Israel at war


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
There is no winner or loser in this because it is not a war. It is an assault and genocide on people by a nuclear armed state.
Further proof that, as I keep telling Geno, Oct.7 was stupid.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I know you don't think these things happen in real life. They do. Especially when oil companies are involved. And arms deals.

Look what happened to the two Beoing whistle-blowers. Look at the state of Gaza city. Look at the checkpoints in Rafah, and plans to not allow any military aged males out. Look at bipartisan funding for arms. Does an off shore pier make sense for aid? Or for transport of drilling rigs and to set up pipeline equipment? There is also a massive Saudi arm deal on the table. The only impediment is Gaza.

Wake up.
Sure. The only thing holding up a major trillion dollar arms deal, and exploiting a trillion dollar gas field, is the Palestinians. And there is no way that the USA and Europe has ever seen indigenous people displaced or cowed under a friendly dictatorship to exploit local resources right? Especially by local fanatics, using culture or religion as a pretext to cover things up.

Have you seen the media? They are calling protesters the same as 1930's brown shirts now. Setting the narrative. The hostages will all be found to be dead. Then what leverage will Hamas have?

With Gaza resolved, the Saudis get what they want, Israel gets what it wants, the USA, Europe and multinationals get what they want. Welcome to shitty world politics 101. They usually are the winners.
That is a nice movie. But that will 100% not happen.
These are all your imaginations. None of that will happen. Perhaps you can submit this script for Expendables 5.
Actually, Butler gives examples to back up his declarations.

All you give us are your predictions which are unsupported and based simply on your admitted bias and your imagination. You are supposed to tell us why he is wrong. You have done none of that.

You still have not learned how to properly debate.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Which is why context matters. You are talking about Israel/Palestine, in the Israel thread. The chosen people therefore refers to Jews. The thread, and the context of your discussion are the qualifiers and any attempt to say otherwise is you pretzeling yourself for the 1,329,567th time on this thread.
The context is that Geno inferred that Jews are the ONLY people calling themselves "the chosen people" in the post where shamelessly called Palestinians "lesser humans".

I gave a clear and direct replies which was sourced which disproved his claim.

Once again, you show how little you know about debate and how you will pretzel to the Nth degree and still prove nothing. There is no context to consider. He asked and I answered.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
What, now you think occupiers should pay for rebuilding land when they disagree?
The latest I heard was a $40 billion price for rebuilding Gaza.
You gonna send some cash?
Please stay on topic.

The discussion was on the student protests on American campuses. Trying to make a comparison to Israel/Gaza is not valid. The students are guilty of vandalism.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Sure, just as Germany was winning in 1945, buddy.
How many countries are joining forces to invade Israel the way the allies joined forces to invade Germany?

Nobody is doing anything to lift a finger to physically help the Pali cause and they can't even get anything done in the courts or the UN. All they can do is illegally block streets and camp out under the stars.

Another failed analogy Geno.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
How many countries are joining forces to invade Israel the way the allies joined forces to invade Germany?

Nobody is doing anything to lift a finger to physically help the Pali cause and they can't even get anything done in the courts or the UN. All they can do is illegally block streets and camp out under the stars.

Another failed analogy Geno.
You're cheering on attacking Jews now, hammy.
Your zionism is now attacking Jews.



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Butler provided his own imaginary scenarios that have no basis in history of this particular conflict, and are therefore off topic and as such require no further discussion, as that would derail the thread.,
Klassic Kaut. "I don't have facts. I don't have a rebuttal. Therefore let's discard valid points and claim they are irrelevant." You are soo predictable.

My predictions about what may transpire in Gaza are more in line with reality and history, something you'd be wise to learn from which could possibly help you see the reality of the genocide Israel is committing in Gaza.
The talk was about how the powers that be would deal with the Gaza situation. Butler gave his opinions with validation and you did not address it at all.

And no, I am not supposed to do anything.
You have been successful.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Further proof that the occupation was stupid, the blockade was stupid, apartheid was stupid, genocide was stupid and zionism stupid and evil.
The Gazans are paying for the stupidity of Hamas' attack of Oct.7.

Israel, positioning themselves to deal with Hamas with impunity, is genius.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Your view is nothing extraordinary or new. This is common knowledge that the US and Israel are allies and share a special relationship, because of which Israeli interests are American interests. Where you are wrong is that this can be replaced by another. It cannot.
And that has consistently been my point. NOBODY can provide to the US what Israel does. Any lobbying money is a pittance in comparison and is therefore irrelevant.. (Waiting for you to tell me that my point is irrelevant.)

The middle east Arab lobby can never outspend the Israeli lobby because the Israeli lobby is richer, more global and already owns US politicians.
That is laughable at best and pure anti-Semitic, racist stereotyping (Jews control world banks, Hollywood, death stars) as a reality. How much does the Israeli lobby spend?

Regardless, as we just agreed, money is an extremely small factor. It is the relationship of these allies with common interests that is the overarching factor.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Calling Israel's bombardment of Gaza with no real strategy or goal, genius, is unintelligent.
Oh man! That statement is a perfect example of what you just characterized.
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
And that has consistently been my point. NOBODY can provide to the US what Israel does. Any lobbying money is a pittance in comparison and is therefore irrelevant.. (Waiting for you to tell me that my point is irrelevant.)

That is laughable at best and pure anti-Semitic, racist stereotyping (Jews control world banks, Hollywood, death stars) as a reality. How much does the Israeli lobby spend?

Regardless, as we just agreed, money is an extremely small factor. It is the relationship of these allies with common interests that is the overarching factor.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Yes, your wiki link confirmed the video I posted with someone calling themselves the 'chosen people'.
Do you think Palestinians have all those rights or do you think they are 'lesser humans' or 'human animals' or 'vermin'?
I've never ever called the Palestinian people any of those horrible things so I can't answer.

But to answer you question, speak to the person who has done so.
I think there is an exception for all chosen people, they can do no wrong and slaughtering lesser humans is part of their path of righteousness.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
You think genocide is genius?
Sorry Geno. As always your inability to comprehend is a major flaw for you. Nowhere did I say that genocide is genius.

I said, "Israel, positioning themselves to deal with Hamas with impunity, is genius."

Actually, I think you did comprehend. You just like to intentionally misquote/misinterpret because debating honourably is something that you cannot bring yourself to do.
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