My philosophy if you wish to call it that is very simple and is at the core of democracy. We elect our leader, but they MUST serve us, the people. If they do not, there must be accountability. Plain and simple. Doesn't matter who is in the driver's seat.well now we are getting philosophical and all that. Like fear and greed rule everyone to one degree or another. So does fear of change…
me, I’d much rather different governments every 4 years. Make them actually earn 2nd terms…The last 20 years ( about a generation) the abuses, scandals, waste, polarization, have grown worse. Was a time parties got punted for breaking campaign promises. Today they aren’t worth the paper they are printed on..Many are likely too young to remember those days. They got punted for 600k ( Mulroney) and 6 million ( Chrétien). Now people don’t even blink at those numbers….never mind worse.
Our laws are a reflection of societies morals. Many have lost them and or, are instead so deeply entrenched on either the R or L, they just don’t care…”better the devil you know”. That’s called enabling anywhere/anytime else.
Perhaps EU protests make for a better example. Farmers can't sustain the Green agenda, higher energy prices, higher fuel prices and subsidies being taken away. They tried reasoning with their governments to no avail. If farmers go belly up, it means less food on the shelves, but it won't affect dumb politicians. It will affect ordinary citizens and that is why over 80% of Europeans population support these protests and inconveniences it causes because most understand what's at stake.
In Canada, however, we eat up all the nonsense and bullshit propaganda in MSM, and population is against such protests. Very sad actually.