Israel at war


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Lets look again at that quote:
Part 1) chosen people, who uses that term?
Part 2) 'lesser humans' or 'human animals', who uses that term.
Part 3) who on this board has repeatedly argued that Palestinians don't deserve the full human rights we give all humans on this planet?
And why?
Thou doth protest too much. LOL.

You said it, Geno. Own it. You feel that Palestinians are "lesser humans". To Hamas and you, they are pawns and you want the fighting to continue.

What excuse do you think Hamas will use to turn down this latest ceasefire proposal? Are there even 33 hostages still alive under Hamas' care?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Thou doth protest too much. LOL.

You said it, Geno. Own it. You feel that Palestinians are "lesser humans". To Hamas and you, they are pawns and you want the fighting to continue.

What excuse do you think Hamas will use to turn down this latest ceasefire proposal? Are there even 33 hostages still alive under Hamas' care?
I said that religious extremists who think they are the chosen people believe that, hammy.

Shack and basketcase and Mandrill and rich are lying.



Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Thou doth protest too much. LOL.

You said it, Geno. Own it. You feel that Palestinians are "lesser humans". To Hamas and you, they are pawns and you want the fighting to continue.

What excuse do you think Hamas will use to turn down this latest ceasefire proposal? Are there even 33 hostages still alive under Hamas' care?
Deflection. Sore loser


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015

You can find extremists like buddy talks of in any religion, schlong.
Tony Blair said god told him to attack Iraq.

I'd be careful as that just looks like Islamaphobia, an attempt to demonize all Muslims based on one person's story about one other person.
Check this thread to see how many times Palestinians have been demonized, usually as 'terrorists' sometimes as 'human animals' or 'vermin' or 'lesser humans' as shack prefers.

Do you know any Palestinians?
They are just people.

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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
You can find extremists like buddy talks of in any religion, schlong.
Tony Blair said god told him to attack Iraq.

I'd be careful as that just looks like Islamaphobia, an attempt to demonize all Muslims based on one person's story about one other person.
Check this thread to see how many times Palestinians have been demonized, usually as 'terrorists' sometimes as 'human animals' or 'vermin' or 'lesser humans' as shack prefers.

Do you know any Palestinians?
They are just people.

First off, yes, one of my very best friends of 20+ years is a Palestinian who came to Canada by way of Jordan. I have been to his mother and father's house for family dinner on countless occasions. But he, and his father, mother and entire family have become antitheist and denounce Islam.

And a really nice couple I met socially a few weeks ago were born of Islam. He is Turkish and she Palestinian. As a matter of fact, I went to dinner with them last night at "Funky eatery with country-chic decor serving Middle Eastern & European Jewish dishes" . She herself brought up the subject of Israel and Palestine by saying that I hope I don't think badly of her because of the way "her people" are behaving in Gaza and in Canada!!!

And one of my previous employee's wife is an Israeli citizen, of Palestinian blood and is a Christian 'refugee from the UN-holiset of lands" as she liked to say. About as Heinz 57 as they get!

And every single one of them denounces the terrorist and brainwashing cult tactics of Hamas and Islam in general.

So, ahem, just fuck off with spare me the implied racism. I also have many close jewish friends and respect their culture.

Religion? All of them are fucking lunatic cults. Including Christians, and especially Papal-enabled Altar Boy sodomizing Catholics. Of which Church I was confirmed in when I was 10 but have forsaken.

Besides, you failed to address the short I asked for comments. you just used it to tee off on your tired schtick like Mitch and the right wingers do at any opportunity.

You don't even have the respect to watch it. There was no "extremists" on any side in the 1778 discussions between Ambassadors. And the only idividuals identified were heads of state.

Did you watch the 60 second video? Did you not comprehend or did you choose to ignore the point? Do you dispute the historical Barbary /Tripoli facts Hitchens pointed out. That America/The West/Jews has not created the terror that is Islam. Paraphrasing because I don't want to transcribe... 'why do you kill us , we have no quarrel with you? Because the Koran says so, that we are to kill Infidels.. It blames Amricans, us, for the violence when in fact it is a feature, if not the CORE feature of Islamic fundamentalism.

Islamic fundamentalists and Palestinians have clearly stated their desire to kill every last jew from the river to the sea.

I'm honestly coming around from not-sure, to Israel's side. If there are millions of people who have clearly stated they wnt to kill every last one of my family, my people.... I'm not going to let them or run away.

Are the Palestinians too fuckiing stupid or brainwashed to understand that they should come to terms with the reality of 2024 and learn to get along instead of carrying forward hatred? THey have NO chance to acheive their goal of "liberating" Palestine. The fundamental problem is that they have been brainwashed to feel that getting killed, sacrificing their own sons and babies and future for the honour of killing jews and the rest of us infidels.

Sad, but it is the reality.

Peace will only come when Palestinians love their children more than they hate jews. And WTF does land have to do with it anyways. By your logic, the native American people have the same rights as Palestinians to kill, rape and terrorize you and me here in Canada and the USA for occupying their native land.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Yes. South Africa for one. The ICC is investigating as well. Plus common sense helps too.

Considering the definition of genocide as set forth by the genocide convention does not make any mention of numbers, it IS a refutable point.
I meant in Yemen and Syria?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
First off, yes, one of my very best friends of 20+ years is a Palestinian who came to Canada by way of Jordan. I have been to his mother and father's house for family dinner on countless occasions. But he, and his father, mother and entire family have become antitheist and denounce Islam.

And a really nice couple I met socially a few weeks ago were born of Islam. He is Turkish and she Palestinian. As a matter of fact, I went to dinner with them last night at "Funky eatery with country-chic decor serving Middle Eastern & European Jewish dishes" . She herself brought up the subject of Israel and Palestine by saying that I hope I don't think badly of her because of the way "her people" are behaving in Gaza and in Canada!!!

And one of my previous employee's wife is an Israeli citizen, of Palestinian blood and is a Christian 'refugee from the UN-holiset of lands" as she liked to say. About as Heinz 57 as they get!

And every single one of them denounces the terrorist and brainwashing cult tactics of Hamas and Islam in general.

So, ahem, just fuck off with spare me the implied racism. I also have many close jewish friends and respect their culture.

Religion? All of them are fucking lunatic cults. Including Christians, and especially Papal-enabled Altar Boy sodomizing Catholics. Of which Church I was confirmed in when I was 10 but have forsaken.
Sorry schlong, but posting that video and saying 'comments' means you get comments.
What purpose did you think posting that video serves?

Hitchens was supposed to have been against all religions so why did you pick this one quote about one religion? Why didn't you pick a quote saying he was Jewish but anti zionist and thought zionism was a mistake? Why did you specifically pick that one quote that suggests you might think all Muslims are genocidal and have been for 150 years?

That's why I ask if you know any Palestinians. Clearly you don't know any well enough that they feel they can talk openly with you. Imagine being a Palestinian and undergoing so much systematic hate that you feel you have to apologize for your people when you meet people for the first time.

Besides, you failed to address the short I asked for comments. you just used it to tee off on your tired schtick like Mitch and the right wingers do at any opportunity.
You don't even have the respect to watch it. There was no "extremists" on any side in the 1778 discussions between Ambassadors. And the only idividuals identified were heads of state.

Did you watch the 60 second video? Did you not comprehend or did you choose to ignore the point? Do you dispute the historical Barbary /Tripoli facts Hitchens pointed out. That America/The West/Jews has not created the terror that is Islam. Paraphrasing because I don't want to transcribe... 'why do you kill us , we have no quarrel with you? Because the Koran says so, that we are to kill Infidels.. It blames Amricans, us, for the violence when in fact it is a feature, if not the CORE feature of Islamic fundamentalism.

Islamic fundamentalists and Palestinians have clearly stated their desire to kill every last jew from the river to the sea.

I'm honestly coming around from not-sure, to Israel's side. If there are millions of people who have clearly stated they wnt to kill every last one of my family, my people.... I'm not going to let them or run away.

Are the Palestinians too fuckiing stupid or brainwashed to understand that they should come to terms with the reality of 2024 and learn to get along instead of carrying forward hatred? THey have NO chance to acheive their goal of "liberating" Palestine. The fundamental problem is that they have been brainwashed to feel that getting killed, sacrificing their own sons and babies and future for the honour of killing jews and the rest of us infidels.

Sad, but it is the reality.

Peace will only come when Palestinians love their children more than they hate jews. And WTF does land have to do with it anyways. By your logic, the native American people have the same rights as Palestinians to kill, rape and terrorize you and me here in Canada and the USA for occupying their native land.
I did watch and comment on the video. One person telling a story about one other person. Its third hand testimony of some historic event that has no relevance to today's situation unless you were posting it with the claim that all Muslims still feel the same way. The racism and hate around that time was everywhere, you want to compare with American views towards indigenous? With British views of the 'colonies' and their people?

Sorry, schlong, I quite like your posts here but that post itself is racist. 'the terror that is Isam' is out and out racist Islamaphobia. Same as declaring that every Palestinian has declared a genocidal intent to kill every Jews, that's you expressing the kind of hate that you accuse Palestinians of feeling. No wonder your Palestinian 'friends' can't talk openly with you. And if you did want to compare that with anyone, you also have to tell us why you think this 150 year old story is more relevant than Netanyahu declaring Palestinians are 'Amalek'.

There is nothing to be gained by saying any one race of people is evil and deserve to be killed. There is no future for any country that is built on that much hate towards 50% of the people living under its control.

We are at a point where the ICJ will charge Israel with genocide, the ICC will charge Netanyahu and his team with war crimes and talks for a ceasefire are being held up by Israel demanding that regardless of an agreement they will still attack Rafah, where 1 million refugees live in tents and all 600,000 children have been reported as sick, injured or in famine.

Sure, Hamas committed war crimes on Oct 7 and they should be investigated and charged, as should the leaders of Israel. Not killed. Both sides have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity but the evil you accuse Hamas of doing now looks tiny compared to what Israel is presently doing.
Take them all to the Hague but stop the killing.

Posting 'evidence' that you think justifies what is clearly genocide is not a good look, schlong.

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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013

Points well made generally. And I agree generally with you and those points.

Except for the part where you say "The Israelis also as a matter of culture do not have any conception of the Palestinians as humans. "

I know enough Israeli's and jews with direct experience there who have to various degrees and with various bias' tried to help me understand this perpetual conflict. None express any such inhuman thoughts, nor could I detect any reading between the lines. FFS, Jews don't even "hate" Germans. I generally find jews to be a bit odd in terms of some customs, but both of my ancestral and both of my religious cultures have odd customs too. Don't we all!

But one thing I have never detected from jewish people is hatred towards anyone. Nor any sense of inhumanity. Despite what I understand was their own history of being treated as sub-humans by many, including Palestinians in the past couple thousand tears anf Germans in modern history. And right-wing racists in 2024. Their anger towards Palestinians is certainly there. And IMO, a natural and justified response to the extremist Palestinians who are carrying out the terror du jour menu. Hijacking airliners to suicide bombers to home made missile attacks, and the Oct 6-7 thing. etc etc.

As I understand it, Palestinian people were and are accepted into society in Israel, far more than they are in fellow Arab countries. And for the most part, were happy to live under what some call Israeli "oppression" and others call "effective modern democratic governance". There are buses, water, electricity etc under Israeli governance. Hamas and the PA are pretty effective at making efficient use of foreign (Iranian) aid for creating tunnels, missiles and weapon... not so much with water and sewers.

If I'm a a Palestinian (even muslim), I'd rather live a life governed by (even jewish) Israelis. I hear they're pretty good with managing money too (y) 😜 (y)

Bringing the Russians and Ukrainians into this is truly a Red Herring from the Black Sea!

Whole different kettle of Gefilte Fish! 🤮

Oy veh 🤷‍♂️! We goyam and our shiksa-loving-schvantz's kvetching online Kibbutz already!. God forbid we just stick to schtupping?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Sorry schlong, but posting that video and saying 'comments' means you get comments.
What purpose did you think posting that video serves?

Hitchens was supposed to have been against all religions so why did you pick this one quote about one religion? Why didn't you pick a quote saying he was Jewish but anti zionist and thought zionism was a mistake? Why did you specifically pick that one quote that suggests you might think all Muslims are genocidal and have been for 150 years?

That's why I ask if you know any Palestinians. Clearly you don't know any well enough that they feel they can talk openly with you. Imagine being a Palestinian and undergoing so much systematic hate that you feel you have to apologize for your people when you meet people for the first time.

I did watch and comment on the video. One person telling a story about one other person. Its third hand testimony of some historic event that has no relevance to today's situation unless you were posting it with the claim that all Muslims still feel the same way. The racism and hate around that time was everywhere, you want to compare with American views towards indigenous? With British views of the 'colonies' and their people?

Sorry, schlong, I quite like your posts here but that post itself is racist. 'the terror that is Isam' is out and out racist Islamaphobia. Same as declaring that every Palestinian has declared a genocidal intent to kill every Jews, that's you expressing the kind of hate that you accuse Palestinians of feeling. No wonder your Palestinian 'friends' can't talk openly with you. And if you did want to compare that with anyone, you also have to tell us why you think this 150 year old story is more relevant than Netanyahu declaring Palestinians are 'Amalek'.

There is nothing to be gained by saying any one race of people is evil and deserve to be killed. There is no future for any country that is built on that much hate towards 50% of the people living under its control.

We are at a point where the ICJ will charge Israel with genocide, the ICC will charge Netanyahu and his team with war crimes and talks for a ceasefire are being held up by Israel demanding that regardless of an agreement they will still attack Rafah, where 1 million refugees live in tents and all 600,000 children have been reported as sick, injured or in famine.

Sure, Hamas committed war crimes on Oct 7 and they should be investigated and charged, as should the leaders of Israel. Not killed. Both sides have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity but the evil you accuse Hamas of doing now looks tiny compared to what Israel is presently doing.
Take them all to the Hague but stop the killing.

Posting 'evidence' that you think justifies what is clearly genocide is not a good look, schlong.

Hitchins called Islam the worst


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022

Points well made generally. And I agree generally with you and those points.

Except for the part where you say "The Israelis also as a matter of culture do not have any conception of the Palestinians as humans. "

I know enough Israeli's and jews with direct experience there who have to various degrees and with various bias' tried to help me understand this perpetual conflict. None express any such inhuman thoughts, nor could I detect any reading between the lines. FFS, Jews don't even "hate" Germans. I generally find jews to be a bit odd in terms of some customs, but both of my ancestral and both of my religious cultures have odd customs too. Don't we all!

But one thing I have never detected from jewish people is hatred towards anyone. Nor any sense of inhumanity. Despite what I understand was their own history of being treated as sub-humans by many, including Palestinians in the past couple thousand tears anf Germans in modern history. And right-wing racists in 2024. Their anger towards Palestinians is certainly there. And IMO, a natural and justified response to the extremist Palestinians who are carrying out the terror du jour menu. Hijacking airliners to suicide bombers to home made missile attacks, and the Oct 6-7 thing. etc etc.

As I understand it, Palestinian people were and are accepted into society in Israel, far more than they are in fellow Arab countries. And for the most part, were happy to live under what some call Israeli "oppression" and others call "effective modern democratic governance". There are buses, water, electricity etc under Israeli governance. Hamas and the PA are pretty effective at making efficient use of foreign (Iranian) aid for creating tunnels, missiles and weapon... not so much with water and sewers.

If I'm a a Palestinian (even muslim), I'd rather live a life governed by (even jewish) Israelis. I hear they're pretty good with managing money too (y) 😜 (y)

Bringing the Russians and Ukrainians into this is truly a Red Herring from the Black Sea!

Whole different kettle of Gefilte Fish! 🤮

Oy veh 🤷‍♂️! We goyam and our shiksa-loving-schvantz's kvetching online Kibbutz already!. God forbid we just stick to schtupping?
Another sad sack racist diatribe. But said with the confidence of someone completely in the dark.
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
First off, yes, one of my very best friends of 20+ years is a Palestinian who came to Canada by way of Jordan. I have been to his mother and father's house for family dinner on countless occasions. But he, and his father, mother and entire family have become antitheist and denounce Islam.

And a really nice couple I met socially a few weeks ago were born of Islam. He is Turkish and she Palestinian. As a matter of fact, I went to dinner with them last night at "Funky eatery with country-chic decor serving Middle Eastern & European Jewish dishes" . She herself brought up the subject of Israel and Palestine by saying that I hope I don't think badly of her because of the way "her people" are behaving in Gaza and in Canada!!!

And one of my previous employee's wife is an Israeli citizen, of Palestinian blood and is a Christian 'refugee from the UN-holiset of lands" as she liked to say. About as Heinz 57 as they get!

And every single one of them denounces the terrorist and brainwashing cult tactics of Hamas and Islam in general.

So, ahem, just fuck off with spare me the implied racism. I also have many close jewish friends and respect their culture.

Religion? All of them are fucking lunatic cults. Including Christians, and especially Papal-enabled Altar Boy sodomizing Catholics. Of which Church I was confirmed in when I was 10 but have forsaken.

Besides, you failed to address the short I asked for comments. you just used it to tee off on your tired schtick like Mitch and the right wingers do at any opportunity.

You don't even have the respect to watch it. There was no "extremists" on any side in the 1778 discussions between Ambassadors. And the only idividuals identified were heads of state.

Did you watch the 60 second video? Did you not comprehend or did you choose to ignore the point? Do you dispute the historical Barbary /Tripoli facts Hitchens pointed out. That America/The West/Jews has not created the terror that is Islam. Paraphrasing because I don't want to transcribe... 'why do you kill us , we have no quarrel with you? Because the Koran says so, that we are to kill Infidels.. It blames Amricans, us, for the violence when in fact it is a feature, if not the CORE feature of Islamic fundamentalism.

Islamic fundamentalists and Palestinians have clearly stated their desire to kill every last jew from the river to the sea.

I'm honestly coming around from not-sure, to Israel's side. If there are millions of people who have clearly stated they wnt to kill every last one of my family, my people.... I'm not going to let them or run away.

Are the Palestinians too fuckiing stupid or brainwashed to understand that they should come to terms with the reality of 2024 and learn to get along instead of carrying forward hatred? THey have NO chance to acheive their goal of "liberating" Palestine. The fundamental problem is that they have been brainwashed to feel that getting killed, sacrificing their own sons and babies and future for the honour of killing jews and the rest of us infidels.

Sad, but it is the reality.

Peace will only come when Palestinians love their children more than they hate jews. And WTF does land have to do with it anyways. By your logic, the native American people have the same rights as Palestinians to kill, rape and terrorize you and me here in Canada and the USA for occupying their native land.
You were actually able to write a “some of my best friends are…..” post without any sense of how idiotic and racist it is? I grew up listening to these kinds of messages about Black and Brown people. They always looked like morons when they did it. Guess what? They were.
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