Israel at war


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I absolutely do.
Why do you think I'm so opposed to people doing silly things that won't accomplish that?
I want people to take effective action to change the system.
Not voting and voting third party are the opposite of that.
You have yet to tell us how voting for Biden will help change the system or what your plan is to change the system.
I've noted multiple ways I've supported changing the system, you have dismissed all of them and proposed nothing.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So neither of you are paying attention?

No worries about Trump's call for Israel to "Finish the job"?
The calls from Israel about how much Biden is hampering the war effort?
Trump's advisors calling for Palestinian expulsion from Gaza and full annexation of the West bank?
Trump's support and encouragement of war crimes as the best way to win? (Especially war crimes against Muslims.)

Or we can review some of Trump’s policy toward the Palestinians when in office.
- His government declared that it no longer considered the settlements to be illegal.
- Senior Trump administration officials questioned Palestinians’ ability to govern themselves.
- The Trump “peace plan” was negotiating only with Israel — the Palestinians were not included.
- He ended U.S. aid to Palestinians for things like hospitals, infrastructure and schools.

So yeah, the parties aren't the same, even here.

This is almost as dumb as people saying "The Democrats didn't do universal health care - there is no difference between the parties!".

No they aren't.
Or rather, they have to not understand the system they are voting in to believe that.
(Which, to be fair, is a problem. Lots of people are badly confused about this.)

So yes, they might be doing that in terms of "that is what they feel".
It just isn't actually what they are doing in terms of consequence.

But even using your logic, it is still them saying that either they have no preference between Biden and Trump on any issue or in any way - since those are the only two possible winners and refusing to pick one means you are refusing to distinguish - or that while they DO have a preference for one or the other on policy, it is more important that the one they would normally support lose.

Yes, I am, because that is the frame of the discussion.

Are there people who would prefer Trump in most ways, but because Trump is so pro-Israel they are not going to vote for him?

And they would also be acting stupidly from their point of view if they actually preferred Trump.

Remember, what is happening here is you are taking your vote away from the result you want.

So again, either you TRULY have no preference in any way between the two, or you do and are deluded about the effects of what you are doing with your vote.

Could there be a Trump supporter who is all in on Trump's policies but finds him too pro-Israel and so will vote third party?
But then they will also be doing exactly what I am saying, which is that they are ok contributing to Biden's victory. (Only more indirectly.)
Wow, I'm truly shocked at how politically naive you are with this post.

Your post infers you believe that Biden is somehow holding back the genocide and slowing it down, as if Biden's continual statements saying he supports a ceasefire and the two state solution are actually honest. As if those statements were followed by even the simplest actions. Every move by Biden so far has been to try to publicly show he is for peace while ever legislative move has been to arm and enable the genocide.

Short of sending in US bombers and nukes, there is little that rump could do that would be worse in the support of this genocide.

Biden has been trying to play both sides throughout, to publicly declare he's for peace while blocking all actions that can stop the genocide. Trump isn't smart enough to pull that off and doesn't care about issues other than his own fortune and popularity. He would have likely dropped support for Israel after the protests the way he dropped support for vaccines after his base became anti vaxxers.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I am talking specifically about pro-Palestinians who would otherwise vote for Biden.
Obviously they wouldn't ALL vote for Biden otherwise.
You mean minorities and youth?
You mean progressive dems?

All I have been trying to get people to admit, repeatedly, is that a vote for third party is an acknowledgement of that decision.
There are some very rare people who truly see no difference in any way between parties.
But lots of people just don't want to admit their revealed preferences and want to vote third party so that "their hands are clean".
What you have been doing is watching Biden's reelection chances become worse and worse so keep trying to convince people that rump is worse than genocide. That its 'pragmatic' to support genocide because of your fear of what rump might do with a second presidency.

What you have not done is to admit that Biden's support of Israel is wrong, that the party needs to change and how to change it. Even though you have admitted that Israel is likely committing genocide you have not said that they are wrong to do so and the US is wrong to aid the genocide of Gaza.

Meanwhile, people are doing what they can.

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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
The way you shouldn't be let off the hook for admitting that you think Israel is likely committing genocide yet you also want to 'reward' Biden for his active aid of genocide.

How am I "rewarding" Biden for this choice?
That only makes sense if you don't view the election as a choice between two options, but as a "reward/punish" structure.
Which I don't, because it is a very stupid way to view elections.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
You have yet to tell us how voting for Biden will help change the system or what your plan is to change the system.
Voting for Biden won't change the system.
The voting part isn't about changing the system.
That pressure happens outside and through other venues.

Only when you've got some leverage and action via the other methods of civic action is voting going to come into play because you need a government to implement those changes.

Civil Rights was a massive change to the system - it wasn't won by voting first, then producing change.
It was won by pushing for change and then voting for governments who would support that change.

It's like labor activism - the primary mode is through labor action, but it the government aligns with corporations to crush strikes, then that labor action is doomed.
So no you don't get the system changed firstly through voting, but voting is an important part of what goes on.

I've noted multiple ways I've supported changing the system, you have dismissed all of them and proposed nothing.
Because this is a discussion about why "Making sure Biden loses" or "Voting third party to teach the Dems a lesson" isn't about changing the system.
That will do nothing at all to change the electoral system.

It certainly isn't about changing foreign policy or helping the Palestinians.
Even on your most anti-Biden rants, you can't say putting Trump into power will improve anything about any of the issues you claim to care about here.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
You mean minorities and youth?
You mean progressive dems?
I mean exactly what I said I mean.

What you have been doing is watching Biden's reelection chances become worse and worse so keep trying to convince people that rump is worse than genocide.
You yourself have admitted that voting Trump in doesn't stop the genocide or affect it in any way.
Therefore, obviously, by your own calculation - this isn't a vote between "Trump or Genocide".
If that is what you truly believe, then the only reason to not vote Biden (if you think the Genocide is the only issue anyone should vote on) is to punish Biden for being president during the genocide.
Since you yourself admit nothing changes by doing this, then you are stating - quite clearly - that punishing Biden is more important than anything Trump will do as President.

You did, for a while, try to pitch the "We don't know the future so maybe Trump will be better about Israel/Palestine" argument.
You seem to have abandoned that, though.

My question to you, again and again, has been what helping Trump win gains you - even if the only issue in the world you care about is the Israel-Palestine situation.
My answer to that is "nothing" - it gains you absolutely nothing outside of an emotional satisfaction in "not supporting genocide" or the emotional satisfaction of "making Biden lose".

That its 'pragmatic' to support genocide because of your fear of what rump might do with a second presidency.
That would only apply if Trump was offering a better deal on Israel Palestine.
Then my choice would be "Do I support genocide to keep Trump out of power or not".
But since Trump isn't offering to do better - in fact he is saying the US isn't supporting Israel enough (and his past history involves cutting off humanitarian aid and no longer classifying settlements as illegal and other actions showing he is likely to follow through on the "we should do more to help the Israeli right wing's ambitions"). So therefore there is no "It is pragmatic to support genocide because of fear of what a Trump administration will do". The genocide is completely off the table in the election.

So again, even if the ONLY ISSUE I CARE ABOUT is the genocide, there is no reason to help Trump win.

What you have not done is to admit that Biden's support of Israel is wrong, that the party needs to change and how to change it. Even though you have admitted that Israel is likely committing genocide you have not said that they are wrong to do so and the US is wrong to aid the genocide of Gaza.
I have repeatedly said his policy is wrong, in fact it is indefensible.
What I have said is that voting third party and putting Trump into power will not change it.
I get that it really upsets you that things don't work that way, but you pouting doesn't

Another reason you support making sure Biden loses and putting Trump in charge, I suppose, since he has promised to crack down on people dong this in the US.


“If you get me elected, and you should really be doing this … we’re going to set that movement back 25 or 30 years,” Trump said


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
How exactly is Trump going to make it worse than it already is? Israel has no restraints.
You think this is Israel with no restraints?
Dear god.

And where did you figure that I thought that the US has no power to affect the Israel situation?
Because you just said that "Degree of support, etc are either inconsequential and minor, or are purely rhetoric and talking points that do not result in changes to the status quo that is very much needed."

In other words, there is nothing that can be done.

My criticism is exactly that. That while the US is in the unique position to influence how things unfold in Israel/Palestine, and perhaps is the only country that can influence how things unfold in Israel/Palestine, they are doing absolutely nothing substantial to help the Palestinian cause.
Then you should be EXTREMELY interested in every shift in degree of support, since it has such an important impact.

The differences between Trump and Biden, are either in rhetoric or in something as minor as humanitarian aid or stopping delivery of some bombs under a very narrow criteria, while vetoing everything in the UN and providing support and protection for Israel. These look like differences but are merely talking points. They have absolutely no tangible impact. Heck even a ceasefire is not able to be achieved.
Humanitarian aid is minor now?
Nothing has tangible impact?

Interesting how the people on the ground there seem to disagree with you so completely.

Be it Trump or Biden, the following 2 statements will be true:

a) Israel will receive and continue to receive BILLIONS in military aid.
b) The US will always protect Israel at the UN and the international stage, thereby enabling their brutalization of the Palestinians.
So therefore no one should be voting between Biden or Trump based on Gaza.
Got it.

To me, it is a difference, if Biden would vote AGAINST Israel at the UN. Or had Biden not abstained from recognizing Palestinian statehood. Or had Biden not vetoed full membership for Palestine. Would Trump have done anything different?
On those two specific votes?

Which, if you think those the only two things that have any impact on Gaza, means you shouldn't let Gaza influence your vote between Trump or Biden in any way.

You are flouting some inconsequential, lip service and gestures as "differences in policy". It means nothing!
I get it!
You think there is no reason to use the Gaza situation to choose between Trump and Biden!
Anyone doing so is a fool!

You've made your point.

No it wouldn't. A voter votes per their conscience.
Idiot voters vote their conscience in a plurality system.
That's one of those politically naive myths told to voters so that they don't exercise power efficiently.
It's one of the worst things you can do since it is more likely to actively hurt your cause than help it.

They do not vote, to elect a guy, that is the lesser of two evils, when that guy is going to do nothing for the issue that you hold as most important.
What an amazingly self-defeating way to think about elections.

Now others, for whom this is not such a big issue may take the approach you are suggesting, but again, they are still voting their conscience. Everybody is always voting their conscience.
You mean "voting their conscience" to mean "voting to get the best result they can"!
Then you agree with me about voting and we are back to "nothing I do will change this outcome I find important, so I should vote on other criteria".
Again, a strong argument that no one should vote on the Israel/Palestine issue at all.

Yes. And the effect is that BOTH Trump and Biden, LOST a vote. I don't know why you have a problem admitting that.
Because as long as you fail to understand math, I have to point out what is actually going on.

This is your characterization. Not the objective truth.
It is true, sorry.

If the statement "I am so anti-Biden, that I am OK with Trump winning" is true of a 3rd party vote, then so is the statement "I am so anti-Trump that I am OK with Biden winning", because that is what is objectively happening. Both Trump and Biden are losing a vote helping the other.
Yes, you've established you don't understand how the system works.
You don't need to dig your hole deeper.

Biden is not entitled a vote by this voter who voted third party.
Of course not.

Because a third party vote, needs to be seen objectively, because there IS a candidate expressing political opinions and not as a spiteful fallback option exercised by the voter.
Wait, you think a vote is "an expression of your opinions"?
Oh dear.

I mean if you could make the argument that the voter would have voted for Biden, if not for the Israel Palestine issue, then you could make the same argument that a Biden voter would have voted for Trump if not for Trump's positions on race, immigration or what have you. You could pretty much make that argument about any candidate. The truth is that political positions of the candidate, sway votes. You could agree to varying degrees with different candidates, but there are certain issues that will always sway the voter more than the others, one way or another.
Of course the position of candidates sways votes and things sway the voter more than others.
That's the whole point of what we are discussing.

This is like saying my vote for Mitzie Hunter in the mayor election, is anti-Chow, but pro-Saunders. No, it is anti-Chow, anti-Saunders, anti-anybodyelsethatran, but pro-Hunter.
Oh, you REALLY don't understand how the plurality system works at all!
Which between Chow and Bailão did you prefer?

Man, I am going to have to do this "voting systems education series", aren't I?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
How am I "rewarding" Biden for this choice?
That only makes sense if you don't view the election as a choice between two options, but as a "reward/punish" structure.
Which I don't, because it is a very stupid way to view elections.
Yet you were the one that brought up this language when you claimed it would be 'punishing' Biden to not vote for him just cuz he's aiding a genocide.

Voting for Biden won't change the system.
The voting part isn't about changing the system.
That pressure happens outside and through other venues.

Only when you've got some leverage and action via the other methods of civic action is voting going to come into play because you need a government to implement those changes.

Civil Rights was a massive change to the system - it wasn't won by voting first, then producing change.
It was won by pushing for change and then voting for governments who would support that change.

It's like labor activism - the primary mode is through labor action, but it the government aligns with corporations to crush strikes, then that labor action is doomed.
So no you don't get the system changed firstly through voting, but voting is an important part of what goes on.

Because this is a discussion about why "Making sure Biden loses" or "Voting third party to teach the Dems a lesson" isn't about changing the system.
That will do nothing at all to change the electoral system.

It certainly isn't about changing foreign policy or helping the Palestinians.
Even on your most anti-Biden rants, you can't say putting Trump into power will improve anything about any of the issues you claim to care about here.
Yet you also don't propose any change to the system, are lukewarm at best to protests to change the system and seem to be against pressuring the party to back the progressives and enact change.

Biden losing over support for genocide will be part of long term change, you are focused entirely on the next 4 years.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I mean exactly what I said I mean.
So minorities, youth and progressives. Even if you won't name them.

You yourself have admitted that voting Trump in doesn't stop the genocide or affect it in any way.
Therefore, obviously, by your own calculation - this isn't a vote between "Trump or Genocide".
If that is what you truly believe, then the only reason to not vote Biden (if you think the Genocide is the only issue anyone should vote on) is to punish Biden for being president during the genocide.
Since you yourself admit nothing changes by doing this, then you are stating - quite clearly - that punishing Biden is more important than anything Trump will do as President.
Yet the possibility of Biden losing over aiding genocide might pressure him to stop before the election. Netanyahu is done and soon to be just a war criminal facing fraud charges at home. Zionism as a movement is now as loved as the KKK. The genocide continues but is down to starving children and bombing families living in tents as the move from one 'safe zone' to the next. I would wonder if even rump can support it now.

You did, for a while, try to pitch the "We don't know the future so maybe Trump will be better about Israel/Palestine" argument.
You seem to have abandoned that, though.

My question to you, again and again, has been what helping Trump win gains you - even if the only issue in the world you care about is the Israel-Palestine situation.
My answer to that is "nothing" - it gains you absolutely nothing outside of an emotional satisfaction in "not supporting genocide" or the emotional satisfaction of "making Biden lose".
This is about the long game, letting rump win will force change in the dems. This is Biden's last election and watching the AIPAC/Bowman fight is a preview of how that money will look during November.

Zionism as a movement must be ended, the leaders taken to court and the occupation ended. That won't happen ever under Biden. He needs to go.

That would only apply if Trump was offering a better deal on Israel Palestine.
Then my choice would be "Do I support genocide to keep Trump out of power or not".
But since Trump isn't offering to do better - in fact he is saying the US isn't supporting Israel enough (and his past history involves cutting off humanitarian aid and no longer classifying settlements as illegal and other actions showing he is likely to follow through on the "we should do more to help the Israeli right wing's ambitions"). So therefore there is no "It is pragmatic to support genocide because of fear of what a Trump administration will do". The genocide is completely off the table in the election.

So again, even if the ONLY ISSUE I CARE ABOUT is the genocide, there is no reason to help Trump win.
Your sole argument is that you think rump might be worse for the genocide.
its a genocide, it really can't get much worse.

I have repeatedly said his policy is wrong, in fact it is indefensible.
What I have said is that voting third party and putting Trump into power will not change it.
I get that it really upsets you that things don't work that way, but you pouting doesn't
Long term it may change that policy. In 2028 its a different discussion.

Another reason you support making sure Biden loses and putting Trump in charge, I suppose, since he has promised to crack down on people dong this in the US.

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“If you get me elected, and you should really be doing this … we’re going to set that movement back 25 or 30 years,” Trump said
rump couldn't enact a Muslim ban and won't be able to enact this, even if its still going on in Nov.
He's senile and more worried about pardoning himself, a nice piece of chocolate cake and cheating at golf.

You think he'll be worse than this?
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