Pro Hamas in the west - and their adventures


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2023
Talking about preachers and its all in English. Imams have no shame in posting this kind of garbage .

Florida: Imam prays ‘Oh Allah, annihilate the tyrannical Jews’

Note that he didn’t pray for the annihilation of the “Israelis” or “Zionists,” but of the Jews.

Note also that Muslims are told in the Qur’an that they should be the executors of the wrath of Allah: “Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, and he will lay them low and give you victory over them, and he will heal the hearts of people who are believers. And he will remove the anger of their hearts.” (Qur’an 9:14-15).

Thus Kablawi is directly inciting violence against Jews.

Florida Imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi In North Miami Friday Sermon Accuses Israel Of Organ Theft, Trafficking, Prays: Oh Allah, Annihilate The Tyrannical Jews, The Brothers Of Apes And Pigs,” MEMRI, April 26, 2024:

In his April 26, 2024 Friday sermon at Masjid As Sunnah An Nabawiyyah North Miami, Florida imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi accused the Israeli military of organ trafficking. He said that they are worse than the Nazia, and he alleged that Israel is stealing the skin and organs of Palestinians. Kablawi suggested: “Go and find who is behind organ trading in this country or this world.” He repeated a conspiracy theory according to which Israeli medical and rescue teams that came to Haiti following the 2010 earthquake engaged in organ theft (for more information, see MEMRITV clip no 2370). Kablawi concluded his sermon by praying that Allah annihilates the “tyrannical Jews,” the “brothers of apes and pigs.” The sermon was streamed live on the Facebook page of the mosque.
Dr. Fadi Kablawi: “[Israel’s army] is the most immoral army, Nazis, they are worse than Nazis – and I apologized to the Nazis last week, because these people have been proven to be worse than the Nazis.
“They steal the skin of the Palestinians. It is not enough that they stole their land, now they steal their skin. Organs missing, from children, from adults, organs are missing. Go and find who is behind organ trading in this country or this world. Go ask the Haitians, when they had the earthquake, what happened there with these Israeli organizations going under [the guise] of medical help. Go ask them, those who know. The guy will come limping into their tents for treatment, he will be carried out dead, organs missing. All that is because there is no God for these people. All that because these people look at you as nothing but a mistake, or at best, you were created for their service. That is what they believe. That is what they say. That is what they believe, and we don’t spread propaganda.
“Oh Allah, support our oppressed brothers in Palestine. Oh Allah, annihilate the tyrannical Jews. Oh Allah, annihilate them, for they are no match for You. Oh Allah, annihilate the brothers of apes and pigs. Oh Allah, demonstrate upon them the wonders of Your might. Oh Allah, cut off their seed. Oh Allah, break up their fellowship. Oh Allah, disperse them and rend them asunder.”


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Why not? The US invasion of Iraq was a terrorist attack on a sovereign nation based on a lie. Many NATO nations supported it. It happens quite regularly where western powers and other non western powers routinely engage in terrorism like for example the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Terrorism is the unlawful use of violence against civilians for political gain. The US war against Iraq killed a million people targeted civilians on several occasions and was unlawful. Similarly the Israeli attack against Palestinian civilians is both unlawful and premeditated. Hence terrorist.

And Toronto? Did you just mention Toronto separately from Canada? 😂
You won't know the difference between the Iraq campaign and this even if it slaps you in the face...LoL.... I wouldn't disagree with you about it based on the lie.... now which lie was the Israel campaign in Gaza based on?


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
Fixed your post so you wouldn't get banned for insults and hate speech.
Banned? 😂😂😂 You should know about being banned. You got banned so many times on Terb its pathetic. Franks old handles were Flubadub, Groggy and a few others. Its a sickness and obsession.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
So that is what am saying. Terrorists or not they have your people. So you choose ONE of the two based on your priorities. Hostages or Genocide.
So, you're saying that if somebody kidnaps my wife and I kill the mother fucker, that is genocide?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I am not defending terrorists. You are. Israel is a terrorist state.
Spreading lies for the sake of fomenting hate against a race or peoples is hate speech, a federal crime.

Show us the UN resolution declaring that Israel is a terrorist state or admit that your statement is hate speech. You are so biased and anti-Semitic (not just anti-Zionist) that you are sinking to Geno's level.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Spreading lies for the sake of fomenting hate against a race or peoples is hate speech, a federal crime.

Show us the UN resolution declaring that Israel is a terrorist state or admit that your statement is hate speech. You are so biased and anti-Semitic (not just anti-Zionist) that you are sinking to Geno's level.
Show us the UN resolution that saying Israel is committing genocide is hate speech, hammy.



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Show us the UN resolution that saying Israel is committing genocide is hate speech, hammy.
You just can't get around the fact that neither the UNGA nor SC has passed any resolution decrying Israel of genocide.

All you have is Bizarro Logic.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Israel is a state. Not a race. So your statement is inapplicable to me.
Israel is a group of peoples.

Be proud and embrace what you are spreading.

But at least you admit that doing what I described is Hate Speech. Does Geno qualify? You've challenged him on some of his lies.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Yeah, a multi ethnic, multi religious, multicultural state. Criticism of states and their actions do not qualify as hate speech as it is not directed at any particular people for their ethnicity.
Clearly Israel is regarded as "the Jewish State". Just as you and the rest of the TERB KKK often refer to them. They are not a secular state, you say. An ethno-state.

As such your point is irrelevant.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You just can't get around the fact that neither the UNGA nor SC has passed any resolution decrying Israel of genocide.

All you have is Bizarro Logic.
I'm just laughing at this being your last defence against genocide, hammy.
Some imaginary need for a UN resolution, cuz by every other single metric on the planet you're backing genocide like the nazis backed.

I mean, check out the shit you support and still think is morally superiour.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Clearly Israel is regarded as "the Jewish State". Just as you and the rest of the TERB KKK often refer to them. They are not a secular state, you say. An ethno-state.

As such your point is irrelevant.
20% of Israel is supposed to be Israeli Arabs but now you say they aren't part of the country?
That's its only an apartheid, Jewish state?

You used to argue Israel was the only democracy, now you're saying its apartheid?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
And Judaism is a religion. Not a race. Neither is criticism of a state hate speech, nor is criticism of a religion or political philosophy such as Zionism hate speech. As such your accusations are irrelevant.
You are wrong. Geno says that Jews are a race.
You think there has only been prejudice against the Jewish people and no other races through history,
As such, he is verifying that you are guilty of hate speech against the Jewish race.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I'm just laughing at this being your last defence against genocide, hammy.
I don't defend genocide, Geno.

This is simply my reply to your false allegations of genocide and apartheid. Until the UN, whom you've declared is the world's moral authority that we must obey, passes a resolution supporting your false claims, AKA hate speech, I don't need any other arguments. I'm sticking with this that is working perfectly well. I know your inability to refute my point frustrates and infuriates you, but it is what is. A FACT. DEAL WITH IT. You need to accept the UN's non-ruling of genocide.

He who has the last laugh, lasts best, Geno, and I'm laughing at your futility to back up your claims. The joke is on you.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I don't defend genocide, Geno.

This is simply my reply to your false allegations of genocide and apartheid. Until the UN, whom you've declared is the world's moral authority that we must obey, passes a resolution supporting your false claims, AKA hate speech, I don't need any other arguments. I'm sticking with this that is working perfectly well. I know your inability to refute my point frustrates and infuriates you, but it is what is. A FACT. DEAL WITH IT. You need to accept the UN's non-ruling of genocide.

He who has the last laugh, lasts best, Geno, and I'm laughing at your futility to back up your claims. The joke is on you.
Adding stupid qualifiers to argue that you don't defend genocide doesn't work hammy.
Israel is committing genocide, your refusal to admit this doesn't make you innocent, it makes you willfully ignorant.

Do you think nazis who knew what was going on and pretended it was nothing were also innocent?



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
He made the demarcation to say prejudice against "Jewish people" and "other races".
Regardless of the context, he referred to "Jews and other races". My point stands. Geno correctly labelled Jews as a race.

As such whatever else you have to say on this matter of whether Jews are a race or not are irrelevant.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
No, shack, Jews are not a race.
Now you have resorted to a lie and completely contradict yourself.

So the only racism that counts as racism is antisemitism, since no other race are humans.
You think there has only been prejudice against the Jewish people and no other races through history, hammy?
So here are 2 recent posts of yours where you undeniably refer to Jews as being a race.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Show us the UN resolution that saying Israel is committing genocide is hate speech, hammy.
Hate speech laws and hate speech definitions are set by each individual country, not the UN. Do you think that hate speech laws in Canada are the same as in N. Korea. Meanwhile, closer to home:

What is the legal definition of hate speech in Canada?

Willful promotion of hatred is a criminal offence in Canada. Willful promotion of hatred means to make “statements” in public that willfully or intentionally promote hate against an “identifiable group.” Unlike public incitement of hatred, willful promotion of hatred does not have to involve a breach of the peace.

In light of Canada's definition of hate speech, I can now completely understand why you get so upset when somebody asks you a personal question and you accuse people of trying to out you.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Regardless of the context, he referred to "Jews and other races". My point stands. Geno correctly labelled Jews as a race.

As such whatever else you have to say on this matter of whether Jews are a race or not are irrelevant.
There are no biological races of humans, hammy.
Race is not defined by genetics, but by culture, religion and geography. And sometimes by skin colour, though that changes over generations as well.
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