There a quite a few on this board that look down on LL and the ladies on it.So women who advertise on leolist are in the dumpster?
I’m here and on LL. I have learned how to use it and it is an excellent site, if you learn how to use it too. Just like any site.
LC has posted her issues with this site in the past and I will say the same thing again. To her and SexB and the like - telling people to avoid LL altogether or putting down ladies and men who use it is not helpful at all. Instead - educating people on how to use it, how to avoid scams, how to research is, in my opinion, a better use of time and doesn’t make you sound elitist and entitled.
Some women have no choice but to advertise on that site and to call them anything insulting because you don’t like the site itself is just really telling of the type of person you are. Just sayin’