I came across a twitter rant about how ownership just doesn’t give a fuck about winning. Apparently (I did not verify this) Rodgers Sports Media have no rights to broadcast Blue Jay games after the wild card series. Thus they really just want the team to be competitive enough but not too competitive.
Keep the fans coming in overpaying for shit food and gaslight them into believing in the plan. Typical Rogers business model.
I can't say that I agree with this line of thinking. It makes it sound like revenue from the broadcasting rights is the only revenue stream that interests Rogers or is even the most significant.
Attendance for 40,000 at an average of $250 per seat for a playoff game=$10M/game (which goes up each series they survive)
Food and drink/alcohol at an average of $50 per person=$2M/game
Merchandise at the game.
Merchandise across Canada
Increase in tickets for subsequent seasons (which basically carries on forever because prices never go down)
Paid advertising at the game.
Increase that it will cost advertisers for subsequent years
Increase in season ticket sales.
Reinvesting of the increased revenue.
Does Rogers get the revenue that advertisers pay for games in Canada on Rogers (TD, Home Hardware etc.)
I'm sorry, I have no idea how much the Jays would lose for giving up broadcast rights, but IMO there's a $$$hitload of money to be made for having a championship/winning team.