Do you believe snow and ice melts and in different algae’s FFs? Maybe you should learn how to drive, and walk up your driveway to your rice paper thin potty house you won’t life a hand for.
The Great Lakes, long one of the largest freshwater sources in the United States, are steadily becoming saltier.Feeding the rising sodium ch
where is the worlds largest underground salt deposit?
Beneath the Great Lakes basin is a massive salt deposit which has actually given birth to the largest salt mine in the world, the Goderich Salt Mine. It has been in operation since 1959 and was acquired by the American company Compass Minerals in the year 1990. According to its website, the mine is located “1,800 feet under Lake Huron,” and “is as deep as the CN Tower in Toronto is tall.” The thing is, this is not the only salt mine in operation beneath the Great Lakes area. While the Goderich mine is in Goderich Ontario, there is also the Detroit salt mine located 1,100 feet below Detroit, the Cargill salt mine located 1,700 feet below lake Erie and the Windsor salt mine beneath Ontario.
the author of your article was quick to assign blame to human activity
Feeding the rising sodium chloride levels are industrial waste, winter road salt, and salt used to soften city and home water supplies.
now there could be leaching from salt mining operations. that is possible
but he excluded the possibility of natural leaching from the worlds largest salt deposit..
its often what they do not say
he was also a little vague about providing actual salinity levels and did not quantify the increase he is alarmed about
Lakes Erie and Ontario have the highest salinity readings, while Lake Superior is lowest with only l or 2 milligrams of salt per liter of water.
lets get some perspective
lakes Erie, Ontario & Huron are where the salt deposits are
note: l or 2 milligrams per litre in lake superior
the vast majority of seawater has a salinity of between 31 and 38 g/kg,
or more than 10,000 X what is found in lake superior
a slightly different perspective
how much salt is in bottled spring water ?
Most underground waterways and aquifers where spring water is sourced contain sodium naturally, which inevitably dissolves into the water. Because of this, some of the most popular bottled water brands, like Fiji, Evian, or Perrier, have sodium levels ranging between 10 mg/L to 50 mg/L.
10 to 25 x more than Lake Superior
now some eager beaver politician gets ahold of Lucia Mouat's article, goes all Greta Thrumburg declaring the great lakes are going to become inland seas we are going to die of thirst and the next thing you know road salt is banned
and a whole pile of people get killed in winter driving accidents driving insurance rates up
environmentalism is theoretically a good thing and we defiantly could do a better job of not polluting the environment
however environmentalism as of late has become an irresponsible free for all, targeting humanity as evil
like anything that goes extreme there will be a reconning and push back
and that will not be good for real environmental problems