TPS officer killed


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Let me toss a couple more suggestions at you.

How about winding down the window a crack and saying "You're scaring me. Back off or I am going to drive away and will hit you if you try to block me" ??

Looks like there was no attempt at any communication here by the accused. And no attempt to warn.

Several years ago, I was behind a car on a narrow ramp outside Fairview Mall. The car braked to halt and blocked me for several seconds. I am guessing the driver was playing with his cell. I hooted my horn pretty agressively at him. He was an asshole and drove on a few yards and then again braked suddenly - this time clearly to piss me off. I hooted at him again. This was repeated several times until he exited the ramp. Then the car blocked me off and this massive Black kid exited. He was taller than 6' and massive. And he walked over to my car. I locked up and simply stared at him. He called me an asshole and then went back into his car and drove off.

I would pretty clearly have lost whatever fight could have happened. But it never occurred to me to run him over and drive over his body.
Bro, you're Bud Plugging again.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Is there a surveillance video of the event available to look at?
There are several fuller videos and shorter clips of various scenes on various sources. All with differing, or no narration or captions. Some conflict with each officer's testimony. So that's why I realized I was contradicting my own posts.

So far, from what I seem to put together is what seems to have gone down.

1. As Forbes and Northrup approach on foot, driver and family jump into their car.

2. Forbes and Northrup come up to BMW on driver's side.

3. Small, stable handprint on middle of rear left back seat window (with perforated sunshade drawn down) suggests female officer placed her hand on that window to look into car.

4. Larger smudged handprint on driver's (closed) window looks like it might be that of Northrup. Rather than my previous supposition that it might have been be that of PC Pais

5. Both these are consistent with Officer's Forbes, Pais and Corrrea's testimony that Northrup and Forbes came up to the driver on the driver's side of the car.

Now this is where the inconsistencies confuse me. Especially since there was some cross examination that the Coroner/Forensic crime scene reports refuted Forbes sequence of events of Northrup being knocked down from a forward movement and then the fatal rollover was in reverse or vice versa.

6. Testimony and video suggests that the driver put the car in gear and lurched backwards first and adjacently "sideswiped" both Northrup and Forbes. Forbes fell or moved laterally/sideways away from the car. While Northrup was left (or moved) standing in front of or behind the BMW after the initial movement of the BMW.

Corrrea testified he saw Northrup standing up directly in front of (or behind according to forensics as I somehow remember but I'm not sure... again the reporting and videos are confusing) holding what is assumed to be his badge with a forward extended arm a moment before the BMW knocked his legs out from under him and Correa said knocked Northrup "to the floor"

-The reporting and video are inconsistent about if the BMW first drove forward, then reversed, then forward. The minivan collision occurred after a short pursuit and was further away in the garage from the Const NOrthrup's body.

7. The final forward aggressive, engine revving, tires squealing right swerving manoeuver was when Northrup was rolled over and suffered the catastrophic injuries.

8. This final escape manuever (Correa's characterization) occurred just after the minivan arrived. (Video shows the minivan was travelling fast as it approached the BMW.)

Correa disagreed with Defense counsel's characterization that it would have appeared that the minivan was attempting to block in the BMW. Correa said the BMW had plenty of room (he said it was at least a car length- whether that distance was at the time the BMW had not yet moved forward from reversing, or when it was already in motion 🤷‍♂️ )

That's waht I can make of it but I'm not taking notes.

What is interesting though is that the BMW has no visible impact marks on the front of the car. Not the hood, nor the spoiler. Which I find unusual after striking a 6'4" 299lb man to the ground and/or driving over him in a forward direction. Not saying it didn't go down in that sequence. Just taht when a low car strikes an upright, tall pedestrian it usually leaves a big dent on the (aluminium) hood. And if you run over something, those BMW spoilers come right off. Especially a 300 pound man..

Just on the basis of the forward-back-forward sequence it wouldn't surprise me if the fatal impact was with the BMW driving in reverse. Or Northrup already being "on the floor" .

Both are consistent with driver not even seeing him when he panicked, fled and inflicted the fatal injuries.

But like I said, the reporting is confusing and has lots of holes and contradictions.

Here is the most clear account and videos/pics I have foiund so far. It's a Citypulse video that won't embed as such so you have to click on the link

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
There are several fuller videos and shorter clips of various scenes on various sources. All with differing, or no narration or captions. Some conflict with each officer's testimony. So that's why I realized I was contradicting my own posts.

So far, from what I seem to put together is what seems to have gone down.

1. As Forbes and Northrup approach on foot, driver and family jump into their car.

2. Forbes and Northrup come up to BMW on driver's side.

3. Small, stable handprint on middle of rear left back seat window (with perforated sunshade drawn down) suggests female officer placed her hand on that window to look into car.

4. Larger smudged handprint on driver's (closed) window looks like it might be that of Northrup. Rather than my previous supposition that it might have been be that of PC Pais

5. Both these are consistent with Officer's Forbes, Pais and Corrrea's testimony that Northrup and Forbes came up to the driver on the driver's side of the car.

Now this is where the inconsistencies confuse me. Especially since there was some cross examination that the Coroner/Forensic crime scene reports refuted Forbes sequence of events of Northrup being knocked down from a forward movement and then the fatal rollover was in reverse or vice versa.

6. Testimony and video suggests that the driver put the car in gear and lurched backwards first and adjacently "sideswiped" both Northrup and Forbes. Forbes fell or moved laterally/sideways away from the car. While Northrup was left (or moved) standing in front of or behind the BMW after the initial movement of the BMW.

Corrrea testified he saw Northrup standing up directly in front of (or behind according to forensics as I somehow remember but I'm not sure... again the reporting and videos are confusing) holding what is assumed to be his badge with a forward extended arm a moment before the BMW knocked his legs out from under him and Correa said knocked Northrup "to the floor"

-The reporting and video are inconsistent about if the BMW first drove forward, then reversed, then forward. The minivan collision occurred after a short pursuit and was further away in the garage from the Const NOrthrup's body.

7. The final forward aggressive, engine revving, tires squealing right swerving manoeuver was when Northrup was rolled over and suffered the catastrophic injuries.

8. This final escape manuever (Correa's characterization) occurred just after the minivan arrived. (Video shows the minivan was travelling fast as it approached the BMW.)

Correa disagreed with Defense counsel's characterization that it would have appeared that the minivan was attempting to block in the BMW. Correa said the BMW had plenty of room (he said it was at least a car length- whether that distance was at the time the BMW had not yet moved forward from reversing, or when it was already in motion 🤷‍♂️ )

That's waht I can make of it but I'm not taking notes.

What is interesting though is that the BMW has no visible impact marks on the front of the car. Not the hood, nor the spoiler. Which I find unusual after striking a 6'4" 299lb man to the ground and/or driving over him in a forward direction. Not saying it didn't go down in that sequence. Just taht when a low car strikes an upright, tall pedestrian it usually leaves a big dent on the (aluminium) hood. And if you run over something, those BMW spoilers come right off. Especially a 300 pound man..

Just on the basis of the forward-back-forward sequence it wouldn't surprise me if the fatal impact was with the BMW driving in reverse. Or Northrup already being "on the floor" .

Both are consistent with driver not even seeing him when he panicked, fled and inflicted the fatal injuries.

But like I said, the reporting is confusing and has lots of holes and contradictions.

Here is the most clear account and videos/pics I have foiund so far. It's a Citypulse video that won't embed as such so you have to click on the link

My popularity on TERB is going to nose dive, but I'm saying Murder One. If the cop ID-ed himself by holding his badge and there was no imminent threat of violence, I don't see how a s. 34 defence can possibly fly.

It's an objective "reasonable" standard of behaviour - what the prudent, thoughtful guy in the street would do. It's not a subjective standard - i.e. what THIS individual driver thought he should do.

OTOH, it's a jury trial. So we'll see.

OTOH again, the judge gives detailed instructions on the law to the jury which should influence them on how to think.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Bro, you're Bud Plugging again.
No, this is pretty standard stuff that lawyers do.

Sorry you don't get it. Go start yet another thread about Doug Ford that no one will read.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Let me toss a couple more suggestions at you.

How about winding down the window a crack and saying "You're scaring me. Back off or I am going to drive away and will hit you if you try to block me" ??


Hate to say this pal but you are pulling a Jean Chretien and talking out of both sides of your face.

On one hand you are saying that a skinny little accountant, alone with his pregnant wife and toddler son who had already noticed two, as yet unknown, two scruffy people approaching them , one standing 6'4" and 300 lbs wearing a mask... in a vacant underground garage late at night "with purpose" ;) ) should waste potentially valuable seconds, drop whatever protection the closed window might provide... to confront or otherwise engage with who they could reasonable already formed and are reacting with some level of uncertainty if not outright fear. and recite some perfunctory statement? And issue a threat of their already formulated plan of aggravated assault? And sorry, but unless they were in a gull wing Mercedes, Tesla or Lambo how are they going to knock down anyone at the drivers door?

But yeah, I can see how some criminal or aggressively panhandling junkie pair are going to pee their pants or apologized over that threat. 😜

Fuck that!

As I said elsewhere. About the ONLY thing that I am afraid of is CRAZY people. They are the most dangerous ones.

FIRST rule of personal safety when dealing with anyone who you feel is acting crazy or otherwise in a threatening manner is to NOT ENGAGE with them. You cannot reason with them. Engaging only opens the door to further encourage them to continue the encounter. That's why for example, touts and other street creatures often come up and try to engage in some opening conversation. IGNORE THEM. And don't make eye contact even with what may appear to be benignly metally compromised street people. Yes, it could seem uncaring and cruel but if you make eye contact with them, they may see that as a threat of challenge

Looks like there was no attempt at any communication here by the accused. And no attempt to warn.
Since when have potential robbery victims have the obligation to communicate their potential defence strategy with potential assailants, robbers, car jackers?

I'll tell you when. NEVER!

Might I remind you that sophisticated, organized crime carjackings and high end vehicle thefts are a major crime crisis then and to this day.

And defense counsel said in his opening statement that the family said they were afraid because the memory of a family of hijab wearing Muslims was run down by a nice innocent looking 21 year old white nationalist terrorist in a pickup truck in London not even a month prior.

But let's turn this around to the professions, trained in public interactions.

There is no accusation that the defendant had any intention, motive nor even mens rea to kill a police officer. Everything seems to point to him not thinking they were police... including the spontaneous utterance of the wife.

So it may be reasonable to assume that the police officers' attempt to communicate that they were police and posed no threat to the family was inadequate to say the least. That is if you take them at their potentially shaded testimony that they only considered the family as a witness, not the bearded brown man as a suspect resembling the actual stabbing suspect the police had summoned all hands on deck to look for? Cops were called in off other assignments to flood the area. The miniivan was zooming around the parking lot already, looking for the suspect.

Mebbee they are covering their tracks by not admitting they did consider him a suspect? Maybe they approached him in a manner consistent with how you would approach a potentially dangerous suspect? "With purpose"? Agressively, stealthily, catch him by surprise before he could take out a weapon?

How many times has a young black man wearing a hoodie been agressively taken down 'detained' because he resembles a hot suspect at large?

So, I'd say that the driver had no obligation to lay out his defensive plans in a threat, and the police failed in their actions to clearly communicate they were police and posed no threat to the family.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001

Hate to say this pal but you are pulling a Jean Chretien and talking out of both sides of your face.

On one hand you are saying that a skinny little accountant, alone with his pregnant wife and toddler son who had already noticed two, as yet unknown, two scruffy people approaching them , one standing 6'4" and 300 lbs wearing a mask... in a vacant underground garage late at night "with purpose" ;) ) should waste potentially valuable seconds, drop whatever protection the closed window might provide... to confront or otherwise engage with who they could reasonable already formed and are reacting with some level of uncertainty if not outright fear. and recite some perfunctory statement? And issue a threat of their already formulated plan of aggravated assault? And sorry, but unless they were in a gull wing Mercedes, Tesla or Lambo how are they going to knock down anyone at the drivers door?

But yeah, I can see how some criminal or aggressively panhandling junkie pair are going to pee their pants or apologized over that threat. 😜

Fuck that!

As I said elsewhere. About the ONLY thing that I am afraid of is CRAZY people. They are the most dangerous ones.

FIRST rule of personal safety when dealing with anyone who you feel is acting crazy or otherwise in a threatening manner is to NOT ENGAGE with them. You cannot reason with them. Engaging only opens the door to further encourage them to continue the encounter. That's why for example, touts and other street creatures often come up and try to engage in some opening conversation. IGNORE THEM. And don't make eye contact even with what may appear to be benignly metally compromised street people. Yes, it could seem uncaring and cruel but if you make eye contact with them, they may see that as a threat of challenge

Since when have potential robbery victims have the obligation to communicate their potential defence strategy with potential assailants, robbers, car jackers?

I'll tell you when. NEVER!

Might I remind you that sophisticated, organized crime carjackings and high end vehicle thefts are a major crime crisis then and to this day.

And defense counsel said in his opening statement that the family said they were afraid because the memory of a family of hijab wearing Muslims was run down by a nice innocent looking 21 year old white nationalist terrorist in a pickup truck in London not even a month prior.

But let's turn this around to the professions, trained in public interactions.

There is no accusation that the defendant had any intention, motive nor even mens rea to kill a police officer. Everything seems to point to him not thinking they were police... including the spontaneous utterance of the wife.

So it may be reasonable to assume that the police officers' attempt to communicate that they were police and posed no threat to the family was inadequate to say the least. That is if you take them at their potentially shaded testimony that they only considered the family as a witness, not the bearded brown man as a suspect resembling the actual stabbing suspect the police had summoned all hands on deck to look for? Cops were called in off other assignments to flood the area. The miniivan was zooming around the parking lot already, looking for the suspect.

Mebbee they are covering their tracks by not admitting they did consider him a suspect? Maybe they approached him in a manner consistent with how you would approach a potentially dangerous suspect? "With purpose"? Agressively, stealthily, catch him by surprise before he could take out a weapon?

How many times has a young black man wearing a hoodie been agressively taken down 'detained' because he resembles a hot suspect at large?

So, I'd say that the driver had no obligation to lay out his defensive plans in a threat, and the police failed in their actions to clearly communicate they were police and posed no threat to the family.
There's a "Yeah, but... " present though.

That's the needlessly dead cop. That's the reason you make the accused take those extra steps.

If there was no dead cop, the accused could have booted it out of there and no one would say anything negative.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I'm posting this as a PSA for everyone ... and my poor buddy Mandrill might bear the brunt of my rant! Sorry pal!

Several years ago, I was behind a car on a narrow ramp outside Fairview Mall. The car braked to halt and blocked me for several seconds. I am guessing the driver was playing with his cell. I hooted my horn pretty agressively at him. He was an asshole and drove on a few yards and then again braked suddenly - this time clearly to piss me off. I hooted at him again. This was repeated several times until he exited the ramp. Then the car blocked me off and this massive Black kid exited. He was taller than 6' and massive. And he walked over to my car. I locked up and simply stared at him. He called me an asshole and then went back into his car and drove off.

I would pretty clearly have lost whatever fight could have happened. But it never occurred to me to run him over and drive over his body.
Sorry again pal... but why would you hoot your horn at him "aggressively"? Especially if you were assuming the worst and were just guessing he was just playing with his cell? Maybe the driver had spilled his coffee or a squirrel ran out in front of him or something equally innocent or safety oriented?🤷‍♂️

Why become the asshole aggressively leaning on his horn? I hate those Karens who do that in anger down at Bremner/BlueJays/Spadina. Like they are going to be late to arrive in the Cardiac Operating Room and some guy that just might be on his way to the OR nudges in front of them hoping to be let in by some good samaritan. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!! Fucking irritates everybody else and escalates tension all around.

Then you do it again when he retaliates?

This is exactly how road rage escalates into serious situations including murder.

Say that massive 6' black kid was a gangsta type and he wanted to show off to someone else in the car? He gets out and you still challenge him when you are trapped? What if he didn't take kindly to your dissing him and pulled a gun and shot you instead of just calling you out as an asshole?

And finally, last lesson in survival on the street. If he opens his door and gets out of the car, the FIRST thing on your mind NEEDS to be looking for an escape route. Backing up, going around, jumping the curb if you have to. Traffic den=pendent,I always leave a car length in front of me at lights just iin case I have to et out of the way and escape. Could even just be because I see someone not paying attention and is about to rear end me. (Actually happened to e on the Gardiner in a long line to get off on Spadina.) Of course you're not going to want to run him over, even if he had a gun in his hand because as you know, Counsellor, you're gonna get charged anyways and spend a lot of time and money defending the charge.

let's take this one step further and relevant to this murder case... what if the car ahead was an undercover car and the big black guy was an undercover cop and already had his a gun in his hand who was rushing you to back off because something was going down. Didn't have a free hand to pull up his badge and was jacked up on adrenaline because of the action and was yelling at you but your windows were rolled up etc? Split second for you to consider he might be police before he might empty his gun into your windsheild

I don't know about you but, me? I might just run him over so he can't get a shot off at me as I flee for my life!

But the best course of action if anyone gets out of the car after you leaned on your horn etc is to hold your hands up and indicate or mouth "sorry".

Better to back off from a clearly superior, agressive adversary that YOU antagonized than stare him down. Your pride just takes a hit, not your head!

Gunfire is NOT an uncommon scenario in Toronto anymore! Hasn't been for decades either. I hate to say it but you gotta assume anyone might be carrying a gun... and if they are carrying it they are prepared to use it.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
As I mentioned above...Gunfire is NOT an uncommon scenario in Toronto anymore! Hasn't been for decades either. I hate to say it but you gotta assume anyone might be carrying a gun... and if they are carrying it they are prepared to use it.

Cool story bro story ahead!

In the late 90's I was in a parking lot on Eglinton West in Scarbs in the middle of the day.

I just got in and before starting my car, through my open sunroof I hear pop, pop, pop, pop,,, boom boom boom pop, rat-ta-tatat and hear the UNMISTAKABLE whizzing sound of a ricochet deformed 5.56mm round tumbling through the air over my open sunroof!

I first laid down across the passenger seat instinctively but my curiosity got the better when there was a break in the shots and I peek through my windshield across my hood to the south side of Eglinton. I see a sedan with open doors and an open trunk behind another sedan with four guys pointing long guns into the car in front. One at each window! Fucking amachers creating their own crossfire.

They musta been reloading as the shots started again and the occupants of the target car tumbled out and ran off in all directions. Guys start spraying and praying in their general direction.

Four gunmen throw the weapons back into the trunk and drive off eastbound. Cool as cucumbers, no squealing tires. So I decide to follow them... very loosely. I get on my old cellphone and call MTP and ask for the radio room. Transferred through and told them what happened, there was a shotgun, an AR-style 5.56mm semi-auto a bolt action something heavy like a .308 or 300 Winmag and a .22 semi-auto Remington Nylon in the trunk and probably no guns up front and what I was doing etc.

I kept it very loose but always had "the eye" (again... more cop surveillance lingo!) and they had no reason to notice or suspect my car so I felt safe at all times. Within about 15 minutes the dispatcher had cars on the go and I was "calling the play" (as the cops say) and directing possible interceptions. :cool:

Then they told me to back off and all of a sudden an ETF pickup with a cap blasts past me, two or three marked scout cars and an unmarked detective car came out of nowhere and they took 'em down like pro's! No yelling, no shooting , just cars and and a truck boxed the car in and a bunch of cops behind their cars pointing guns at them. No sirens, just flashing lights.

I observed from a distance as they cuffed the four guys and took exactly the guns I had described out of the trunk!

Once it settled down and a perimeter was set up, I walked up and identified myself as the hero! 🕺🤣

All the guys came over and said how well it went down etc and said that despite them not wanting hero's getting involved these guys were wanted for other Tamil gang related shootings and were relieved to have them off the street.

I learned that there was not a scratch on ANY of the targets, despite being shot up at p🤣oint blank range! One of the shooters caught a few buckshot pellets in his leg in the crossfire though🤣.

The Tamil grocery store where it happened in front of had some broken windows and some bullet holes.

Otherwise no damage or injuries.

This happened at least 20 years ago and these fucking gangsta clowns still can't shoot straight.

Anyways...true story bro🤞 Even if you call BS on me I hope it was fun and exciting to read as it was for me to remember!



License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
There's a "Yeah, but... " present though.

That's the needlessly dead cop. That's the reason you make the accused take those extra steps.

If there was no dead cop, the accused could have booted it out of there and no one would say anything negative.
Yes but why is he needlessly dead?

hy or how did he end up in front of or behind the fleeing car holding his Magic Force Field Shield up in his hand from being at the drivers window... ostensibly simply wanting to chat about if he saw anything? Not to mention.. if there were so many cops frantically swarming the garage and NPS looking for a knifeman, why are these two wasting time asking some family if they might have seen a guy... who happens to look just like this ostensible witness?

There are too many YouTube videos of heroic cops trying to block two tonnes of metal by standing in front of it and then hanging on to the hood trying to apprehend someone in an obvious state of desperate excited delirium.

As you pointed out earlier, policing evolves. (Although the time honoured tradition of a good punch in the face to a handcuffed suspect on his knees is carried on by young Constable Pais! As does that of self-serving unpunished perjury by police officers)

So it used to be that cops would engage in high speed pursuits for just about anyone fleeing police. I''m not up to date but the "fleeing felon" rule of the old Police Act and old s. 25.4 has evolved too in its application.

Too many suspects, innocent bystanders and police officers were being killed over continued pursuit of even serious offences. So these types of dangerous pursuit are now called off more and more. Some by policy and some by the wisdom of the pursuing officer.

So why might Officer Northrup move himself in front of the car from being brushed aside? (assuming that turns out to be the sequence of events)

Why block in a simple witness? Maybe Sgt Forbes shaded her testimony is lying and they did indeed consider Sameer a suspect. Maybe using your imaginary situation, Umar Sameer might have been a hothead pissed off with his cheating wife and he stabbed her lover they encountered in Nathan Phillips Square?

So back to the needless death of Officer Northrup.

It is on the record that Jeff wanted to get back to his roots on the streets and out from behind the desk before he retired.

IIt wouldn't be a stretch to think that he might be a bit rusty on the latest, kinder, gentler procedures. I don't know what if any refresher training a 31 year veteran would r could take before going back into old clothes. And maybe he was just put on some easy-peasy assignment for his last hurrah. Things are much differnt in policing than they were 30 years ago. I don't think many young Constables are going to be standing in front or behind cars. In fact, I know as a matter of fact that police training has always been that you minimize your time crossing in front of or behind the direction of travel. That you always take note of the direction the front wheels are pointed. And you NEVER stand directly in front of an occupied car you have pulled over. Unless you are trying to sheild yourself from traffic that might rear end your car or the car you pulled over.

So, with sincere and duly earned respect to the 31 years of public service to our community, maybe Const Northrup could have taken another step back to both de-escalate and protect himself from the obviously erratic driver. I betcha that tactic is codified in some current training or policy manual somewhere. And if he did, then he'd be alive and retired with a hole punched in his Tin in his old wallet.

EDIT: I see they do it differently nowadays. No hole in your old badge!



License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Oh and the subject of badges.

This one here 👇 is the Real McCoy.😉 But from pre-amalgamation days. You can still buy them all over the place.


Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
It's for real! At least it was 10-15 or so years ago! A guy I met here in Canada owned a small cell network company in SA and he told me had that installed. Said his house had razor wire and had to have guards wth machine gun nests.

Another (Euro) friend loves SA and bought a vacation place somewhere in rural SA. He retired last year and says things are so fucking dangerous and utilities so unstable that he may never move there , or even go back.

I've always wanted to visit SA but am apprehensive. Anyone actually been there recently? Is it that bad or just exaggerated?
robert mugabe.jpg
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Sep 24, 2011


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2011
Can anyone tell me if statistically being a police officer in Toronto any more more dangerous than being a construction worker in Toronto. I've heard quit a few stories of workers being killed by collapsing retaining walls etc. Please include all statistics including both bodily injury and death.

I believe you have blasted your own bum here, please include bumblasting statistics from your childhood but don't post pics of your uncle


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2011
My popularity on TERB is going to nose dive, but I'm saying Murder One. If the cop ID-ed himself by holding his badge and there was no imminent threat of violence, I don't see how a s. 34 defence can possibly fly.

It's an objective "reasonable" standard of behaviour - what the prudent, thoughtful guy in the street would do. It's not a subjective standard - i.e. what THIS individual driver thought he should do.

OTOH, it's a jury trial. So we'll see.

OTOH again, the judge gives detailed instructions on the law to the jury which should influence them on how to think.
My popularity on TERB

Oh shit, I Didn't know you were famous, you got any merch? can I plug your Patreon ? I didn't know nothing about you but now with just 4 words I know everything about you I would ever need to know, much appreciated :geek:


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
So I'm starting to figure out why I was getting all turned around and confused about the various testimonies, videos, sequence of events and how many times the BMW moved and in what direction. Who showed a badge, who didnt' etc. And why there is not so much as a scratch on the front of the BMW after running over the 6'4" 300 lb police officer.

The cops are lying and can't keep their stories straight. Or the video is doctored or there was a good body shop mechanic right there to repair the lightweight aluminium hood of the BMW.🤔

Despite meeting a month later at the crime scene to "refresh their memories..." and finally make their notebook entries of when a cop was murdered in front of their eye!?!?! Together?

Correa and Pais both wrote their notes on the incident on Aug. 4, 2021, court heard. Before that, the pair revisited the parking garage together to refresh their memories, each testified.

Both have said they did not discuss their evidence with anyone. Under cross-examination, Pais acknowledged he texted Correa during the preliminary hearing process even though he had been told not to contact the other officer. He said the text was only to get a referral for a plumber.

And from that eport from yesterday... "Const Pais previously testified he saw blood and flesh on the BMW's bumper and told Zameer they had just run over an officer."

The officer rejected the defence's suggestion he did so because he was angry, saying he resorted to force because Zameer had not complied with his order to get up.

“I saw flesh and blood on the BMW. I ordered Mr. Zameer to get up, he didn’t comply … then I struck him, yes,” he said.

From today's reporting: Zameer's lawyer suggests police testimony 'made up' in first-degree murder trial

A grainy security camera video is at the heart of some tense moments at the first-degree murder trial of the man accused of running down a Toronto police officer, as his defense lawyer said testimony from police officers didn’t match what it shows and suggested the officers were making their story up.

Lawyer Nader Hasan contrasted what the video shows with the story police witnesses have shared, which is that Const. Jeffrey Northrup was standing up, arms out, with a police badge in hand, when he was hit by Umar Zameer’s BMW head-on.

“His hands hit the hood. He goes up in the air. He bounces off the hood of the car. He lands forward on the floor,” testified Const. Tony Correa.

We see her. We don’t see Officer Northrup at all,” Nader said in a question to Correa.

“The video is choppy,” responded Correa.

“You don’t see any of those things, sir, because this is something you have made up,” Nader pressed.

“That is what I observed that night,” Correa said.

Hasan also showed a photo of the front of Zameer’s BMW, saying there's no damage consistent with hitting a 300-pound police officer.

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