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Mr. Trudeau Not doing So Well In Latest Poll

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
I can't take Johnny LaRue seriously he can't understand history, he needs to adjust the metal plate in his head. I would have like to attend one of his All Night Pajama Parties but he may have put the girls in a coma with his endless slanted rantings.

Quebec can't separate from Canada, it would get treated like Puerto Rico by the Americans and lose it's French identity fast.

I was trading forex during Meech lake, and while that was close it wasn’t necessarily entirely because Ottawa was alienating Quebec……

As far as the West and history goes you might want to research PET and the National Energy Board. And while researching PET consider the FLQ crises….Apples don’t fall far.

And with respect to division and polarization in Canada we are most certainly following in the US footsteps as we do on most topics/trends. It is decidedly worse than it was a mere 10-20 years ago. In fact during the Wynne/Hudak debate he accused Wynnes Liberals of dividing rural/Urban Ontarians during that period the GTA stuck their heads in the sand and watched rural/small town Ontario whither on the vine… in fact whine today about grid lock, housing problem that started in 2012. There was also a Liberal Minister caught on tape saying “no-one cares about the north”
Now fast forward to today……..Not much has changed, other than throwing them under the bus, and an electorate that doesn’t care either. See also why the North always goes to the NDP.

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I can't take Johnny LaRue seriously he can't understand history,
You claim Meech lake was "as close as Canada came to breaking apart in your lifetime. "
So you ignore the FLQ crisis along with the 1990 & 1995 referendum votes in Quebec
The latter being a 50.58% No vs. 49.42% Yes to separation squeaker ?
The deference was less than 50,000 votes
if it were any closer there would have been a lot of very unpleasant political and economic trouble

and you have the nerve to question my understanding of history?

he needs to adjust the metal plate in his head.
dId you get help with that ?

English pigdog, .......I fart,..... in your general direction

I would have like to attend one of his All Night Pajama Parties but he may have put the girls in a coma with his endless slanted rantings.
what kind of fool talks politics to ladies wearing only frilly underwear ?
you do not know me at all

Quebec can't separate from Canada, it would get treated like Puerto Rico by the Americans and lose it's French identity fast.
Oh I know they would fail , you know it and the separatists know it.
That's not stopping them from extorting from the rest of Canada
its all gain/ no pain to keep the threat alive

what part of this is confusing for you?


Quebec is like the wife who threatens to leave you if you don't cover her credit card bill
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Fuck that evil cunt. Old family ghosts gettin` to ya bitch?
Hey, HEY. Vaginas have depth and the capacity to give pleasure. Show some respect.

[I have no idea who the old cunt you are referring to is, not going to go back and figure it out. Just saying.
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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
You claim Meech lake was "as close as Canada came to breaking apart in my lifetime. "
So you ignore the FLQ crisis along with the 1990 & 1995 referendum votes in Quebec
The latter being a 50.58% No vs. 49.42% Yes to separation squeaker ?
The deference was less than 50,000 votes
if it were any closer there would have been a lot of very unpleasant political and economic trouble

and you have the nerve to question my understanding of history?

dId you get help with that ?

English pigdog, .......I fart,..... in your general direction

what kind of fool talks politics to ladies wearing only frilly underwear ?
you do not know me at all

Oh I know they would fail , you know it and the separatists know it.
That's not stopping them from extorting from the rest of Canada
its all gain/ no pain to keep the threat alive

what part of this is confusing for you?

View attachment 275547

Quebec is like the wife who threatens to leave you if you don't cover her credit card bill
so surely you must agree that had it not been for Pierre Trudeau, Canada would have split up years ago.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
so surely you must agree that had it not been for Pierre Trudeau, Canada would have split up years ago.
What planet do you live on? You sound very much like a Torontonian that has no clue there’s a world outside the city.

You might also want to consider why the Reform party was a thing. Or simply what the threat of CPP really is and why……..

And you might also want to consider the Liberal mantra of inclusion and being woke. Rather than attempting to belittle or invalidate their “feelings”…Worded differently if a female or person of colour feels X…it’s their perspective that matters. Isn’t that what being woke is all about?

And while at it. Why do you think Northern Ontario likewise has wanted to separate and always votes NDP. Are you even aware they too….are sick of the Center of the Universe? And an electorate that thinks only of themselves, has no clue there’s life outside the city, nor various political issues outside the city and the politicians that bend over backwards for them and their votes…?

See also, now as well rural Ontario/Canada ( a couple links just up above)…No doubt all the dots are just one big happy coincidence and all those uneducated rednecks, freedumb truckers, etc are just far right xenophobic wing nut jobs, and we ( those on the left) pay attention to political issues outside the city.
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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
Hey, HEY. Vaginas have depth and the capacity to give pleasure. Show some respect.

[I have no idea who the old cunt you are referring to is, not going to go back and figure it out. Just saying.
Freeland and her grandfather`s Nazi past that she denied for a long time. Fuck her.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
so surely you must agree that had it not been for Pierre Trudeau, Canada would have split up years ago.
the referendums happened post Pierre Trudeau, so you once again you appear to be quite confused

The FLQ crisis was on Pierre Trudeau watch, and the FLQ murdered a minister and a foreign diplomat for pollical reasons
The FLQ were never heard from again as far as I know
So if you believed invoking the emergencies act saved confederation, you can give Pierre Trudeau credit. I do not
Depriving Canadians of their constitutional rights is an extreme move

worth noting was Pierre Trudeau's invoking the emergencies act resulted in a re-write of the act, with the intention of reducing that abuse of power
Ironically, his idiot son would latter abuse the act again against peaceful protesters tired of his policies.
not for the benefit of Canadians, rather to silence opposition to his policies

Re Pierre Trudeau:
He was almost as divisive as his son.
Trudeau was a four letter word in Western Canada long before Justin started abusing western provinces.
Pierre was also financially irresponsible , it took the introduction of the GST to clean up Pierre's debt mess.
The arrogance of Justin was inherited from daddy
To be fair Pierre Trudeau: was not a complete idiot like his son. Pierre was was reasonably respected internationally
Nixon hated him, however that might be consider as a badge of honor by many

Margret most defiantly diluted the intelligence genes for the family
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
And you gotta` love when Xi shows up the streets of SF are magically cleaned up and all the druggies and homeless removed and things beautified. That`s all it takes? All hail our Commie overlords.
Like magic. But when the citizens ask for this, then it's "We don't have the budget" or "where is your compassion".

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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Freeland and her grandfather`s Nazi past that she denied for a long time. Fuck her.
Meh, now if you got some Tsai Ing-wen action on tap, I'm down for that.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
the referendums happened post Pierre Trudeau, so you once again you appear to be quite confused

The FLQ crisis was on Pierre Trudeau watch, and the FLQ murdered a minister and a foreign diplomat for pollical reasons
The FLQ were never heard from again as far as I know
So if you believed invoking the emergencies act saved confederation, you can give Pierre Trudeau credit. I do not
Depriving Canadians of their constitutional rights is an extreme move

worth noting was Pierre Trudeau's invoking the emergencies act resulted in a re-write of the act, with the intention of reducing that abuse of power
Ironically, his idiot son would latter abuse the act again against peaceful protesters tired of his policies.
not for the benefit of Canadians, rather to silence opposition to his policies

Re Pierre Trudeau:
He was almost as divisive as his son.
Trudeau was a four letter word in Western Canada long before Justin started abusing western provinces.
Pierre was also financially irresponsible , it took the introduction of the GST to clean up Pierre's debt mess.
The arrogance of Justin was inherited from daddy
To be fair Pierre Trudeau: was not a complete idiot like his son. Pierre was was reasonably respected internationally
Nixon hated him, however that might be consider as a badge of honor by many

Margret most defiantly diluted the intelligence genes for the family
You are so clueless.
PET still ranks as the most popular Canadian PM.
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