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Mr. Trudeau Not doing So Well In Latest Poll


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I hope pp fails. We can’t have a pp in power
why would you want any Canadian prime minister to fail ?

Do you not understand that a failing Prime Minister means hardship and a less favorable future for Canadians.

are you that partisan ?

I did not hope Justin Trudeau would fail... I knew he would fail
I hoped I would have been wrong, ...... yet fail he did and fail miserably >>>>>>> hardship and a less favorable future for Canadians.

i knew Justin Trudeau was a fool and financially irresponsible
But I did not predict Justin would be so corrupt

We can’t have a pp corrupt irresponsible fool in power


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
why would you want any Canadian prime minister to fail ?

Do you not understand that a failing Prime Minister means hardship and a less favorable future for Canadians.

are you that partisan ?

I did not hope Justin Trudeau would fail... I knew he would fail
I hoped I would have been wrong, ...... yet fail he did and fail miserably >>>>>>> hardship and a less favorable future for Canadians.

i knew Justin Trudeau was a fool and financially irresponsible
But I did not predict Justin would be so corrupt

We can’t have a pp corrupt irresponsible fool in power
Pierre Poulet is Prime Minister? When did that happen?

Ah terb reading and comprehension skills.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
We all know that Pee Pee really shoved the baton up his own derriere with this Ukraine Free Trade:

On Thursday, Liberal MPs continued to decry the Conservatives' decision to oppose the revised deal.

Government House Leader Karina Gould accused Poilievre of importing "American style right-wing politics" to Canada with this vote, pointing to politicians in the U.S. that have taken "a hard turn against Ukraine," voicing calls to stop helping fund the country's war efforts against Russia.

Asked if she was worried about what is transpiring in the U.S.(opens in a new tab) in regard to support for Ukraine, happening in Canada, Kovaliv said "we do hope that it will not happen."
Pee Pee is showing his true far right extremist colours in the manner in which he voted against this Free Trade Deal with Ukraine.

This are the real facts:



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Govt. House Leader Karina Gould roasts Poilievre about his misleading statements with regards to the Rainbow Bridge "Terrorist Attacks".
She was right that if he made that whopper of a false statement, he should have apologized about it rather than blame the so called "Media Reports"!!



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You believe all the BS coming from "The Rebel" media. I watched the interview and Pee Pee' feathers were ruffled by her line of questioning.
Let us once again look at the actual facts with relation to the timelines that Pee Pee made this huuuuuuuuggggge Boo Boo!!

Poilievre timeline in question
On Thursday, Poilievre only pointed to CTV when talking about the "media reports" to which he was referring. But it appears Poilievre asked his question in the House before CTV's reporting was published.

The timestamp on the article indicates that it was published at 2:39 p.m. ET on Wednesday. Subsequent tweets from the article's author and CTV itself were published at 2:40 p.m. and 2:50 p.m. respectively. Poilievre asked his question at 2:25 p.m.

A number of American news outlets had begun reporting the incident as a terrorist attack before CTV's article was published. A Fox News reporter tweeted that the explosion was a terrorist attack just before 2 p.m. on Wednesday.

The Liberals, who have been trailing Poilievre's Conservatives in the polls recently, seized on the moment to accuse the Tory leader of not taking responsibility.

"Instead of owning up to his mistake like a leader would do, instead of recognizing that what he did was irresponsible as any leader would do and any Canadian would be expected to do, he doubled down," Government House Leader Karina Gould said Thursday outside the House of Commons. "This is not leadership."

During a panel discussion on CBC News Network's Power & Politics, former Conservative cabinet minister James Moore said news outlets can get things wrong, but added Poilievre could have owned up to his mistake.

"The unfortunate thing is that there's an economic incentive to be first when you're in the media. But there's a moral and ethical incentive to be correct and I think those things often get lost," he said. "Politics can fall into that trap as well."

Pierre-Yves Bourduas, a former deputy commissioner of the RCMP who now runs a public safety management company, said Poilievre's statement in the House was "regrettable."

"These types of declarations need to be supported by clear evidence," Bourduas said. "Otherwise, panic could set in within the general public."

The Rainbow Bridge reopened to traffic late Thursday.

Obviously that "Left Wing" Journalist made Pee Pee dig deeper into the rathole that he found himself in this whole saga!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Now who is the Leader that got it right with this whole Rainbow Bridge Incident?

Pee Pee's side of the story:

Poilievre raised his concerns for the safety of Canadians in the House following the incident while demanding Prime Minister Justin Trudeau prepare an “action plan” to protect people.
“Mr. Speaker we’ve just heard media reports, a terrorist attack, an explosion at the Niagara crossing of the Canada-U.S. border. At least two people are dead ... Can the prime minister give us an update on what he knows and what action plan he will immediately implement to bring him security for our people?” Poilievre asked.
Now The Prime Minister Trudeau's side of the story:

Now who was the more responsible in handling this situation the PM or Pee Pee?
Conclusion..... the Real Fool is Pee Pee and sooner or later when the economy picks up, then the Canadians will get back to reality. The honeymoon days for Pee Pee will come to an end when his campaign car applies the emergency brakes and an unbelted Pee Pee gets ejected from his front passenger seat into a canyon!!

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Now who is the Leader that got it right with this whole Rainbow Bridge Incident?

Pee Pee's side of the story:

Now The Prime Minister Trudeau's side of the story:

Now who was the more responsible in handling this situation the PM or Pee Pee?
Conclusion..... the Real Fool is Pee Pee and sooner or later when the economy picks up, then the Canadians will get back to reality. The honeymoon days for Pee Pee will come to an end when his campaign car applies the emergency brakes and an unbelted Pee Pee gets ejected from his front passenger seat into a canyon!!
1) “when the economy picks up”. Are you seer now too? You can see the future? Despite oh so much global uncertainty, ( Russia/Ukraine, Israel, China and more). despite Boomers starting to retire. Despite many Canadians, that live in a consumer economy living paycheck to paycheck, who also can’t find two nickels for their golden years? Despite high interest rates ( let’s ignore inflation) and consumer debt levels. Despite more…..like a GTA housing bubble that some say is set to burst and the worst in the world…..let’s just stick with these…

Sunny days last forever right?..
Well there’s also, despite all the above something called a natural, cyclical business cycle….you’re not aware of…I suppose you know better than 80-90% of economist that are calling for a recession anytime soon..The only thing they don’t seem to agree on, is how deep or how long. And maybe you’ve never heard the expression “When the US sneezes we catch colds”….

2) Pierre’s reaction. Welcome to politics, or do you not understand how that works? That both sides say incredibly stupid things trying to score some points.

I will say, most of his brainfarts are highly unlikely to have any impact on the peons lives at all. Unlike “the budget will balance itself, I don’t pay attention to monetary policy”
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Poor Tinkle Mouse, who clearly has the memory of a sieve as well a wee wee wee but makes fun of Pee Pee. That is, when his big head decides to unzips long enough for his small head to Tinkle once every blue moon but never does anything but….

Still hasn’t come to grips with reality, either politically or that he talks good games, but like many elitist Liberals doesn’t walk them, is just another do as I say hypocrite that gets sore when called on his diarrhea that certainly stinks…..He is more transparent than his beloved Liberals. And ultimately the last laugh is on him and will be in 2025, if not sooner depending on Singh, and whether or not he sees enough upside to flush the toilet that clown face and his supporters have filled.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Poor Tinkle Mouse, who clearly has the memory of a sieve as well a wee wee wee but makes fun of Pee Pee. That is, when his big head decides to unzips long enough for his small head to Tinkle once every blue moon but never does anything but….

Still hasn’t come to grips with reality, either politically or that he talks good games, but like many elitist Liberals doesn’t walk them, is just another do as I say hypocrite that gets sore when called on his diarrhea that certainly stinks…..He is more transparent than his beloved Liberals. And ultimately the last laugh is on him and will be in 2025, if not sooner depending on Singh, and whether or not he sees enough upside to flush the toilet that clown face and his supporters have filled.
You are the perfect MAGA target, old guy angry at the world but who has no idea what is wrong or how to fix it.
PeePee can take your anger and use that to get to power and make everything you complain about worse.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
PeePee is supposed to be in the government.
He shouldn't be just reading tweeted headlines, he should use the government sources to check.
What an idiot.
Rainbow Bridge blast closes U.S.-Canada border crossings | CTV News

Sources did tell CTV News earlier in the day that Canadian government officials were initially operating under the assumption that it was terror-related.
so your contention is nobody should trust the Canadian government officials or the government funded news media ?
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