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Donald Trump reveals plans for second term


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
You do know virtually everyone who served in the US government under Trump have come out not only opposing him but saying he's dangerously unqualified. Bolton said "laughing fool".
Just sayin'
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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
You do know virtually everyone who served in the US government under Trump have come out not only opposing him but saying he's dangerously unqualified.
Just sayin'
And Joe Biden is a real genius........LMAO


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
And Joe Biden is a real genius........LMAO
Bidens numbers (GDP, unemployment, stock market) far surpass Trumps best. He hasn't kowtowed to Russia.
Inflation is worldwide, and USA has the least inflation of any developed country.
No one in Biden's cabinet says he's an idiot. The opposite in fact.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Ok, do your best mitch impersonation and give us a list of things rump managed to accomplish while in power.
The SCOTUS doesn't count, that was Moscow Mitch.
Giving SCOTUS to Mitch is a nice try.

Off the top of my head.
Politicizing the Justice department.
Reshape the federal judiciary.
Loyalty oaths for government.
Damage to a number of federal departments and protections
The travel ban.
Food safety.
Curbed Worker's rights.
Bank deregulation.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I think you are right. There is definitely an anti-Biden sentiment for all those things blew up during or just after the pandemic. Those are some serious issues, but people forget that many of them were happening back in 2018/19 as well, or the job that Biden has done to help with them.
This is always a potential problem for any president.

All that being said, I think abortion is going to haunt the GOP and Trump. He can try to pretend he's against a nation-wide ban, but he's also bragged about it. There are many women who voted against GOPers in the senate and Congress because of this. Remember the non-existent Red Wave? There could definitely be a repeat of that dud come this November.
Exactly how much of a force the abortion issue will be is hard to determine.
A lot of people repeatedly insisted it would just blow over. It hasn't looked to go that way.

Protest votes could really fuck the US up. I mean, Biden's handling of, say Israel, is not great. But what would Trump do differently? I doubt he'd demand Israel stop the land war, or say shit about Bibi....Hell, he might encourage more drastic action....
Trump has said repeatedly that the problem is that Biden is too weak in supporting Israel.
Also that Hamas never would have attacked on October 7 if he was president because they would have been too afraid.
The Israeli government itself has said they would get more support from Trump.

That said, protest votes are often about "I don't like the status quo" so they tend to hurt the incumbent.
There will be protest votes cast that are all about "Biden is letting the students protest and not cracking down on them and arresting them, this is chaos, we need Trump". (This was the Nixon pitch back in 68.)

Also, there is just the simple fact that many people think of voting as expressing their personal opinion about the world and not about choosing a president.
They don't understand the system or what a 'protest vote' actually does in terms of effect.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Sorry i should have worded that differently for you. "Spending billions of dollars (doesnt matter who is producing the weapons) on a proxy war that Ukraine does not have a hope in hell of winning"

It is still laundering taxpayer money my man.

Would you be okay with China and Russia funding Canada to fight the USA? Knowing that it is a suicide mission? That is basically what is happening right now in Ukraine.
Did the USA invade Canada recently?
Because if they did, I'd be good with receiving support from other countries.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Giving SCOTUS to Mitch is a nice try.

Off the top of my head.
Politicizing the Justice department.
Reshape the federal judiciary.
Loyalty oaths for government.
Damage to a number of federal departments and protections
The travel ban.
Food safety.
Curbed Worker's rights.
Bank deregulation.
Sure, but most of those were GOP actions and just standard GOP policy.
The only really serious damage was SCOTUS and you can't credit rump for that.

That was 4 years ago, before he can't stop falling asleep and farting himself awake.
He's dangerous, but who is left working with him who is competent and not in jail?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Best case scenerio is a third party candiatate wins, usually a joke idea, but much more likely this time, although far from the most likely result sadly.
"Much more likely".

I see.

How close do you think they will get?

Better than any previous third party in American history?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
No the DNC is retarded, polls showed Biden, and maybe Kamala (although she is more popular then Biden now) were literally the only Dems who would lose to Trump, so the DNC makes sure their is no way to challenge Genocidal Joe for the nomination. The Dems could run a fucking mop and beat Trump, but not Biden, DNC cheats to make sure Biden wins the nom.

Its Hillary all over again.

So don't blame the voters, blamebthe corrupt mother fuckers at the DNC.
Ahh yes... "The all powerful DNC".


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Sure, but most of those were GOP actions and just standard GOP policy.
The only really serious damage was SCOTUS and you can't credit rump for that.

That was 4 years ago, before he can't stop falling asleep and farting himself awake.
He's dangerous, but who is left working with him who is competent and not in jail?
I appreciate you want to whistle past the graveyard.
First off, if you think those other things weren't serious damage, you are kidding yourself.
Secondly, the very fact his people will be what you consider "incompetent" is part of the problem.
The "competent" people told him what he couldn't do and worked to stop him - they will be gone.

And if you think all of that is boiler plate GOP and they just didn't think they could get away with it until Trump, then you should be more terrified, since putting them in power means they will push forward without any worry of consequences.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Did the USA invade Canada recently?
Because if they did, I'd be good with receiving support from other countries.
There will not be any competent person anywhere near Trump if he wins. Only true believers willing to ignore the law upon request. Every goddam one of them knows whatever they do for Trump he will pardon them. That includes proud boys assaulting critics and destroying election locations popular with dems.
Is there any of you who really believe he won't do that?
He's already pardoning the rioters. He pardoned all his goons last time. He has not one ounce of class or moral fiber or standards that aren't 100% donald trump and fuck everybody else. Period.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I appreciate you want to whistle past the graveyard.
First off, if you think those other things weren't serious damage, you are kidding yourself.
Secondly, the very fact his people will be what you consider "incompetent" is part of the problem.
The "competent" people told him what he couldn't do and worked to stop him - they will be gone.

And if you think all of that is boiler plate GOP and they just didn't think they could get away with it until Trump, then you should be more terrified, since putting them in power means they will push forward without any worry of consequences.
Then you deal with it after you deal with ending the genocide.
You don't reward Biden for aiding genocide just to keep rump out of power.
You deal with one problem at a time.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
I'm not going to debate if this conflict is winnable. Ukraine is defending its homeland. Just like the Vietnamese against the USA. While not exactly similar, I think just laying down and letting Russia takeover is a terrible idea. Would you do the same if the US invaded Canada?

And, here's something to think about: that money being spent on military equipment is still going into the US economy. While it could be spent on better things, like healthcare or education, allowing Russia to basically rollover anyone it wants is not good policy. You should look at a history book, there is this dude, Neville Chamberlin, who though allowing Hitler to take Czechoslovakia would appease him and mean no further conflict. That lasted a couple of years...
You sir should also consult the history books. Youll be shocked to hear that after the soviet union fell, the USA promised not to advance Nato to Russias borders. Guess what Nato did. Should Russia simply lie down?
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