself better.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
As much as Trump’s supporters in the media complained about CNN “muzzling” Trump and treating him “unfairly”, I think the debate rules and structure actually helped Trump. The rules prevented Trump from interrupting, yelling, and acting like a lunatic. With that structure in place I think Trump actually carries/presents himself better.
I'd have to agree with this comment and add that I was one of the people who thought they were going to ''ambush'' Trump. Instead much to my surprise it was run tremendously. Has me looking differently at CNN now. Never thought I would say that.

Trump was well coached and seemed to listen for once. He constantly when asked a new question would disregard it and rebut Biden's last answer. Then he'd circle back and half answer the question with deflection. Always seemingly getting the last word. That's brilliant. That's coaching.

Biden looked lost and confused for the first half and then seemed to pick up some steam. Unfortunately for him the die was cast. Those sound bites are going to sink him. That ''cold'' lasted to long. My thinking is that whatever stimulant they gave him ( there's nothing wrong with that) didn't kick in fully until to late. Watching his wife take him off stage was rough...Listening to her introduce him at their gala afterwards so enlightening. She's his ''Nancy''.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
I'd have to agree with this comment and add that I was one of the people who thought they were going to ''ambush'' Trump. Instead much to my surprise it was run tremendously. Has me looking differently at CNN now. Never thought I would say that.

Yes…I actually prefer this structure with no audience, microphones cut off, etc. Somehow over the years I think debates had become more about spectacle and less about substance. They should do it this way for future political debates in my opinion.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
As much as Trump’s supporters in the media complained about CNN “muzzling” Trump and treating him “unfairly”, I think the debate rules and structure actually helped Trump. The rules prevented Trump from interrupting, yelling, and acting like a lunatic. With that structure in place I think Trump actually carries/presents himself better.
KB are you with us and following what's going on? Almost everyone said it would benefit Trump.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
I'd have to agree with this comment and add that I was one of the people who thought they were going to ''ambush'' Trump. Instead much to my surprise it was run tremendously. Has me looking differently at CNN now. Never thought I would say that.
I thought Tapper and Bash would try to fact check Trump on the spot. (Remember when Candy Crowley erroneously fact checked Romney.)

The debate could have used having the moderators trying to get Trump to answer the question a few times. Instead, Trump was simply hitting his talking points regardless of the subject.

There might have been some genius on the Trump team allowing CNN to host the debate. Perhaps they were overly-concerned with looking impartial.

I don't remember did they ask Trump if he was going to cut taxes for corporations and high earners again? I believe his tax cuts expire soon.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
The debate could have used having the moderators trying to get Trump to answer the question a few times. Instead, Trump was simply hitting his talking points regardless of the subject.

There might have been some genius on the Trump team allowing CNN to host the debate. Perhaps they were overly-concerned with looking impartial.
Having no fact checkers is what makes this debate worth watching...Both sides sling the B.S. and then it's up to us to interpret what we've heard... Plus who fact checks the fact checkers.

I don't think Trump is a genius at anything...He doesn't have much of a rudder, he just goes full steam ahead. This time it happened to work out for him. On Jan 6th...It didn't.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
And so what if 80% of migrant women from Mexico are raped by Mexicans? That is like saying almost 100% of Canadian women are raped by Canadians, and therefore ALL Canadians are rapists. It is still a racist statement.

However, Trump's statement was that - "They are sending rapists". Meaning he said that migrants coming to the US were rapists. Your article said that migrants were VICTIMS of rape. I mean heck, its precisely because they are victims that they are seeking refuge. And that the perpetrators could be anybody. So again, it does not justify Trump's statement in any way
You clearly dont understand whats going on. The women who are being raped on the train coming through Mexico and into the US border are being raped by their fellow travellers. Below is an image of one of those trains. So when the train comes to its final destination just before the US border, all those men that did the raping are now trying to enter the US illegally


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
You clearly dont understand whats going on. The women who are being raped on the train coming through Mexico and into the US border are being raped by their fellow travellers. Below is an image of one of those trains. So when the train comes to its final destination just before the US border, all those men that did the raping are now trying to enter the US illegally

It's ok to rape if you claim to be a republican. Fraud too
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
The story is another right wing lie. Bidens border policy turns back convicted felons and rapists like Trump. It's ironic that the right wing tries to create hysteria by claiming that rapists are allowed to come into America when in fact they are not and their leader is a proven rapist and fraud who rigged an election and tried to overturn another election


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
You clearly dont understand whats going on. The women who are being raped on the train coming through Mexico and into the US border are being raped by their fellow travellers. Below is an image of one of those trains. So when the train comes to its final destination just before the US border, all those men that did the raping are now trying to enter the US illegally
No. The links you provided clearly stated, the following:

a) 80% of women are sexually assaulted. They flee their lands because they are sexually assaulted and subjected to horrible conditions, and they are assaulted during their journey.
b) The sexual assaults are perpetrated by anybody - police, border security, fellow migrants, coyotes etc., It does not say that they are solely being raped by other migrants.
c) None of them ever come forward so there is no true measure of who was raped, who did the raping etc.,

Now I agree that a few criminals and rapists are indeed getting through and they should be stopped at the border.

But to characterize them ALL as rapists, is racist. Which is what Trump did.
And here is just one example of an illegal immigrant committing rape once he got inside the US

Am sure there are a few illegal immigrants who rape. I am sure there are a few legal immigrants who rape too. Here I present to you a legal immigrant who is a rapist. Wait, I just realized, that this is a racist rapist, calling others rapists! Hilarious! 😂

Screenshot at Jun 29 10-29-58.png
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