I will share my own personal story.
Luckily, I had ZERO feelings or intentions for this girl, it was strictly for fun, since I am not naive.
About a year ago I went to the Philippines for the weather, girls, and exotic lifestyle. I had been to Thailand, and wanted to compare the two. Were the girls going to be more friendly and less about money? At least we could communicate in English.
Well, I saw only a few girls during my three weeks there. Philipinas are not attratctive to me. Most of them are mothers with mother bodies, fat, terrible hygiene downstairs and bad breath, tattoos. Although friendly, they are gold diggers trying to extract every penny from you.
During the last couple days, I saw a girl about 25, who was maybe a 6/10. I wanted to spend the last few days doing something more than just having sex. So I invited her to the mall for lunch. She was very late,, almost two hours. I was pissed, but she eventually showed up. I bought her a bunch of stuff from the mall (mostly food items), and we had a nice lunch. She told me to take my watch off, and she put in her bag for "safekeeping". She was just trying to steal it if I forgot to ask for it back, but I remembered.
Anway, I paid her the going rate each time we had sex (two times total). I said that I wanted to see her family, since she mentioned they live far away. I wanted to see what a typical Philipna family lived like. The next day, I paid for the taxi there. I was stunned by just how bad the situation was. Her entire family plus several other families were living in a tiny, run down house. It was incredibly hot and stuffy, and they had no AC. Also, her brother was mentally disabled, and the old father was taking care of him. I felt so bad, that I gave all my money to each family member. This was around $300. I was leaving the next day, and the money would mean much more to them than to me.
I also bought them a whole bunch of food: five whole barbecued chickens, pork, lots of beer and side dishes and ice cream. This was another $80-100 if I remember correctly. Only some members of the family ate though, since they had just eaten.
We went back to the hotel together, and I said I would pay her for her time. Even though we did not have sex, and I had given a ton of money to her family. Since I had not given any money to her that day, I felt bad. I had no money on me, so I went to my hotel room and took out $200 of Canadian dollars and exchanged it a nearby exchange. I gave it to her, expecting her to be happy and grateful for all that I did for her. Instead, I was shocked at what happened next.
She was furious, and said that I was not paying her enough. I became angry, and incredulous, since I had just done so much for her family, and on top of that was paying her for it. She grabbed the money and stormed off.
Later, she texted me and apologized, but I was having none of it.
I blocked her, but later kept getting messages and calls from her using a new number. I'm pretty sure she needed money, lol.