Correlation is not causation.
Trying to claim that crop yields are rising from CO2 when you also keep claiming that CO2 is too small a part of the atmosphere to cause climate change is idiotically hypocritical. Only a true moron would think both claims are true.
Which is it, can CO2 increases raise crop yields or are they too small to change the climate?
your ignorance of science is on full display.... once again
those are two completely different processes
photosynthesis is a chemical process - small changes can have a significant effect
it is also a non -reversable reaction so increases in the input drive the reaction
A separate process (decomposition or cellular respiration ) is required to release CO2 previously bound by plants
absorption of infrared radiation is a physical process - small changes do not cause a significant effect.
chemical processes determines chemical structure
chemical structure determines physical properties
physical properties determines physical effects/ processes
so do not try to compare chemical effects/ processes to physical effects/ processes (grade 10 science class)
which is exactly what you have ignorantly done
what is idiotic is you pretending you have any scientific understanding
it is idiotic and comical
Correlation is not causation.
that is the fundamental issue with the anthropogenic climate change narrative
a 0.01% change in atmospheric composition can not possibly heat up the atmosphere, oceans and surface land mass by any measurable amount
absorption of infrared radiation is a physical process - small changes do not cause a significant effect.
there is also a logarithmic relationship between concentration and absorption , therefore diminishing returns with each incremental addition
absorption by co2 is saturated and has been for millions of years
climate systems are non linear, dynamic, chaotic systems with many many inputs & interdependences
you incorrectly view climate as driven solely by an inert trace gas measure in parts per million
co2 is
not the control knob for climate
when is your next clown show ?