Mr. Trudeau Not doing So Well In Latest Poll

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Seems as though some historical context is needed, as well as present day reality. As well as needing to remember there’s more to Canada than the GTA…

While PET is known for many things, loved by some and hated by some. There are those that might argue one of his defining moments or legacies was this.

Fast forward to today.
The country is seriously divided and polarized regionally and along economic lines. So much so, a number of areas talk of separation and your whining about the cost of housing and grid lock and your first world problems.

.. See also debt levels in Canada and Ontario. Who’s votes matter and get bought, while others are thrown under the bus or invisible.

As far as the clown and his party ( which always includes those who remain the shadows but pull the strings) are concerned. And those who keep such spend thrift divisive idiots in power.

See this. Also know, it’s from the National Post. Who like the CBC, the Star, the Globe, the Sun, etc are all based where? I wonder if you have ever, just once, seen anything from outside the center of the Universe.

Many “woke” people these days like to say. We are products of our upbringing and environments”. or you are what you eat.

Travel around Ontario sometimes Frank. I guarantee you PET and your Liberals are hated. Not disliked. Hated. As is the GTA and it’s residents by a ton of Ontarians now and Canadians.

Justin Trudeau named the worst PM in recent history, dad Pierre voted the best

And if, an election is held anytime soon. And from the way things are looking even 2025. I’d bet a lot of $$$$$$$ right now.

What the electoral map will look like. “Follow the $$$$”
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Seems as though some historical context is needed, as well as present day reality. As well as needing to remember there’s more to Canada than the GTA…

While PET is known for many things, loved by some and hated by some. There are those that might argue one of his defining moments or legacies was this.

Fast forward to today.
The country is seriously divided and polarized regionally and along economic lines. So much so, a number of areas talk of separation and your whining about the cost of housing and grid lock and your first world problems.

.. See also debt levels in Canada and Ontario. Who’s votes matter and get bought, while others are thrown under the bus or invisible.

As far as the clown and his party ( which always includes those who remain the shadows but pull the strings) are concerned. And those who keep such spend thrift divisive idiots in power.

See this. Also know, it’s from the National Post. Who like the CBC, the Star, the Globe, the Sun, etc are all based where? I wonder if you have ever, just once, seen anything from outside the center of the Universe.

Many “woke” people these days like to say. We are products of our upbringing and environments”. or you are what you eat.

Travel around Ontario sometimes Frank. I guarantee you PET and your Liberals are hated. Not disliked. Hated. As is the GTA and it’s residents by a ton of Ontarians now and Canadians.

And if, an election is held anytime soon. And from the way things are looking even 2025. I’d bet a lot of $$$$$$$ right now.

What the electoral map will look like. “Follow the $$$$”
You back DoFo despite his economic policy being the total opposite of your hero, Drummond.
And you back PeePee despite his backing the 'anti woke' asshole, convoy crowd because you think we need to be more unified?

Wow, you really can't connect the dots in your head.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I see the trolls are still trying but don’t have the backbone to refute anything…….
Did you refute this?
You back DoFo despite his economic policy being the total opposite of your hero, Drummond.
And you back PeePee despite his backing the 'anti woke' asshole, convoy crowd because you think we need to be more unified?

Wow, you really can't connect the dots in your head.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Laughs at Tinklemouse the left elitist who only ever comes out the weeds to go after “righties” with insults, inuendo, twisting words, and misreading.. like many he talks good games, says a lot of diarrhea but doesn’t walk the talk.

if it walks and talks like a troll, it’s a troll


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
The only thing I don't agree with here is that Trudeau isn't the one dreaming up these tax schemes. He just reads what he's told to read. I don't believe he's actually capable at understanding finances, business, the economy and anything related to money. He's never had to his whole life.
It's the Liberal party that's a greedy trainwreck. He's just their poor puppet who didn't realize that being PM is more than just surfing and wearing costumes. Poor sap.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
'nuff said...

Let’s test the political knowledge and memories of the lefties in the the GTA whose votes are always bought.

What year did they finally realize they had to do something about the mountain of Righty warnings/complaints. And call in a Left wing economist. The friendliest and most forgiving they might find. To tell them both what they were doing wrong AND how to fix it

Let’s see if they can look above. Did the politically astute Lefties listen. Nope it went whoosh right over their heads…

What year was the gas plant scandal and what year did McGuinty start looking like a putz that was spending way too much and the Liberals were watching their popularity plummet.

Look at how much the Liberals threw at the GTA for votes to stay in power…………2011 and until Fords train rolled over them.

But they do whine about Ford, their first world problems, for more spending and the fact everyone else in Ontario calls them

  • Haha
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The only thing I don't agree with here is that Trudeau isn't the one dreaming up these tax schemes. He just reads what he's told to read. I don't believe he's actually capable at understanding finances, business, the economy and anything related to money. He's never had to his whole life.
It's the Liberal party that's a greedy trainwreck. He's just their poor puppet who didn't realize that being PM is more than just surfing and wearing costumes. Poor sap.

he wanted to be famous........
and he is now famous , known universally as "oh that moron"
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