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Mr. Trudeau Not doing So Well In Latest Poll


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
Nah. That's the same math from the last election where your guys got humiliated and their asses kicked. Go check the internet and quit trying to be smart.
The last election?

You mean the Snap election Trudeau called thinking he could get a majority government and it failed resulting in him joining a coalition with the NDP?

That election?
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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2023
Observation from me as a foreigner, for what it is worth: Justin Trudeau is an embarrassment for Canada on the international stage. Maybe he has done some good for you guys at home, but to save Canada's reputation in the world, you have to vote him out.

He comes across to me as an elitist, entitled prick. I am pretty sure he has no idea what goes on in an average Canadian household. It is a mystery to me how someone like that is even linked to a liberal party. Can anyone explain?


Jun 29, 2019
Observation from me as a foreigner, for what it is worth: Justin Trudeau is an embarrassment for Canada on the international stage. Maybe he has done some good for you guys at home, but to save Canada's reputation in the world, you have to vote him out.

He comes across to me as an elitist, entitled prick. I am pretty sure he has no idea what goes on in an average Canadian household. It is a mystery to me how someone like that is even linked to a liberal party. Can anyone explain?


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
With the benefit of hindsight though. How many parties/admins can you point at that were train wrecks? I can name two.
Richard Squires. So corrupt that an angry mob literally tried to kill him.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Pot. One accomplishment. Hardly compares to major elections issues. Such as the economy, debt, housing, healthcare and crime.

Or did you not read the included links? Where many in the electorate ( 2/3rds) are also not happy with their handling in climate change.

As for inclusion. Only if you live east of Manitoba or in the GTA…Yeah ok, that’s why the division and polarization has gotten so much worse under him. See also the thread about the same in the US. And why that might just be the most important issue in years to come.
In case you haven't noticed, the entire world is having difficulty with war, covid, the economy, debt, housing and crime. We are doing better than most., but people gotta whine cuz internet trolls get them all fired up. PP would be far more divisive and polarizing.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Right wing hyperbole aside, let's look at this objectively.

In comparison to Bryan Mulroney and David Cameron, Stephen Harper ruled relatively well. He may have even gained a narrow majority if not for Mike Duffy.

And the country is far less polarized under Trudeau than it was under Mulroney with his "pay more get less" economic policies and his Meech Lake Accord. That's as close as Canada came to breaking apart in my lifetime. The carbon tax is an unpopular but necessary tax, EV's are not the answer. Trudeau fucked up when he gave an exemption to the Atlantic Provinces, he didn't have the courage of his his conviction. The CPP is just as vital, Alberta is wedded to the Texas model of economics, what ever money they get will vanish in just over a decade.

Canada's next Prime Minister?


Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
In case you haven't noticed, the entire world is having difficulty with war, covid, the economy, debt, housing and crime. We are doing better than most., but people gotta whine cuz internet trolls get them all fired up. PP would be far more divisive and polarizing.
In case you haven’t noticed we live in Canada. and while some things are global, ribbons for participating aren’t a thing. And maybe the question you should ask yourself is are they making things better or worse. Gee that’s a hard one to answer, why don’t you ask people they and you threw under the bus, dont give two shits about and have forgotten about….Or people going to to food banks, seniors on fixed incomes, those trying to find places to live, those struggling to pay Hydro ( yes an Ontario Liberal and green champion made problem but all the same), those who can’t find 2 nickels to save. Or simply the wealth gap that’s getting so much worse…especially for those whose votes don’t matter and don’t get bought.

Those who can’t afford EVs, or heat pumps, or don’t have public transit, or those that grow your food….or those killed or injured by someone out on bail, those addicted to opioids, or those that OD. Why not ask those out west, or anyone else that feels alienated. Aka anyone outside the pampered and spoiled GTA..If an election were held today, I wonder if your enlightened enough to know what the electoral map would look like…..

in case you haven’t noticed Canada is a big place and there’s more to it, than your incessant whines and wants. That there are reasons why the rest of Canada refers to the GTA as the Center of the Universe, and its residents as cityiots. In case you haven’t noticed, even the Liberal party is panicking.

In case you haven’t noticed Canadians have had enough of them. Thankfully some are waking up. And quite obviously despite your whines and excuses, poll after poll, after poll for the better part of a year should clue you in that it’s not just not “internet trolls” here or elsewhere. Nor “Freedumb truckers”,

But that is the Liberal way these days, anyone that doesn’t see the world your way is an internet troll, a neocon nazi, a xenophobic, misogynistic racist, an uneducated redneck, a far right winger, a climate denier etc. And like you struggle to understand the housing issue and why so many are flooding the GTA but whine about a bed of your own likewise struggle grasping why the polarization is so bad and following the trend in the US, why PeePee or even Trump is so popular etc. All you do is pay lip service while throwing them under the bus then denigrate them.

Enlightened and able to connect dots, too many “educated” Liberals that talk good games about inclusion, championing the less fortunate and disenfranchised you’re not.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Right wing hyperbole aside, let's look at this objectively.

In comparison to Bryan Mulroney and David Cameron, Stephen Harper ruled relatively well. He may have even gained a narrow majority if not for Mike Duffy.

And the country is far less polarized under Trudeau than it was under Mulroney with his "pay more get less" economic policies and his Meech Lake Accord.
there was no serious talk of Alberta separation under Bryan Mulroney

That's as close as Canada came to breaking apart in my lifetime.
wrong again
Old Jean Crietian had to beg & bribe Quebecers to stay in confederation
do you not recall that vote

The carbon tax is an unpopular but necessary tax,
wrong again
I though you stated let's look at this objectively.

EV's are not the answer.
Hey, you finally got one right

Trudeau fucked up when he gave an exemption to the Atlantic Provinces, he didn't have the courage of his his conviction.
Trudeau fucked up.... that's what he does

The CPP is just as vital, Alberta is wedded to the Texas model of economics, what ever money they get will vanish in just over a decade.
if you had a clue you would know Alberta is tired of being abused by Ottawa & Quebec

do you have a clue abut who pays & who receives Billions in transfer payments
this is nothing more than a grand extortion scheme by Quebec


Canada's next Prime Minister?

why would you replace one pretty moron with a different pretty moron ?
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
Observation from me as a foreigner, for what it is worth: Justin Trudeau is an embarrassment for Canada on the international stage. Maybe he has done some good for you guys at home, but to save Canada's reputation in the world, you have to vote him out.

He comes across to me as an elitist, entitled prick. I am pretty sure he has no idea what goes on in an average Canadian household. It is a mystery to me how someone like that is even linked to a liberal party. Can anyone explain?
For the past few month I've started to believe Trudeau has reached GW Bush level of embarrassment. Just a totally incompetent leader that probably would have their position if it wasn't for nepotism. Once Justin is out, I expect Liberals will distance themselves from him.

You have to remember: 1) His father was a Liberal. 2) Justin's sensationalism and pandering made him extremely popular and The Liberal Party was desperate at the time. 3) Before covid, Many people were naive or protective of Justin. After covid and forcing vaccines on the masses, people started to wake up.
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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I can't take Johnny LaRue seriously he can't understand history, he needs to adjust the metal plate in his head. I would have like to attend one of his All Night Pajama Parties but he may have put the girls in a coma with his endless slanted rantings.

Quebec can't separate from Canada, it would get treated like Puerto Rico by the Americans and lose it's French identity fast.

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
Yeah, that guy is pure evil. OK, that explains a lot. Trudeau seems to be an ideal puppet for Schwab. He must have been real proud of Justin when he invoked "emergency powers" against a bunch of truckers. But why did Canadians re-elect Trudeau?
Because the majority of Canadians are uninformed sheep who are easily influenced by government/media propaganda.
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