I am not going to read the National Post as that is a conservative establishment. I however read through the Pew Research links, and as predicted, NONE OF THEM, support any of the points you are trying to ramble on about. The first is that the more college educated people have liberal values than the ones with lower education levels. The second is about the fact that the middle class has shrunk, over the last 50 years, while the upper income and lower income groups have expanded, and also that college educated people are likely to make more money. What do any of them have to do with the points you are trying to make about conservatives being smarter than liberals? It does not.
What on EARTH are you talking about liberals being close minded? None of these links have any connection to that statement you just made. As usual, day drinking and/or reading comprehension problems.
Liberals do not have to have an open mind, to listen to the nonsensical drivel from the righties, on their "reasons" for their hateful and intolerant behaviours/views towards immigrants, non-whites or LGBTQ+ people. The righties need to learn, and fall in line, because when it comes to individual rights and liberties, such as trans rights to use a bathroom of their choice, there is no negotiation or debate possible. You either put up and shut up, or accept it and that's that.
Nobody sensible is going to give their time of day, to "have a debate" on whether or not someone's freedoms should be restricted, because some close minded intolerant rightie has an "opinion" on it.