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Married a Thai freelancer: worst decision

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
It is exploitation both ways. I, myself, some time ago brought a drop dead gorgeous girl here, who would not normally have given me a second look. Yes, she took advantage of me.
Holy macaroni, it's Danmand. I haven't seen you around these parts in years. Hope you've been well. (Mind you a quick check of your posting history reveals you have been around from time to time, but this is the first I've noticed you.) It's funny, but I was reading htis thread and I thought, " I seem to recall Danmand was married or otherwise attached to a Russian woman and he treated her well and she didn't respect him for that. Seems that Russian women only respect harsh men."

And there you are!


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

This is a good watch if you have 30 minutes.

Too long didn't watch: The guy fell in love with a Thai freelancer. He tried to buy her love, and showered her and her family with gifts. They got married and moved to Australia , and she changed and became very cold. She got a job and became independent and cheated on him. He took her back multiple times. In the end, he was left broke, broken-hearted, and wasted his time and money on her, instead of his dying mother.

So sad, but it happens all the time.

he never saw the signs


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Holy macaroni, it's Danmand. I haven't seen you around these parts in years. Hope you've been well. (Mind you a quick check of your posting history reveals you have been around from time to time, but this is the first I've noticed you.) It's funny, but I was reading htis thread and I thought, " I seem to recall Danmand was married or otherwise attached to a Russian woman and he treated her well and she didn't respect him for that. Seems that Russian women only respect harsh men."

And there you are!
Not Russian.


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2018

this is another perspective on a similar story
i actually watched this and laughed at how accurate it is. Some of the characters were spot on. Like the Fat UK guy goes there and is joyfully overwhelmed and doesn’t want to leave because he is treated like a super model. While with the girl he just lays back relax and drink the days away while with the girl and thinks that what his life will be once he moves there. She on the other hand is only thinking about how she can make money to survive. So she thinks they are at different points of their lives. Also all the old dudes dancing and mingling in the bar lol

the one thing I didn’t understand was the American guy. How was he screwed over? He still is getting the money from the bar (I think). I guess it’s because he wanted a relationship with her.
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Jan 4, 2005
i actually watched this and laughed at how accurate it is. Some of the characters were spot on. Like the Fat UK guy goes there and is joyfully overwhelmed and doesn’t want to leave because he is treated like a super model. Just lays back relax and drink the days away while with her and thinks that what is life will be once he moves there. She on the other hand is only thinking about how she can make money to survive. Also all the old dudes dancing and mingling in the bar lol

the one thing I didn’t understand was the American guy. How was he screwed over? He still is getting the money from the bar (I think). I guess it’s because he wanted a relationship with her.
The ladybody part was hilarious. Also, they must have used real Thai voice actors. The woman, the lawyer, and all the other's had the exact same way of speaking that Thai people do.

Best comment on the video: "This should be the in flight movie."


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2018
The ladybody part was hilarious. Also, they must have used real Thai voice actors. The woman, the lawyer, and all the other's had the exact same way of speaking that Thai people do.

Best comment on the video: "This should be the in flight movie."
I honestly thought he was going to end up sleeping with the ladyboy when he went on a bender after finding out the girl was cheating on him.

haha that’s golden comment.
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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
I will share my own personal story.

Luckily, I had ZERO feelings or intentions for this girl, it was strictly for fun, since I am not naive.

About a year ago I went to the Philippines for the weather, girls, and exotic lifestyle. I had been to Thailand, and wanted to compare the two. Were the girls going to be more friendly and less about money? At least we could communicate in English.

Well, I saw only a few girls during my three weeks there. Philipinas are not attratctive to me. Most of them are mothers with mother bodies, fat, terrible hygiene downstairs and bad breath, tattoos. Although friendly, they are gold diggers trying to extract every penny from you.

During the last couple days, I saw a girl about 25, who was maybe a 6/10. I wanted to spend the last few days doing something more than just having sex. So I invited her to the mall for lunch. She was very late,, almost two hours. I was pissed, but she eventually showed up. I bought her a bunch of stuff from the mall (mostly food items), and we had a nice lunch. She told me to take my watch off, and she put in her bag for "safekeeping". She was just trying to steal it if I forgot to ask for it back, but I remembered.

Anway, I paid her the going rate each time we had sex (two times total). I said that I wanted to see her family, since she mentioned they live far away. I wanted to see what a typical Philipna family lived like. The next day, I paid for the taxi there. I was stunned by just how bad the situation was. Her entire family plus several other families were living in a tiny, run down house. It was incredibly hot and stuffy, and they had no AC. Also, her brother was mentally disabled, and the old father was taking care of him. I felt so bad, that I gave all my money to each family member. This was around $300. I was leaving the next day, and the money would mean much more to them than to me.

I also bought them a whole bunch of food: five whole barbecued chickens, pork, lots of beer and side dishes and ice cream. This was another $80-100 if I remember correctly. Only some members of the family ate though, since they had just eaten.

We went back to the hotel together, and I said I would pay her for her time. Even though we did not have sex, and I had given a ton of money to her family. Since I had not given any money to her that day, I felt bad. I had no money on me, so I went to my hotel room and took out $200 of Canadian dollars and exchanged it a nearby exchange. I gave it to her, expecting her to be happy and grateful for all that I did for her. Instead, I was shocked at what happened next.

She was furious, and said that I was not paying her enough. I became angry, and incredulous, since I had just done so much for her family, and on top of that was paying her for it. She grabbed the money and stormed off.

Later, she texted me and apologized, but I was having none of it.

I blocked her, but later kept getting messages and calls from her using a new number. I'm pretty sure she needed money, lol.
Damsels in distress man. Always avoid damsels in distress. You will never land a chick that you are trying to help. You can be the nicest guy, she will use you for the money and fuck someone else.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2012
Damsels in distress man. Always avoid damsels in distress. You will never land a chick that you are trying to help. You can be the nicest guy, she will use you for the money and fuck someone else.
Like to add ...............And leave you on the street with an empty bank account.
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Well-known member
May 7, 2019
I don't know why men feel the need to go abroad to get a women that will get all his cash, ignore him and provide no sex.

You can have all that easily at home. Its called marriage! 😷

I know a guy here (white/Canadian, appx 60) who said he was not attracted to Asian women at all but he was single for as long as I've known him (20 years) and wanted a kid, someone to carry on the family name. He couldn't find a suitable woman here so went to Asia and got a Thai wife (he was 54 and she was 27), he paid a $40k dowry to buy her. They have 3 kids now, he's periodically had to send more money back to Thailand to support the relatives (there's always a story of this and that happening which requires funding), she doesn't work since she's busy with the kids now but even before them she never worked but he got the kids he always wanted but at a price. They also sleep in separate bedrooms now the kids have been delivered.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Christ. 😧

I'll never look at Thai women the same way.
That is like an American tourist basing his appreciation of Canadian women based on his visits of the strip bars. I suggest any woman you meet because you paid for her company is not the best foundation to make long term romantic commitments.

In my years of hobbying in the GTA, I can't put a number to the love struck clients that have donated jewelry, cars, rent and in one case financed a house for his expected bride.

There are beautiful honest Thai women just as there are beautiful honest women in every country but you are not going to find them all working in strip /massage joints.


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2002
We will read another sob story in a few months.
Yep.... you will have to be watching her every move he cell phone her friends......i know a guy who tapped his new girls phone followed her everywhere
and yes she was fucking around with younger guy with more money.
Dont bring them here unless they are Fugly then you dont need to worry ;)
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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
it’s funny but keep in mind this show like majority of reality tv shows is scripted.
The gold part is true though. It is the same way in India. When a girl gets married, they will buy gold in weight (pound sovereigns). 1 pound sovereign = 8 grams.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2012
The gold part is true though. It is the same way in India. When a girl gets married, they will buy gold in weight (pound sovereigns). 1 pound sovereign = 8 grams.
Are you talking about dowry ? Is'nt the gold etc purchased by the bride's parents and gifted to the man she is marrying ?


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Are you talking about dowry ? Is'nt the gold etc purchased by the bride's parents and gifted to the man she is marrying ?
No not necessarily dowry. Generally marriages in India involve purchasing gold by weight either as a gift to the couple by the parents or as a matter of tradition, what have you.
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