We have repeatedly established that this is way too complex for you to understand.
Its at the point where you don't even think there could be people smarter than you who can figure it out.
says the high school drop out lair
The projections are accurate, the science is sound, its experimentally been proven and the evidence is everywhere around us.
Projections are future estimates, they can not be accurate , you blithering moron
Accuracy refers to
how close a measurement is to the true or accepted value.
The true value has not occurred yet for a Projection
You really are a scientific know nothing
The models can not reproduce the past , so no not experimentally been proven
replicating the past is the bare minimum for a predictive model
the evidence is everywhere around us
Really like the fake evidence such as
Polar bears extinction
corral reefs bleaching
'Polar sea ice melting
Forest fires
Maldives Islands are sinking
a temperature reading above zero ......1000 km from the south pole
Greta says so ?
I bet its been years since you ventured north of Finch avenue
" the evidence is everywhere around us"
how often do you see corral reefs bleaching near Kensington Market
notice any sinking islands as you drive to the union hall ?
no polar bears in the front row of the union hall, gee that must be evidence of catastrophic climate change
More bullshit from you
Try reading
Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom Hardcover – May 24 2021
Patrick Moore (Author)
now you answer a question
explain how an
Atmospheric Gas CO2 manages to heat up the surface faster than the
Atmosphere ?
be sure to explain how your morons theory obeys the laws of Thermodynamics , the Stephan Law and conservation of energy